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Everything posted by ICE

  1. And at the end of next year we will sit with maybe a 10-6 record and a playoff birth, nothing more. As will always be the case with Bledsoe. And then we wait another year for JP's development.
  2. All that has happened is we pushed any shot at a superbowl another game away. Each game JP sits is another game next year or the year after he must play to develop. We will never win a superbowl with Bledsoe at the helm.
  3. So 3 INT's and Bledsoe carried this offense? Christ you guys honest to God have no clue. but hey, that's cool. It really is sad when some of us can look at this team and see all but one aspect of it improve. The single aspect that has cost us a shot at the AFC East title and possibly the playoffs. What is even worse is no matter how good this team does, Bledsoe is going to be the single factor that keeps us from being the team we can be. And we will NEVER win a superbowl with him. The last time I checked, winning a superbowl is our goal. It's funny, we have the only fans in the NFL that thinks a 3 int game is a good thing.
  4. Sorry folks I loved the win, but I am as always objective. (Note: If you want the 'crusade' to end...tell the QB) First off, we just beat Seattles asses. We now have 'A' road win. Good to finally get one! Best damn playcalling on offense in 3 years. Honestly, it was the best playcalling across the board on offense. The 4th and 1 play is the play of the year to date. good job Clements.(The OC Clements) Sigh....here goes.... I said 'If we put it in bledsoes hands we lose, if we don't and put it in McGahee and the D's hands we win' Seems I was right. Folks...we won this game in spite of Drew Bledsoe. 3 more ill advised and crappy picks. AGAIN Great pocket. AGAIN all the time in the world. Over, under, behind throws. Good for us Seattle can't catch a cold let alone a ball. Very easy the score could have been 17-10 Seattle at the half. But hey, that is why they play the games. WM and LE have a very bright future in the NFL and for the Bills. Amazing what Evans can do when thrown to more than twice a game. WM was just the bomb today folks. Ties a couple others at #2 for most TD's in a game for the Bills. I think somone said this guy doesn't have speed? Mighty fast on the 30 yard TD. Besides, I will take a POWER Back over some scat back any day. Good job by the D, but no pressure on Seattle until late in the game. Kinda dissapointed there. all in all a good game. Nice to hang a large score on the road like this. We still have one major problem with this team....and it isn't the OL.
  5. White has put up his numbers against tougher opponants. Did it ON THE ROAD against tough and ranked teams. White still has more TD's as good or better completion % and is now only 41 yards behind ML due to ML's 400 yard game yesterday. And then there is the kicker. If USC can keep it's #1 ranking against a schedule MUCH Weaker than OU And Auburn, against weaker out of Confrence Schedule etc....then White gets the heisman because he is the reigning Heisman winner. Hey if the writers are going to play that 'you are #1 until you lose' card then play it all the way. White = Heisman.
  6. One thing to keep in mind here...damn near ALL of us chalked this up to a loss BEFORE the season started. When all was good, would make the playoffs etc. We just knew that even if the hawks sucked we wouldn't win on the road at Seattle. Nothing has changed except we are a losing team with a losing record. I agree with Lombardi and Parcells "You are what your record says you are".
  7. Jim Kelly was Penn Native, how did playing Pittsburgh work out for him? We are playing not to be a joke, Seattle for a playoff spot. We are on the road. I just don't see it happening.
  8. And It's just too damn expensive with a family. I think the next one I will actually see at the Movies is Revenge of the Sith. Other than that, wait for them to convert over to the $1.00 movies here in town.
  9. Seattle MUST win to keep in the playoff race. I would think they will bring every type of disguised blitz possible from a 4-4 front they can to get to bledsoe and or stop McGahee. Word has it Hasselbeck(sp) will start today.
  10. Braveheart is still the best movie IMHO. Seriously...alexander was plain awful.
  11. Well I made the mistake of taking my two boys, 13 and 5. YES major homosexual/bisexual overtones. In fact if I remember correctly when they are young one of thier teachers tell them that lying with a man is ok blah blah blah. It would have been tollerable IF it had only been a short scene here and there, but it was many times throughout the movie. also, SLOW as hell. Boring. Fight scenes? Not well produced. If you have seen Gladiator or Troy you will be dissapointed. Stone tried way to hard (with crappy writing none the less) to reproduce Braveheart and Gladiator 'pep' speaches. They sucked. If you want to go see it do an afternoon showing and save money. It is rare you will hear me rip a move, very rare, but this one just sucked.
  12. good lord I did! But most here won't be happy with her....NICE perfect implants! I mean PERFECT!
  13. That's it? Hell I am Rasputin...bring it all baby!
  14. Both sets of numbers are nothing but average to below average at best. Both numbers are for a QB that can't lead a team, esp to WINS and WINNING seasons.
  15. to me being a bills fan means objectivity, not blind homerism. I see a cancer on this team that is the #1 reason we are not sporting a winning record and right in the hunt for a playoff spot. As a BILLS Fan I am for removing any player or players that bring this team down. That said, Please can the 'no one can circle the wagons' crap. that was coined in the day when we had talent, was winning many games, could come back at home or ON THE ROAD from just about any score. Different team completely when that phrase was said. too keep repeating it is nothing but pure insult to the team(s) we had at that time.
  16. Darin couldn't hit the broad side of a barn if he was standing in it.
  17. One of the most boring, and worthless movies I have ever seen. Seriously it was horrible.
  18. I would say drunk and working on sleep
  19. Play great ST's. shut down alexander, run the ball and keep it out of Bledsoes hands.
  20. There are equalizers. But I digress. I figure about 5:30 Est we will all be back on here lamenting another road loss.
  21. First off I am not one that says anything like Probowl for JP. Please go back and find a post where I said that. Now what I DID say is he will take TIME to develop. Sitting on the bench in a lost season does NOT help us at all. It furthers how long we will have problems. We all know Bledsoe sucks. I would much rather struggle and lose with a rookie getting a chance to develop, than keep watching Bledsoe just kill this team.
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