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Everything posted by Tipster19

  1. I'm starting to change my opinion with this Levy/Jauron hiring. What's not the obvious in the win/loss column could be the chemistry of the organization. To also to keep in the essence of this post I think that it's apparent that the last few years there was alot of backbiting going on. Let us not forget another example was Travis Henry. Before everyone jumps down my throat, I did think that we had to trade him. Matter of fact, a year earlier than when we did, especially that we had MaGahee. Say what you want about Henry but he did get dumped on. He didn't do nothing but give his best for the team. He lacked but so did our QBs, WRs and yes even Mr. MaGahee at times. I think in retrospect it just wasn't him but that stinking O-line that we have been floundering with.
  2. People are recalling certain players failing on certain plays thus causing their dismiss. What play(s) was the boiling point for ridding of past players? This should be interesting hearing the scarred memories of the Buffalo faithful.
  3. Lord knows that I'm not that educated but I'm not disputing that some of these players shouldn't have been cut when they were, just about the way they were.
  4. The point is, I never remembered SO many players being SO bitter about our front office. I believe that they still thought well of the fans, area and franchise just not the staff. You know shame on me too because when these and other incidents were happening I choose to look the other way or to ignore it, even though it would leave me with an uneasy feeling. How pathetic it is when you compromise your beliefs. I'm alittle let down or disappointed with this Jauron hiring but in hindsight I think I should retract it. The early reports are that players respect him and we all know how players feel about Marv. I think that this just might be a nice change of pace, you know, having harmony and respect in the organization. Could this possibly be what they mean when they say chemistry? I sure hope so, I think the fans could sure use this kind of relief.
  5. I don't know, I think what I meant was the way the players felt about the organization and area and then when they left they were very bitter towards the administration. This just seemed different than other organizations who made business decisions and cuts. This Donahoe was kind of like, well, a weasel? Yea, that's it exactly, a weasel! You know, backstabber. Two faced. Adjectives like these. Hey, maybe I'm wrong, I've been before. I was just wondering if anyone else felt like this at one time or another during Donahoe's reign.
  6. That was pretty funny about the count, I didn't realize it.
  7. It is too bad about Jay because he was I believe at one time a Buffalo favorite. I was discussing earlier tonight with a non Buffalo fan and I was reflecting on how in the past that players who were defecting and players who we were trying to recruit were either very bitter or wanted nothing to do with the organization. It just seemed like that there was some kind of hypocrisy going on. People like Dick LeBeau, who as far as I know never actually said anything but flew out of here ASAP. There were also some classy guys like Larry Centers and Eddie Robinson who left without the best of feelings. Sam Gash wasn't too happy if I remember correctly. Then of course we have had the past/current malcontents like Sam Adams (who when we signed him wanted to end his career in Buffalo), Ted Washington, Pat Williams, Jay of course, and Moulds. I'm just blurting out some people that come to mind but I'm sure that I missed several more. There seemed to be other people that came here on tour and then signed almost immediately elsewhere. I don't know, these people and scenarios , they all kind of left me with a disturbing feeling with their situations. There was also that white secondary guy, I forget his name from the Colts, that came here last year or the year before and just quit like, what, two days later? That one really bothered me. Not because he was so great but it was like he got here and when he looked around he wanted to puke. I'm sure that I'm getting flamed for this post but did or does anyone else feel like this?
  8. Thanks Campy for your kindness. I was afraid to attempt this and reveal my ignorance. I just wanted to try and provide a good read. Hopefully someone can shed some insight on him or maybe a better candidate.
  9. I hope I did this link correctly, I never tried to before. As the pickings get slimmer and slimmer on established DCs, it might be better served to PROMOTE somebody to DC. Only issue I could see is this guy was out when Jauron arrived in Chicago. If this is a poor choice does anyone have a better suggestion? I'd be interested in hearing from knowledgeable posters on some good candidates. I think the possibilities on someone like Bates is getting more remote.
  10. I'm a dumb ass???! You people are a bunch of desperate suckers. What a joke.
  11. It's unreal how rabid Bills' fans are! It's scary how vital this team is to people. Hopefully this team never relocates, the city of Buffalo will look like a lemming death march. You got to be kidding me!
  12. This is what happens in the off-season- you get reruns.
  13. I just got done watching the NFC title game. It was Dickless in Seattle.
  14. If we don't believe you are you going to threaten with no more information form your deep inside sources?
  15. ...but only if he agrees to a settlement package favorable to the club. At least we could get the inside scoop on the Jets, maybe this could counter the Mularkey to Miami move. Would people be happy with Heimerdinger as OC?
  16. If everybody could just post against Jauron then maybe the dollars that the fanbase represent could help persuede this decision.
  17. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing but Detroit and Matt Millen didn't want this guy. How in the world did we land up with him???!!!
  18. I'd like to see Bobby Knight for DC. Maybe he could slap a little motivation in some of our defensive players.
  19. Is there still a witness protection program? This just might be the season that SOPRANO gets whacked!
  20. Poor SOPRANO 3695! This person tried to give us information and now people are calling for a head. I don't care if the information is accurate or not, it's been highly entertaining and I enjoyed the suspense. Thanks for the excitement SOPRANO. Nothing is official yet anyways, so maybe some people should just wait until the jury is in before they over react. Even if SOPRANO is a fraud all the more kudos to you for being so clever and insightful. What was that saying that PT Barnum used to say? Something about a sucker being born every day or something like that. Could that be part of it for some people being upset?
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