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Everything posted by Tipster19

  1. I can see now when his career comes to an end in Buffalo. Right, wrong or indifferent I just don't see JP being able to be patient and experienced enough to overcome the turbulence that has endured in the couple of years that he has been there. So which reason do you think will undermine him and his career in Buffalo the most? a) The coaching/administration changes. b) The pathetic O-Line. c) The divided team atmosphere. d) The indecision of making a committment to him. e) His teammates' abilities and efforts. f) His ability to play in the NFL this early in his career. Bottom line, I don't see this guy having the intangibles to overcome this kind of start to his career. If you're relying on him to be THE MAN in the near future, or at all, then you better be prepared for some heartache.
  2. With all the changes that have taken place this off season, I have a couple of questions to propose to anyone who is concern with the direction of this organization. Will this administration find success this season? If so, to what degree? While it is early, I would be curious to see who really has a good read on what has happen to this team. Was it a positive or a negative on getting rid of Donahoe and company? So much was anticipated with him and his staff each year and it always ended in disappointment. Levy has always been levelheaded and from what I can tell Jauron seems to at least be respected from his players. With so much always expected, can not expecting much actually work to our benefit? I think and hope that we just might be in for a very pleasant surprise. We just might be alot more stable than we have been for the last few years. Reasonable thinking and opinions would be welcomed.
  3. I'm not sure but is a DC, a quarterback coach, a secondary coach and a linebacker coach all that's left to fill? If so, how about some suggestions on some of these lesser discussed positions.
  4. Seeing that defense is more his forte and it should take less time to develope defensive players, expect this to be the safe bet for a very delicate administration. So many factors come into play. Fan base and revenue, quick turnaround and higher percentage of success is what's needed. There will be no Donahoe-type riverboat gambler mentality here. It will be very stable, safe selections in this draft. Keep in mind that we have somewhat early picks in each round. Could you imagine the nightmare and backlash if this draft gets wasted? Nothing is a guarantee but to take dicey selections after all what this organization has been thru the last few years would be just too much to overcome. Don't expect this administration to paint themselves in a corner. I'm sure that it's safe to say that O-Linemen need time to develope. There is always that one rookie player that can come in and make a contribution but with the way that this line has been for the last few years we would need more than just one guy. With new coaches comes affiliates. Jauron and Fairchild I'm sure has some players that they have coached and have a good relationship with. Telling them that they would have the inside track on a position won't hurt their cause. This also helps to overcome the negativity of Buffalo's image from around the league and will help to attract some FAs. I think that this would be a good, safe philosophy and I for one wouldn't be against such thinking. Would anyone care to see another approach to this year's draft?
  5. He's probably waiting until he's old enough to join Marv's staff. Another prime example of someone who doesn't want to be here then good riddance!
  6. Oops, my bad. I don't know why I said Rondell, maybe because of JP's old reciever. I not only saw it on KFFL but also on Mastermind. If these reports are accurate then I will stick to my guns. To tell you the truth I think that he's a jerk.
  7. Better yet, I've heard of him. This guy has made some great espys, including against us. This team needs a spark and he seems like a real playmaker. Maybe Nate is expendable. Could this Andy Reid be on to something about eating hamburgers because this guy is the King!
  8. I agree with you 1gap2gap, I don't think Marv is obligated to any of the players. Furthermore Magahee and anyone else on this team were constructed in Donahoe's mold, that doesn't neccessarily mean that it's Marv/Jauron's phiposophy. Would it be hateful to select Rondell White if there were a fair compensation for MaGahee? If I remember correctly, MaGahee has seemed too thrilled about being in Buffalo once after he started to find success. This isn't just to pick on MaGahee. I hope Marv/Jauron assembles a team that truly plays like a team and enjoys being a part of this organization. If this could happen, then yea, I would say that this administration is starting to lay the foundation of being successful. It doesn't always have to equate to wins and losses.
  9. Apparently his contract is a more incentive laden type contract and he wants more guaranteed money. I wonder how Marv will handle this. Looks like he will be tested earlier dealing with big contracts and the salary cap. I for one haven't been too crazy about MaGahee since I started hearing him grumble 2 years ago. You could start seeing some of the handwriting on the wall with this guy and his super agent. I'm not clever enough to figure out all the options on a valid replacement for this guy but if Buffalo could then I wouldn't be too sorry to see him go. We've heard alot about high character guys and players with motors that don't quit for quite some time now but is it too much to ask to ACTUALLY see some of this product. Marv, GO GET SOME PLAYERS THAT WANT TO BE HERE AND THAT DON"T GIVE UP! Darryl Talley where are you?
  10. They also are likely to retain WR coach Tyke Tolbert. I'm happy to see that McNally should be retained. I know it has been a rough couple of seasons but he does have a good track record and now that TD & CO. are gone I'm curious to see what kind of difference it will make. For him to hang around I think indicates that he may not be too sorry to see Donahoe gone. I think retaining Tolbert will pay better dividends also. Hopefully we have a better season than we have been experiencing.
  11. Although I don't feel that Chambers has greater ability than our own Moulds, I will say that both of their careers has definitely suffered due to all the coaching changes that they endured. All things being equal, Moulds had or should of been a premiere WR whereas Chambers is just a very good WR. It's too bad that such talent had to suffer because they'd played for a floundering administration. This is the other side of the coin of playing for obligation/loyalty versus free agency/dollars. I'm grateful and thankful that Eric Moulds has played the majority and/or all of his career in Buffalo. Thanks Eric, I'm just sorry that you didn't get to reach and enjoy your full potential. Hopefully you stay a Bill and have a slight chance of something miraculous happening in Buffalo to suddenly turn this franchise around in a short period and give you the opportunity to play in a Super Bowl. Then again I still look forward to Christmas.
  12. With Donahoe anything was game. Like it or not, the guy was very unpredictable. Mostly in the draft is when you would find TD at his cunningest. Move up (JP), move down (Henry), draft this guy early (MaGahee) or draft this guy (Kelsay) at a later round. He did ALWAYS made it interesting. With this new regime I find it hard to believe that there is going to be anything but a safe, middle of the road approach. I'm not saying that this a good or a bad thing, I just don't know. There is pros and cons to both philosophies I'm sure. Does anyone have any comments and opinions on what we should expect in this upcoming draft and future personnel? I would love to speculate but just don't know what to expect. Maybe some of the veteran posters would have a good, concise insight(s) to offer.
  13. I just hope that Jauron can bring the same intensity that Gene Hackman did. If he doesn't then maybe a better name would be "Two for the Money" with this Ralph and Marv running the show.
  14. Well, I guess this question has been answered. I don't think that there can be too many more surprises left, we're running out of position coaches. Oops, I better hold that thought, the replacements could be shocking.
  15. Let's complete the Geritol gang with a fat, over-the-hill maniac. He will at least keep our new OC in line. The good thing is if Fairchild makes any bonehead moves Buddy will crack him for us. The more I think about it, could Ralph be gathering up all these oldtimers who are on Medicaid so he can save on health insurance?
  16. The inbreeding that went on was between Donahoe and Mularkey. That Mularkey does play a fine banjo though. To be more desciptive you could classify these two as "The Dueling Bozos".
  17. He could prove to be a good security blanket for Fairchild. Maybe this had an effect on old Marvy's decision making when he hired Fairchild.
  18. I was surprised that when Mularkey quit Wyche stayed. This started to make me think that Wyche just might get a promotion after all. Now that Buffalo hired an OC from outside of the organization, what do you think will to Wyche now?
  19. That's funny, I didn't notice Fairchild's name mentioned once in this thread.
  20. There is one aspect that was overlooked- I wonder how Donahoe felt when he was the bootee and not the booter. How does that saying go, "What comes around, goes around". You think there were a few folks (mostly former Buffalo personnel I'm sure) around the league that had a smile on their faces with TD's demise?
  21. Whoa, sorry guys for this "Dawgged" post. I was stuck at work and bored to tears. In hindsight you're right, why would he leave a winner for Buffalo. I guess it was just wishful thinking. I like to apologize to the board for posting such garbage. As far as me posting last week for him as HC for Buffalo, at the time it was a viable suggestion not a prediction. In this post I did suggest that could there be somebody on either of these teams that could be considered. Could this be possible?
  22. I don't think that there is really too many established DCs still available. Maybe the Bills are waiting until after the Super Bowl for LeBeau or someone else on either Pittsburgh's or Denver's staff. If neither of these scenarios don't happen, then I guess a decision for a DC will happen very soon.
  23. Mularkey is part of Donahoe's entourage. Same dog food, different label. Good riddance to the whole Shitzburgh connection.
  24. You know, the more I think about Rusty Jones the more it's making me seethe. W@hy did this have to happen? He has been here how many years? I'm taking a guess at 19. To me, a guy like this is more important than most players. Good players don't have the longest window of opportunity but a guy like Rusty CONDITIONS these players. He affects the WHOLE team. No, Donahoe definitely had some baggage too. Good riddance!
  25. buftex, I appreciate your excellent insights. I don't have inside sources or profess that I know all the going ons that are involved in contract negoiating but I just think that there could have been more class and integrity involved. It's no secret that Donahoe is a big time controll freak. There were some very good aspects to this ego maniac but at the same time there were some that I loathed. Holecek was one that I forgot. I really liked this guy. I saw him down in the Miami game where he had a monster game. The best part of it I went with a Miami diehard. He was talking to himself on the way home after that game. I just appreciated the players who gave me fond memories with their great efforts. One dumping that really makes me unhappy is Rusty Jones. I didn't need time to unfold for me to regret this execution. No doubt, Donahoe made some strong moves but he also left some scars. Not everybody are going to be happy with some decisions but if it's done in a classy way they could respect it. I didn't see this being part of Donahoe's image.
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