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Everything posted by DreamOnDan

  1. Who is gonna start in week 8? Man I hope it is McGahee. This guy looks so much better at making something out of nothing. I don't think that he has his bust back totally, but who cares? Even without his burst he is just as fast Henry. Isn't he? The reason I wasn't sure about McGahee was I didn't think that he was quite as powerful as Henry. Boy he sure looks strong, I say start him and don't even take him out. Let Henry heal totally and then throw Henry in there only to spell McGahee. What do you think?
  2. Gotta go with JP. Look at what Big Ben is doing, his quarterback rating is over 100. Right now Bledsoe just isn't doing it. I can't think of any logical reason to sit Losman. You can't worry about him becoming injured, if you did that you might as well sit the whole team. I understand that the Ravens have one of the best/most aggressive defenses in the nfl but as a fan I just can't stomach this anymore. At this point right now I'd rather watch Losman throw 4 interceptions than watch Bledsoe throw 4 touchdowns. Every game I feel a little better that Bledsoe is closer to being released. Do you think that anybody will give up anything for him? I say trade Bledsoe and Henry together. It is the only way we get a first out of the two of them. Or I would be happy with an all pro lineman. Or a decent guard, man it pains me to watch this offense.
  3. Personally, I hope to Mike Mularkey that Vincent is ready to step down at Cb and move to free safety next season. He seems like the perfect fit at FS in our Defense. All we need is somebody who naturaly take perfect angles and actually catches easy interceptions.
  4. Bills 24 Ravens 13. I think that Evans takes it to the house deep and the defense scores a td and puts our offense in great scoring position all day.
  5. Teasers are called teasers for one reason, they are sucker bets. If you want to bet the only good bets are straight bets and two team parlays. Why tease when you can parlay and make more money. I'm not going to get into why you should trust me but, just do it, trust me on this one. Well I'll put it this way, I know the odds. But I don't take bets anymore.
  6. My good friend just had the same problem. He had a switch that tells the transmission when to shift replaced. It was cheap. In his case, his car would jerk around when shifting down or up but typically only happened at highway on and off ramps. It seemed like when it was in overdrive it didn't want to leave overdrive. Don't know much about cars but I'm just looking to help. He drives a Buick
  7. Thanks guys, how about a couple of more opinions. Mewelde Moore is already taken, but Sammy Morris is available. The whole deal is that I have Portis on a bye this week and McAllister on a bye next week. You are right I do have a tough choice. And yes we do have all of this talent on the waiver wire because in our semi-retarded league we only have one backup at every position which really puts some great players out there every week. For instance, last week I picked up Jamal Lewis and then traded him for Reggie Wayne. I know that this is a little stupid on my part but I had Moulds, Gardner, and Givens to compliment Portis and McAllister. Now it looks like a decent deal. Also I am going to drop Givens and pick up either Toomer, Clayton, Fitzgerald, Porter, or McCardell. Any body know some inside information on these guys?
  8. Since the beginning of the season my team went from ok to very good thanks to the help of you guys. Thanks. Ok, Portis has a bye and I need somebody to replace him this week only. I currently have Eddie George who I just aquired in a trade to get Reggie Wayne. Should I keep George against the Packers or should I pick up T Henry against Bal, M Bennett who is returning this week, K Jones who should see his first start in 4 games, or Chestor Taylor who is filling in for a run oriented team and has good hands? I'm leaning towards Taylor but who knows anything about this guy?
  9. By the looks of the personnel changes during the game. I would conclude that Josh Reed and then Sam Aiken are our best run blockers at the wr position. THis is not an analysist of what I saw them do but simply the packages they were in on. I really don't agree with how they are using these players. Even I know that when Josh reed and Sam Aiken are on the field we are going to run. And not far can we go when Rodney harrison is on the line of scrimmage.
  10. LOL, I definately like Blue, and Canadian over just about every beer on earth. But if its free, its for me! Crap, I can't afford Corona, I mean gas alone cost me 50 - 60 bucks to get there and back
  11. It is hard to do but eventually we all have to wake up and realize that Drew will never be good in Buffalo. Steve, I know you are supporting him but read between the stats. I have backed Drew from day 1 but this can be considered my waking up and realizing that Drew sucks post.
  12. I'm definately surprised by your negativity towards me drinking Corona. I mean who really gives a crap? The reason I drank Corona was because the 42 year old man that went to the game with me bought the case. While in the store he asked if I like Corona, I replied you got any IC light? the man said I just sold my last case. I said get whatever you want Steve. By the way I am 23, probably drank 3 times as much beer as you have even if you are 75 and I'm already sure that I'm far more stylish than you are. So you and all of your beer critic friends just keep it to yourself
  13. THe cop was actually pretty cool, he was laughing his butt off while I was bring over potential terrorists. He played along, I can't believe how hammered I was. He could have easily arrested me.
  14. wheew, that's a strong statement. 5 time pro Bowler goes down and you are ready to call him a bust. If anything Clements has looked bad. But I agree, I really like McGee. You think that Vincent is talented enough to learn the FS position while watching for the next few weeks? Or I should say Smart enough?
  15. Would it matter if I told you that I drank 12 coronas before the game? It isn't like I put a fruit in it. OK, OK, 'm from Pittsburgh and they don't excatly sell Molson XXX down here, as a matter of fact it is even hard to find Labbats
  16. Oh yeah, he didn't get kicked out of the game either, just asked to go back to his seat.
  17. My only fear would be that I may not get my jersey in the long run. My friend walked right down to him at the game. He went right down to the 50 yd line and tried to meet Sam Wyche but he wasn't on the field. It took Security 15 minutes to kick him out. That is plenty of time to get a punter's autograph
  18. She was raising money for some crap and I gave a couple of bucks. I then cracked a Corona and offered it to her because I was totally wasted and couldn't even consider drinking it. She said I better not. I offered it again a couple of time not understanding why she didn't want it. I walked away still not knowing that it was Mrs. Schobel and a cop was watching her. I started talking to the cop about looking for terrorists and offered my help. Well I brought over a couple of potential terrorists and they turned out OK. Then the cop said,"You know who that is?" He told me that the girl I've been harrassing was the Wife of Aaron Schobel. I walked back over to her and said,"Hey are you Aaron Schobel's wife and she said yeah. I followed with, Why you raising money? Didn't you just get a real nice bonus? She smiled and said yep. I said then you must be used to drinking Corona I don't understand why you won't take it. I explained that if she wants to raise money she has to blend in and together we laughed at all the drunk idiots(myself included). I gave her some crap about the whole no sack thingy and she said that he was working on it. I said, well is he gonna get one or not? She responded with I hope so. I then laughed and said that I think he needs a little more support from his family. She then took my beer and laughed. Nice person but pretty ugly.
  19. Yeah, I know but its hard to get any response when there is nobody reading. Seriously, the 3 people that responded simply wouldn't have in the fantasy forum. I put my trust in the wall.
  20. I also disagree, Fair weather fans is more like it.
  21. Oh sorry, Today I posted a Please Help me with a fantasy trade topic and a few people gave me some advice. They probably don't really care what I did, but I was just letting them know I appreciate their help. THanks guys!
  22. And when he doesn't accept I'll take out Henry and add Deuce. Might as well start low. If he is super concerned with his qb and rb situation he just might bite. It will boil down to consistency or big gamers. He is losing games because of inconsistency at QB and RB so I hope he is down about it.
  23. Plummer may be a throw away to you and I but the fact is, he has played good all year and under Shannahan he has been a top ten QB. Far better than Joey Harrington and Big Ben combined.
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