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Everything posted by EC-Bills

  1. Great response by Lurie. TO is such a punk. If he can't "live" off what he's making now, he's too stupid to be alive. I take that back. He's too stupid to be alive, period!
  2. Welcome aboard, always fun to add another inmate to the asylum
  3. I always liked Ah-Ha's "Take on Me" video. Thought the animation was way cool. Song wasn't bad either
  4. Only thing is, I don't recall getting any advice...
  5. Hey, hey, let's not forget TD also convinced his flutie-lovin' twin, Flute E Fann to join as well. Damn you TD and damn your minions for disrupting the harmony of this board
  6. Oh man, no wonder I am so messed up Damn you and your mind games TD!
  7. Wow. I love his logic. So if Pennsylvania had a 35 year old state law requiring people to go jump off a cliff... He qualifies for douchbag-extraordinaire
  8. Whoa there, TWO snappy comebacks in a row. Watch out folks, he's outta control!!!
  9. Doug, it's time to go get your mullet trimmed. BTW Doug, nice picture of you and your dogs
  10. I'll pass this one on to my wife and see what she thinks...
  11. Shouldn't this post go under the son of santa thread instead?!?
  12. Had the strangest dream last night. I was going to see a therapist and my therapist turned out to be MM. What does this dream mean?!?
  13. TD secretly replaces people's coffee with Foldgers instant coffee crystals.
  14. Ah, so this is where Law&Order SVU got the idea for a particular episode. No way she should be let free to roam.
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