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Everything posted by EC-Bills

  1. Yeah, my boss says everyone on the Cardinal's board loves Shelton. My boss also talked about how Shelton admitted to being thrown off by having to play at RT, so he just run blocked on every play.
  2. While it would be nice to have Simon, I just don't see it happening unfortunately
  3. What Michael Jackson's maid didn't tell you when she was on the stand is that she also had to clean TD's poo off the wall...
  4. I thought he did that sort of stuff before they were 18? This man flaunts his indescretions just daring someone to try and stop him.
  5. TD was the one who convinced the tiger to attack Roy.
  6. Hell, TD's responsible for breaking up Brad and Jen AND then hooking Brad up with Angelina. When will this man ever stop butting into other peoples lives?!?!?
  7. TD is responsible for the rift between Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie.
  8. Probably don't want to know what he did with Carol Brady then...
  9. TD depantsed me at my wedding and then gave my wife a wedgie...
  10. Go to this site: linky In the download section, get this file # cd050303.zip (~3MB) - Bootable CD image with same version and drivers as floppies above. (md5sum: 0990b34b2c158666de26efc0db6edf18) Follow the instructions on the site and your cousin should be good to go. Fire away if you need more assistance.
  11. You know, I always used to think it was the neighborhood dog always pooing in my yard, but I bet it's really TD pooing in my yard. Damn you TD and damn your bowels!
  12. I must confess, I do not possess the necessary intellect to appreciate the genius known as Florio.
  13. He shouldn't get schnockered and make an arse out of himself in public...
  14. I heard Benedict XVI came in with a list of people he thought would make good cardinals and bishops.
  15. Hell, TD's probably the one constantly TP'ing my house and tiping over my garbage bin. Punk!
  16. I bet you anything TD's the one driving around my block at all hours playing his boom-boom stero system at obscene levels
  17. Yeah, I could see that about Denney considering he was under the honor code at BYU for so long. Usually my biggest problem was Sobieski always holding out for more money.
  18. That's the last straw! First TD let's Mr. Irrelevant slip through his hands and now this?!? Someone stop this insanity.
  19. Really?!? I always traded Henry so not to disrupt my team chemistry and get some picks in return.
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