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Everything posted by EC-Bills

  1. Ruh-roh 1,080,766,951 Way past due for an oil change...
  2. TD ruined my visit to the theater to see "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy." He was constantly talking on his cell phone for most of the movie. When TD wasn't on the phone, he would yell out to everyone what was going to happen next in the movie. What a jackhole!!!
  3. Speak for yourself buddy-boy, I personally prefer to have my Bills QB's un-aware in the pocket and sacked often!!
  4. Oh no, I have a gray patch of hair! Damn you TD!!!
  5. TD re-wrote the employee handbook and now I have to dress like him!
  6. TD is responsible for the Police Academy sequels.
  7. TD always calls collect. TD, you cheap bastard!
  8. I have it and I like it. Get to read various stuff. I like the espn local so I can see what's happening with my Noles down in Tallahassee as well as other college teams I don't get to read up normally here in Illinois. The only part I don't like is when they started throwing in ESPN the magazine. I called them up and had them re-route the magazine subscription to troops in Iraq.
  9. My initial thoughts are (bare in mind, my wife and I do not have kids yet) that if you are concerned your kids are going to go over the edge by what the see, hear, or read, then you haven't done your job as a parent. As I mentioned before, my wife and I do not have kids, so other people with kids may disagree.
  10. That's Brock Berlin. He's now in the Dolphins camp.
  11. I love that clip. I remember watching that game when it happened. WOW.
  12. Crap! I had a feeling it was his acl. I wish him well in his recovery!
  13. Be careful you don't sell TD short. TD "invented" the idea of "invention." That man is one hell of an inovator.
  14. TD convinced me to stop my man-whoring ways.
  15. TD apparently felt my pant leg was closer than the urinal...
  16. I don't know, that sounds made up to me. Remeber TD says "Honesty is the best policy" I love that man!!!
  17. Can you blame them after having to live through the Flutie/RJ debacle? You know it's also quite possible they are being sincere.
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