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Everything posted by Buffalo_Stampede

  1. Only way to beat KC is to challenge them, we back off them and hope they beat themselves. The defense actually played pretty well after a slow start last year. Still need some playmakers.
  2. He does need draft picks to step up. So far all of his defense picks have underperformed.
  3. I don't really know what to do with Edmunds. There is reason to trade him and possibly draft his replacement. Maybe a trade up with him and 30 as the piece. There's reason to sign him, mostly based on potential due to age. Edmunds isn't very instinctive. You would like your MLB to be the most instinctive player on the field. He's due big money over the next couple of years. Do you commit to a 5th year or try and replace him this year? His size and length for the position is elite. Even if out of position he takes up so much space. He's only turning 23. He's shown flashes of high level play. Consistency has been his issue but can be fixed. We're going to find out how the Bills feel about Edmunds in the next few weeks. I'de be shocked also. Edmunds is their guy. He has elite talent and size. The hope is his mental catches up to the physical.
  4. Unless it's a QB, moving up by trading a lot of draft capital isn't a smart move. Also draft picks can be cheap starters or depth. It helps when you're tight in cap space. You hit on half your draft then you can have 3 really good starters for cheap.
  5. I don't think so. I mean yeah they make noise in the offseason but both are building around top QB's finally. Both teams look to be AFC contenders. Miami still has work to do developing QB so they're a little behind. Cleveland is there now. Every year? It's about building. They've been building right the last 3 years. Coaching and structure is so important. You have to get that right before winning. Talent then takes you to a Super Bowl.
  6. Browns are a very talented team. Top 3 roster.
  7. There's a lack of trust. Most people on this board either lived through the Civil Rights movement or their parents did. It wasn't very long ago black people were targets. There is a trauma there. It's not something you can just say forget about. There is systemic racism that is slowly dying off, very slowly. The rise of social media has added gasoline to the issues that remain. It's going to take generations to die off before black people can trust those in law enforcement.
  8. I think part of the Bills interest in big nickle was Taron johnson was having injuries and Milano was a UFA in a year.
  9. You need a unique player. I think they would love to draft a hybrid S/LB player but it really takes a unique player.
  10. I always hear this but who comes off the field?
  11. Bills said they moved to a power based scheme at the end of last year. Beane said that actually. Which is why the Morse talk started.
  12. Everyone knew Spain was starting when signed. This is more along the lines of Spencer Long and Brian Winters. He was pretty bad.
  13. Not really about how they perform its a strategy it seems when it comes to the OL. Cheap OL signings with potential. I wish they did it more at DL. Jordan Phillips was a great success. Vernon Butler and Trent Murphy were similar but they overpaid.
  14. Spencer Long and Brian Winters. I think there is a pattern forming though. Bills are trying to hit gold with these offensive lineman. I wish they used the same approach to the DL. Jordan Phillips worked well.
  15. I don't know. Someone asked how many RBs do we need. There's very little history of him as a 3rd down RB. He's as unknown as the rest.
  16. Brian Winters and Spencer Long type move. Underperforming interior player with potential.
  17. He's done. The only way he comes back from this is by becoming the victim. These girls will have to admit to lying.
  18. Why do you respect him for answering? Are you saying you wouldn't respect him if chose not to answer?
  19. I think as we stand right now we would benefit from a 3rd down RB.
  20. Yes it was done because he settled out of court. Watson will also. Watson's problem is the public already sentenced him to banishment. 20 years ago Watson likely escapes. Roethlisberger also. The growth of social media the last 10 years has changed so much. Take the Ray Rice incident. Greg Hardy had an incident that was going away. But once the Ray Rice incident became viral on social media Greg Hardy's incident came back in the light. Hardy's career over.
  21. Bryant was criminally charged with rape and went to court. The court case was covered daily similar to the OJ case. He settled. He then rebounded pretty well. So that is an example of fall from grace and coming back from it.
  22. I'm sure everyone feels the same. They could play anywhere in Western New York. I don't care.
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