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Everything posted by Tenhigh

  1. Then why call him Schmuck If it's the press that created his image? Sure seems like hate to me.
  2. Dear lord, not Kevin Killdrve. I couldn't take it.
  3. I guess I’m confused. Should we clean house top to bottom entirely? Top to bottom EXCEPT for defense? Or is it top to bottom EXCEPT for defense and special teams? Please tell me what to think, as all of this koolaid has addled my brain.
  4. No, but it's certainly been acknolwedged by other team's front offices, in lieu of quantity and quality of contract offers.
  5. those lousy cork soakers better not fire Marrone, or I will be forced to kick them in their fargin iceholes!
  6. I think he skipped that part. Dont these guys usually take a pocket rulebook with them? But I agree, there is no place for the courts in this kind of nonsense. I bet that they implement some kind of appeals process at the state athletic association level, though.
  7. I know you are being facetious, but i do hope he is picking up a little attitude and tips on how to control the offense from Orton. If EJ ever comes back in he needs some of that. And I want to see him get actually passed off.
  8. He plays like Kurt Russell in the first half of the game in The Best of Times. He needs to be more like Kurt Russell in the SECOND half of the game in The Best of Times. Is not enough to study the game, you need prose ams a little hate for the other team. Imho. Hope he can find that nastiness in himself.
  9. And our quarterback has proven that he can be a solid contributor. Does he do it every play? No. But he's had good games.
  10. 9.3333333 field goals in one game is almost to much to ask of any kicker. Our D better score a few TDs......
  11. What is there to think about? She bought hot coffee and got burned when she spilled it on herself, and then sued McDonalds for her error. Couldn't disagree more, Coffee is hot, bro! Are you going to Genesee because all of those cream ales gave you a hangover? But maybe this discussion belongs in another part of the board.
  12. I did read about it. She was in her car with the coffee in her lap adding cream and sugar, and spilled the coffee on herself. My original point still stands.
  13. Still totally frivolous.Coffee is a hot beverage. Hot things burn. Its not as if a McD employee poured coffee in her lap.
  14. I was thinking about how dominant Dareus has been this year and remembered this doozy of a thread. Tried to bump it but its locked. Sorry if link doesn't post, I am on my phone. Enjoy. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/169068-dareus-not-cleared-to-practice-yet/page__hl__%20bills%20%20should%20%20dareus
  15. I've been telling people to forget about the Toronto group, it's that dreaded Sugar Grove/Busti alliance that we need to watch out for!
  16. Just for the entrée. If I have a choice of Stroganoff today and Tuna Casserole tomorrow vs Surf and Turf today and left over meatloaf tomorrow I go steak and lobster all day long. We been eating too much Stroganoff lately, men.
  17. Stupid post, fat 7th graders own Madden. Seriously though, isn't this really just the logical extension of the Mike Williams trade? 6th out and 4th or 3rd in?
  18. I am surprised he sprung for 'color'.
  19. I threw up in my mouth a little on that post. Well played.
  20. Adam Smith AND Slapshot quoted in he same thread? Dang tbd, impressive......
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