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Everything posted by Wiz

  1. Maybe he would if genius Marv didn't give him a 4-year contract with a nice signing bonus.
  2. I wish I could say that Melvin Fowler was an upgrade. Unfortunately though, I think it will be more of the same. We will have a great defensive secondary, though.
  3. That may be the best possible scenario for the Bills--to accumulate talent for, hopefully, when Golisano buys the team and gets competent people to run things.
  4. Have you forgotten? We have an o-line laced with all-pro's.
  5. Hey, we've built our last three o-lines with mediocre FA's. McGahee is big enough to break tackles at the line of scrimmage every carry. Who needs quality o-lineman?
  6. While I think Marv's moves or lack thereof in free agency and his draft so far have been disasters, the positive is that we will know almost immediately whether they are or aren't the right moves. While later picks cannot be judged until three years down the line, first rounders, especially top ten picks, are immediate contributors. If Whitner and McCargo aren't productive NFL starters in 06, it will be clear the Marv and company failed. Especially because, by almost all accounts, we reached with these two picks. (It wasn't like MW, who was universally considered a top-ten pick.) Further, if Peerless isn't a productive #2 receiver in 06 (as per the $10 mil contract), it will be eminently clear that Marv's first year was a failure.
  7. While Donahoe didn't address the team's needs, he did draft for value.
  8. It's gm is a f'ing senile old man. The idiot Peerless Price signing was a sign of things to come. It's gonna be a dark period for the Bills.
  9. It must be mine. I lost my excited a long time ago. I'd like it back.
  10. Thanks. I had been making my reservations for Miami in February 07 and my whole family was going to meet down there. I'll have to call everybody to let them know it's gonna be called off. I hope my airline tickets are refundable.
  11. Screw the Skins and Snyder. Buffalo can support a team as it has proven. It just may not be able to compete in a revenue war with teams in a megalopolis such as Washington, N. Va or Dallas-Fort Worth. We'll see how in favor of a free market Snyder and Jones are when the NFL proposes new franchises in N. Va or in Fort Worth.
  12. I'm in awe of your knowledge. I agree that Marv Bateman was one of the worst ever and I'll never forget the airbrushed velvet looking helmets . But, the one that sticks in my mind is the 1976 Eric Torkelson, RB, Green Bay (my avatar). He looks as though he belongs in an assisted living facility.
  13. Lori, here's a better one. Who, during the 1970's had the worst football card of the decade?
  14. BTW, Bunkley has bulked up to 300 lbs as of his pro day.
  15. Chicago had the number one defense, we did not.
  16. Minnesota just proved that pulling a Wolford is still okay in the NFL. Marv needs to put a clause in the next restricted free agent contract that the signee has to be the highest paid player whose birthday falls on a Tuesday and is from a non-private university east of the Mississippi with a non-animal mascot.
  17. Ditto. They're commiting too much money for guys that won't be around for long. I mean, 6 mil for big Ted!!?? I love the guy, but, how much more production can you squeeze out of his old body and McGinest is on the down side of his career. Ya gotta appreciate Crennel's loyalty, but I don't believe it is a good strategy fo a team that doesn't have the talent to win now.
  18. Ha!! I still remember the espn telecast after Cribbs left, with Berman projecting bad things for the Bills in the near future. Just reminiscing.
  19. If somehow, by the grace of God, Hawk drops to the Bills, they will take him. He is as close to a sure thing impact player as anybody in this draft.
  20. Are you kidding me?! Leinart will be a ROOKIE QB. He didn't even look all that great in college last year either despite having an NFL caliber supporting cast. Culpepper hasn't been the same since he lost Moss. While I don't necessarily disagree with your conclusion, the way you arrived there is absurd.
  21. Well put. While I am no great fan of RW, I think he is looking out for the best interest of Buffalo. The factors you mentioned could eventually lead to the Bills, under a new owner, to be moved to a more profitable market.
  22. Extremely well put. Although the negativity wears on you after a while, I would prefer to listen to realists than cheerleaders putting an artificially happy face on what appear to be lousy moves.
  23. Well said. Any head coach with a winning track record will want some control over personnel decisions. TD didn't want to give up control...we got GW and MM. Now we're stuck with another weak head coach. ML=TD.
  24. Alright, now all we need is Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Thurman, Andre.... and then Jauron will be able to make it to the Super Bowl ...and lose. (sarcasm)
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