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Everything posted by Wiz

  1. I disagree. WM averaged 5 yd/carry. Run the f'ing ball until they can stop him. This offensive coordinator is trying to out-think himself ala past o-coordinators we have had.
  2. MM seems to have escaped any blame for the past two losses while everybody has placed the blame on TD for his personnel moves. From a personnel standpoint, this team has above average talent. Yeah, he's hamstrung with a rookie qb who can't hit the broad side of a barn. However, he had to tell TD after last season that they could win with JP, otherwise TD would have brought in another veteran to start. Mularkey is responsible for getting the team prepared for Sunday and developing a game plan. In the past two weeks, MM hasn't gotten the job done. Don't get me wrong, Mularkey deserves a lot more time, but his name has been largely absent from any threads critical of the team's performance.
  3. I hate to quote Mike Florio, but is Mularkey a competent head coach. He seems to be a real likable guy, but in talking to Pittsburgh fans, they weren't sad to see him or Clements go.
  4. I agree. I don't understand this almost obsessive hatred of TD. These types of threads have been appearing since almost the first day he set foot in Buffalo.
  5. It's almost deja vu. In that same season, we had high hopes for the Bills d with Sam Cowart. He was never the same and neither was the d after he went down. I hope they can recover.
  6. I am wondering where these people who say our o-line is so bad were a few years ago. Our line is significantly better than it was before McNally got here.
  7. Right. After Wolford left and we moved John Fina, a college guard to LT, it began the spiral downward.
  8. The w/l record will determine if TD was good or not. Most believe that, while the record over the past few seasons is lousy, after a complete turnover of the roster since he came, the jury is still out on his performance. I don't think many people will be "drinking the kool-aid" if, by next season, his key decisions prove to be the wrong ones.
  9. Since it looks like he's going to be playing for a while, what do you all think? I like the guy's energy, but he seems to make alot of stupid mistakes such as the roughing the passer call on third down today
  10. I just want to know, do you route for JP or do you just route for Drew?
  11. Drew may have done better, but not much. He wasn't the answer.
  12. Reality check. The Cowboys are playing the 49ers. Even JP could pick them apart.
  13. How about those sacks and the int for a td?
  14. I appreciate your optimism, but I don''t think a couple of rookies will have that great of an impact. What was with that call to "Not so fast" Freddie Smith on a critical third down. He just ran left, tripped and fell down.
  15. Adam, you must be a little slow.
  16. Wrongo. Hall had an "arm bar" on Moulds as the announcer said and wasn't even looking back at the ball. And how often does a referee pick up a flag on a judgement call such as interferencel? That is BULL SH@T!!
  17. I'm finished with the cycle of emotions that I typically go through when this team loses, now to put things in perspective: First off, this team has looked like sh^t the past two weeks and I was expecting better. I bought into the hype Fletcher was putting forth saying they want to be one of the best defenses ever, etc... However, even last year, our defense was not dominating--remember Pittsburgh? Secondly, nobody truly expected this offense not to struggle. We have a new qb and a new left side of o-line. Our defense should come around. JP should improve and, if not, Holcomb can do the job if WM has games similar to today. If we can win next week against NO and be 2-2, with the other teams in the conference losing games, our chances are still alive.
  18. Without those two calls, I think the Bills would have won. Not that they would have necessarily deserved it, but those two calls changed the game.
  19. If that was a roughing call, then JP was roughed at least three times without it being called. Even the announcers said that Moulds was interfered with.
  20. Even when JP had time, he was way off target. Thus, the opposition has no respect for the pass and rushes everybody and their uncle.
  21. How about that roughing call on Troy Vincent. That was a key call leading to a td!!!! How about that interference call that the changed their mind about after politicking by the Falcons!!!!! We got f'd!!!
  22. If they're so bad, how did WM rush for 5 yds a carry? Maybe if our qb can hit just one F'ing pass, they would back off on the blitz.
  23. While we're loving hd, Suzy can't be happy about it. She looks horrid. It adds about ten years to her.
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