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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. I want all data and materials related to the project Genesis Sincerely Khan
  2. Look how well that worked out for us last year. Its not how you start, its how you finish.
  3. My little girl is starting Kindergarten on Monday. We just had the orientation yesterday, I think I'm more nervous than she is.
  4. Should have been some street justice inside that barn. Start with the pitchfork and go from there.
  5. Oh and it was the YANKEES who requested that Tampa Bay leave on Friday NOT MLB.
  6. I dont think that the average joe is EVER going to get the same type of coverage and treatment that a former President is going to get do you? Nice to live in a "perfect world" huh Senator?
  7. Know whats even MORE pathetic than 1918? NEVER!
  8. Dont worry, the Red Sox players have a WINNING mentality and guess what? None of them give a rats ass about a curse or any of that crap. I will never be satisfied until the Sox win it all, I dont care how good the games/series are. Last year, we got beat by a team with great pitching, decent defense and clutch hitting in THEIR park. It seems to me that this year their pitching is sub par, their defense is at best average and if things keep going the way they're going, the home field may be in OUR park. This year's Yankees team is nowhere near as good as last year's while this year's Red Sox team is MUCH better than last years.
  9. At least the Sox showed some life in their game against Texas. We're 8-1 so far on our 10 game homestand. You guys are 2-3 on your 11 game homestand. Thats pretty pathetic considering the calibre of teams you're playing.
  10. Yeah, LOOKOUT Baltimore. Baltimore went medievel on your asses today shutting you out 7-0 and even touching Rivera up for 4 runs in the 9th.
  11. Its simply stunning that no matter how vile the terrorist act, there will ALWAYS be an apologist for these scumbags trying to justify their anger and hatred.
  12. The War on Terrorism does not end with Bin Ladin or Al-Qaeda.
  13. So lets see if I'm getting all this; Yankee fans are PRAYING that Oakland can do what New York cant despite the fact that the Sox are 8-1 against the A's in their last 9 and despite the fact that the Sox are now a much better team than when they last played. Yankee fans without any rational thought as to why their team will overcome simply chant off their dopey talking points "1918, 1978, Bucky, Buckner, Boone etc.." Know what I smell? FEAR
  14. Ahh, its great to be a fan of a WINNING NFL franchise. I see the envy dripping from your veins.
  15. I wasnt a big Clinton fan as a President but I liked the man personally and wish him well. Too bad many of those on the other side of the political spectrum couldnt separate the man from the politics in regards to President Reagan.
  16. Job Growth? This is TERRIBLE news!!! Sincerely, Blzrule
  17. @ "Teenus eliminatous" Considering in about 10 years, I'm going to have 2 teenage daughters on my hands, this could be very useful.
  18. The Roman Empire lasted over 600 years. By my math, that means we have at least 350+ to go. Where do I sign up?
  19. Chicot, resident terrorist apologist checkin in. When you take children hostage and threaten to kill them, no cause can justify that. Perhaps if the hardcore muslim world spent more time educating its young citizens (men AND women) instead of indoctrinating them in 100% Islam and nothing else so that when they enter adulthood they have no marketable skills to speak of and cannot get jobs they then revert to their teachings that the West and Israel are the ones responsible for their quagmire in life, when it is in fact their own culture that has failed them in its teachings. Hence with no work, no money and no hope, its easy to strap on a vest full of TNT and head to the nearest Jew/Westerner.
  20. I am simply stunned at the sheer ignorance or partisan stupidity of our left leaning brethren on this topic. Is anything sacred to these people?
  21. I watched the McCain/Giuliani speeches on CSPAN last night only because I had a migraine and couldnt stand FOX/MSNBC/CNN's scrolling news tickers and stuff.
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