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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. What the hell are they doing? There are 2 outs and frankly, Sierra is hitting much better than Posada right now. Didnt they learn this same lesson in Game 3?
  2. Wakefield should now be out of the inning. Lets see if that passed ball hurts.
  3. I'm more comfortable with Wake in a starting role. He can afford mistakes over the grand scheme of 7 innings or so. In such a tight game, any mistake is magnified 100%
  4. And THERES the trouble with Wakefield. That knuckler is so hard to catch.
  5. Wakefield has his work cut out for him with Sheff, Matsui and Bernie up. I'm not optimistic.
  6. Both Damon and Ortiz were safe. Now we have to try to overcome the powerhouse Yankees, Damon's ineptitude at the plate AND the umps?
  7. Wow, thats TWO phantom tags on attempted steals. ALthough what are they thinking sending Ortiz?
  8. No matter the outcome of this game, I'm proud of the way these guys fought back after being pronounced dead.
  9. This Sox team is hanging tough in spite of Damon. I cant believe how bad he's been at the plate.
  10. I'm happy that the Sox showed some guts last night. A sweep would have been downright painful. Lets see if the Sox can show some more heart today. Both bullpens are shot so it will come down to Mussina vs Martinez, who's got more? Schilling to start a potential Game 6, if it gets to that point, I can imagine things getting pretty tight in the rear for the Yankees. They do NOT want to take this series back to NY.
  11. Attrition in the bullpen gives the edge to the Yankees the longer this game goes. Gordon looked good in the 10th and would no doubt be back out for the 11th regardless of whether the Yankees score.
  12. If the Sox can somehow take this game, tomorrow will be up for grabs. Neither Foulke nor Rivera would be available after throwing 2+ innings each. Lets see how Embree vs Gordon plays out.
  13. Rivera in the game, lights out. Cant believe they're going to sweep. How SMALL did the Red Sox come up in this series? One of the worst efforts I've seen in a long time.
  14. I would think Bills fans would be more sympathetic to Red Sox fans. I guess you have to hang your hats on something.
  15. No matter the facts, can such a precedent be set where military members who dont particularly like their orders can go blabbing to mommy or the media about it? How many cell phone calls would have been made on June 6, 1944? Or when the Allies were ordered to hold the line in the Ardennes Forest despite being surrounded and outnumbered/outgunned? Any cellphone calls to mommy from Mogadishu?
  16. I know you are a homer but that game was unwatchable it was so piss-poor.
  17. What a bunch of crap. There is no curse, simply give credit to a superior Yankees team.
  18. Simply classless. Oh and in case any of you forgot about your precious Buffalo Bills in regards to "1918"; NEVER How ya like THEM apples? Go Dolphins!
  19. Wow, what an utter embarrassment. Are our guys major league pitchers cause all they're throwing is batting practice. Let the sweep commence tomorrow. This stevestojan makes me sick.
  20. Start by winning one game. As a Red Sox fan, it would be foolish and presumptuous of me to start thinking about Games 5, 6 & 7. It all has to start with ONE win and you go from there. hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. - Andy Dufresne
  21. Dont confuse the libs with facts, Kerry has a PLAN goddammit!
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