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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. The Stadium the Patriots play in is called Gillette Stadium. The CMGI field name was scrapped before the season opener due to the company having significant financial problems and not being able to continue to pay for the naming rights to the stadium. I'd prefer it just be called Foxboro Stadium but I guess this is the new world we live in. I have a lot of respect for the fact that Buffalo's stadium is called Ralph Wilson Stadium. Maybe one day we'll call ours Robert Kraft Stadium.
  2. The NFL is a hard hitting violent game. If you dont like it you should follow the NBA or something where contact is frowned upon.
  3. This loss is well beyond the "what ifs" of the officiating.
  4. And who exactly is responsible for that quagmire? Looks like Bush got the job of cleaning up someone else's mess.
  5. Actually, the Pats season ticket waiting list requires a ONE TIME fee of $50 to get on the list. If Boston fans are such bandwagon fans, why does Fenway Park sell out every single night despite the team not having won for over 86 years? Why did Foxboro Stadium sell out every single game for 10 years before the Patriots ever won anything?
  6. I've never been missing it. You wonder why Pats fans respond to so many posts? Look at all the posts dedicated to the Pats and how they "suck" or are lucky or whatever. Its so much fun isnt it?
  7. They've been figured out? Then why havent they been beaten in over a calendar year? Who exactly has figured them out? Steve Spurrier?
  8. If you actually think you can compete with the Pats for the division then you truly are myopic.
  9. So because you cant match points with Patriots fans you demand that they be removed from the board? To my knowledge, we havent violated the T.O.S and we have just as much right to be proud of our team as you are of yours (despite your efforts to diminish their accomplishments while trumpeting your own moral victories)
  10. Myopic Pats fan? Our Myopia has been substantiated with hardware. Whats your excuse?
  11. Get over Week 1 of last year. That Pats team no longer exists. The one that has replaced it has gone 19-1 in its last 20 games.
  12. MVP Gary Shefield? This from someone who cant even spell Sheffield And Manny Ramirez will have something to say about that.
  13. The good time will be had by Bills fans PRIOR to kickoff. Once that happens, sorrow will engulf Ralph Wilson Stadium.
  14. It all starts out as laughing and giggling from Bills fans regarding their tilts with the "Patsies". Come sunday afternoon, that laughing and giggling turns to swearing and ultimately depression. And I'm going to LOVE every second of it.
  15. Kerry also believes that we werent multilateral enough for Iraq but wants only bi-lateral talks with North Korea.
  16. Kerry; "I have never wavered in my life" WHA WHA WHAT?????
  17. We'll see. I'd rather take my chances with either the A's rotation in disarray or the Angels rotation over facing Santana twice and Radke once. The Twins laid down by taking Santana out early in Game 1 and are now going to pay for it. Congrats to the Yankees on winning their 7th straight AL East title.
  18. As a Red Sox fan, for the first time EVER I rooted for the Yankees tonight. Now Minnesota has to sweep Cleveland and hope Oakland or Anaheim doesnt sweep the other to avoid playing the Yankees in the ALDS. I'd rather YOU guys face Santana twice in a short series. Go Oakland!
  19. And Kerry will have one of those wind direction sensors to tell him which position to take on a particular issue today.
  20. The Bills will definately give the Pats a run for their money especially at home but the Pats are simply too good to let down to this team. Especially with 2 weeks to prepare and Belichick STILL stinging from last year's Week 1 Debacle. Pats 21 Bills 13
  21. I would think winning close games would be better for a team's psyche down the line. If the game is close at the end, the Patriots are very confident that they'll do what it takes to win. Thirty years from now, they wont be examining how much they won by, they'll just be marveling at how often they won. Does it hurt any less if the Bills only get beat by 1 point as opposed to 14+? Are you into moral victories?
  22. What the heck was that huge creature that pulled the co-pilot right out of the cockpit? Could it be anything OTHER than a Tyrannosaurus Rex? (They've already made it clear the monster is NOT a dinosaur)
  23. My wife and I got into a pretty heated debate about the 2nd amendment and the end of the assault weapons ban. Her position was that why does anyone NEED an assault weapon? And then went on to cite Columbine and all that, I clearly stated that the guns werent the inherent issue and that it wasnt the government's place to make us justify why we NEED anything. Then I played the card of "only law abiding citizens would be affected by gun laws and that criminals would get guns and commit crimes regardless of any laws" Her argument was based on emotion and what if kids get the guns etc.....needless to say, at the end of the argument, there was no nookie for me.
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