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Thurman's Helmet

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Everything posted by Thurman's Helmet

  1. They didnt beat Santana, they beat the Twins bullpen as Gardenhire basically throws in the towel on competing for the #2 seed in the playoffs. Pretty pathetic from the Twins. And are you STILL worried about the Red Sox?
  2. Watson hurt his knee in the Colts game. The Pats have plenty of weapons even without Branch, Watson or Faulk.
  3. Ted Williams, better hitter than DiMaggio, better pilot than Thurman Munson.
  4. The United States Military is 100% Volunteer and last time I checked, one's parents could not sign you up for the service unless you wanted to go.
  5. 23-12 Pats. All Brady does is win. Thats 17 wins in a row for those of you keeping score at home.
  6. How about that catch by the REAL MVP Manny Ramirez?
  7. Sox posts are coming only because some idiot flapped his gums before the game actually ended. Yankees lose with their best pitcher on the mound. Doesnt bode well for them and the pressure is squarely on their shoulders now. Watching Kevin Pukelis flail away makes me miss Bill Mueller all the more.
  8. Best.Post.Ever on Two Bills Drive!!! I think I'll take a quote from Rocky IV too, this one from Adrian to Bills fans everywhere; "YOU CAN'T WIN!!!"
  9. Are you accepting prayers and well wishes from only Bills fans? If not, please accept mine.
  10. Well then, its a good thing Russia isnt involved in Iraq because then they might be targeted by Al-Qaeda related terrorists....OOPS Nevermind. Why hello facts, Oh hi argument, good to see you.
  11. Travis Henry should have a great week running sideline to sideline next week with Ted Washington and Warren Sapp on the D-Line. They cant have that great a pass rush either so Drew should be able to chuck the ball well next week. Bills will beat the Raiders, mark it down.
  12. Relax folks, its only ONE loss. You guys are 0-1 and still alive in the playoff hunt. Yeah you lost on a last minute play but big deal, Look at last year's Week 1 effort. A LOT can change during the course of the season. Jacksonville is not that bad of a team either. It sucks to lose a game, believe me it was hard driving home 500 miles after last year's opening day shellacking to you guys but its not the season.
  13. Yet you (libs) all swallowed "it depends on what the definition of is is" hook line and sinker. Funny how you backtrack when it suits your purpose.
  14. Everyone hated Bryan Cox until he was on their team. Bills fans would love Harrison if they had gotten him instead of watching Milloy chasing WR's from behind over and over and over again.
  15. You're operating under the assumption that an individual who would ignore a homicide law would suddenly adhere to a gun law and NOT obtain an "assault weapon"?
  16. Disgusting Makes me wonder. They're so adamant about "infidels" getting out of Muslim lands, should we just up and evict all muslims from non-muslim lands and be done with it?
  17. Iv you dont agree wiz my husband's policies zen zhue are un dumkopf! -Tereza Heinz Kerry, the compassionate tolerant liberal.
  18. I agree, watch yer buh-hind. In my eyes, the Taliban's culpability was equal to Al-Qaeda's and I viewed them as the same entity.
  19. Last year's Tennessee Titans and Carolina Panthers teams wave hello to your asinine statement.
  20. Keep telling yourselves that the pats are "lucky" or Brady is like Mark Rypien. Someday you'll come to understand that this is simply a world class WINNING organization. A team does not win 16 games in a row based on luck.
  21. Never means NEVER my friend. And better yet? 0 for 4 (IN A ROW no less!)
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