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Everything posted by NEEDFREDJACKSONNOW

  1. Blame the Senecas for the blight. They took a "gamble" and started construction, knowing full well that they could lose this suit. They have to stop construction immediately. What they will do with the property is anyone's guess.
  2. Try the Buffalo schools and/or ask her to get on the sub lists while she applies to other area districts. Many of the suburban school districts are hard to get into, and while I don't know for sure, they may have residency requirements. Buffalo does.
  3. Did anyone see the "ad" for "octogon research"? Was this another made up link for the show? The commercial said that there were "unpaid positions" for a research facility....The ad was paid for by ABC which leads me to believe it is a fake site linked to the show.....
  4. I just threw up alot all over my monitor.....
  5. I would think that the process the Pats* used to cheat would mean they would come on stronger later in games. I seem to remember some Bills games where the Bills were in it for awhile, then the Pats* just blew them out. This may be a good research project for someone who has more time on their hands than me. Based on the report, the Pats* defense of their taping is indefensible. To make it more fair, then, the team they were playing should have had the same opportunity to figure out the Pats* signals. Ten you would have a "sport within a sport". Imagine if the networks would have an analyst explaining the signals/plays to the fans!
  6. My .02: -Whidmore was the captain of the Black Rock. He had a split with Richard who was also on the Black Rock when it found the island. They are opposing forces. Whidmore helped finance the Dharma Initiative to return to the island. -the island has something to do with death and dying but I'm not sure yet. Time travel is a factor. Could the passengers have died in their time but the characters we see are actually from the past? They are in sort of a limbo then on the island....If this is true we can go back and win 4 superbowls in a row..... -"future Jack" goes downhill when he begins to see his father alive, then gets jealous over Kate's dealings with Sawyer, who is not part of the Oceanic 6, but maybe made it out another way?
  7. Tree Hugger? Nah, a smart capitalist it I ever saw one....She knows the snake is worth alot of money and now she has free publicity....
  8. He might. If attraction still bothers him and he can't handle your level of interest, it seems there are some real conflicts between you. Is he mature enough to handle his own feelings? Will your feelings change? God, sorry, this is starting to sound like a soap opera!
  9. This is sure a "hot" topic for some. I respect your "chemistry" thought; it's either there or it isn't. Some people I have known do get the "spark" much later after meeting each other. But being gunshy may make you averse to the "chemistry" when you do find it! You're right, relationships are tough, and you gotta work at them (i.e. put up with their s&%t, as they put up with yours). FYI, I saw previews for a new flick about this very topic. It stars the guy from Enchanted and Grey's Anatomy (can't think of his name now). He loves screwing as many woman as possible but never commits. He has an attractive long-term "friend" that he dates regularly, and when she becomes engaged, he freaks out and tries to stop the wedding. They are so close that SHE asks HIM to be her maid of honor. I think the title is "Made of Honor". It looks funny for a "chick flick", though.
  10. Don't kid yourself, you can't have it both ways. Ever watch "When Harry met Sally"? Billy Crystal's character outlines this issue at one point in the movie: The sexual attraction will always get in the way of a friendship. Especially in your case. Your friend was pretty overt about his interest in you! I do believe that men and women can have relationships WITH an attraction towards each other and NOT act on it, given their maturity level, and having partners of their own that they love (among other things). But these relationships are almost always casual or professional (as in coworker). The intimacy that I think you are looking for usually leads to the "more" your friend wanted, or distance.
  11. Pilot, 1 year old Pomeranian (brindle coat). He thinks he's a sheep dog the way he patrols the house and helps mom and dad shepherd the kids. Most intelligent dog I have met.
  12. BTW, Drury DID bean DiP in the mask during a PP....
  13. I think they're just spoiled brats who can't respect professional ethics. Do you think this has always happened but never reported, or is it a more recent thing?
  14. Can someone tell me how to change my G@#D%&** screen name?
  15. Fred Jackson - is this how Marv Coepes with filling the RB position> (sorry, very lame but I couldn't resist)
  16. What kind of social work did you do?
  17. If you haven't already talked to your pediatrician about this, consider a "snot sucker" which is a rubber bulb with a plastic tip. When in place you squeeze the bulb and the snots collect in the tip. Saline drops can also be helpful. When our daughter was about 8 mos, we thought she came down with a cold but she gradually developed difficulty breathing, and developed croup. Just remember to contact with your pediatrician.
  18. Great points. Over the last few games they have not been finishing PP and PK has let them down. Teams seem to have had success trapping them and really standing up to the dabres in the neutral zone. I can't count how many times someone tried to carry it in and then get checked off the puck.
  19. He's the real deal alright! His career is taking off on the right track for sure.
  20. I'm tired of watching opposing running backs run up and down the field almost every game. A combination of making odd plays on offense (there were alot today for some reason) and failing to stop the run did.
  21. Make my case? Why you have to ask someone to "make a case" for this being deleted almost frightens me more than the actual story. The story is disgusting! Yes, I know, I take responsibility for opening the thread and reading it and replying to it. And yes, I know, we live in America and have "free speech" and all that PC bull. That's why I spoke up (along with others) and wanted it removed, because I don't think it's too hard to see why the story is disgusting. It's offensive. If people want to talk about the philosophy of the human condition ("isn't this something people should talk about"), fine, start a philosophy thread. I'm not the mod on this forum nor am I going to pretend I am. If this story didn't meet the current standards (whatever they are) so it can be dropped, then, whatever, dude.
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