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Everything posted by NEEDFREDJACKSONNOW

  1. http://timesunion.com/AspStories/story.asp?storyID=729064 This link says Trent will have more tests tomorrow. Any idea what type of test? The doctors cleared him to practice, can't think of anything that would restrict him now....
  2. Hopefully this is confirmation of a "mild" concussion. Roscoe is practicing too!!!
  3. Other factors not mentioned: The adjustments the coaching staff had to make after TE went out. I'm not sure, but I think they threw some of the playbook out when JP came in because he wasn't familiar with the plays. Then his oft documented flaws were highlighted, like holding on to the ball too long. Love him or hate him, he's got the Buffalo on his helmet so we should want him to succeed. I would've hoped that they had more plays in for TE. They had him come out with 3 passes in the shotgun before he got nailed. I bet they wanted a quick score because they knew that KW and the Cards could score. If TE is out a few weeks, at least JP will have 2 weeks to practice before a start.
  4. The mental aspect of the game is often overlooked. Put yourself in the game as a Bills player after Edwards went down. Despite being professionals, they were probably rocked. No way do the Bills fumble two plays later with TE in there. And who knows what J "whatever" L's impact on the team was. I'm sure he wanted to win, but being that unprepared costs you (again, a mental aspect).
  5. I heard that TW could feed in the game, as well as other programs, from another CBS affiliate, like the one from Erie PA....
  6. Simple right-wing propaganda designed to get people scared so they will vote for Republicans.....Pay no attention to it...
  7. Not sure if this has been posted. Interesting take on Kiffin, questions whether he threw the game at the end by not using his time outs after ML ran to the 24.... http://www.salon.com/sports/daily/?last_st.../09/22/raiders/
  8. FWIW, I heard Joe Delamaliure (sp?) on WGR this morning who believed that Butler's problem was a "scheme" issue. He felt the particular job he was supposed to do (i.e. step back and then power-block out) was not in the best interest of the play. At least that's what I heard him say. Joe D also agrees that JP is very rusty (no kidding!). They did better in the second half after adjusting, though, which is all that matters. Maybe they can adjust sooner?
  9. Can the percentage of possession be rated clearly? How can the refs judge that the Raiders had "more" possession? It still sounds simultaneous to me, therefore Bills ball. He was down by contact, and making a "football move" should not exclude this from being a catch. You can argue that the Raider DB went for the ball, but Evans was already down.
  10. So the only accountability officials have is wether they make it to the playoffs or not? Seems lame.
  11. Dems and Libs do not shelter enemies! The belief that they coddle enemies is political propaganda, began many years ago by Reagan and the racist "Willie Horton" ads. What about the Dems and Libs that have died for this country, are you minimizing their sacrifices? Your thoughts are quite absolute and polorizing, and as I said before, will lead to facism. BTW, you're welcome in the tent.....
  12. Did someone put a taser up your a%&? Dude, you're going off topic here. No one is blaming anything on the US military. Get a grip. Again, absolute thinking will lead to facism.
  13. I think your reply to my original assertion deserves a more "comprehensive" discussion. Having an opinion does not mean your partisan and unable to exchange views! Why do you say that the poor paying for the tax cuts for the rich is not true? Your explanations seems basic. I would think there are other ways to get taxes, like someone else here recently said. When the government takes our taxes they get keep the money for awhile, I assume they invest it, and make some interest. Also, not everyone gets money back, especially those that are not eligible for tax credits. I remember when I was single without kids and no house...Ouch! The tax credits are designed to reinforce "desirable" behavior, like keeping a family together. And if the middle class had more money to spend, you will get more business. More business leads to more profits.
  14. No, really, the Libs/Dems have the big tent where all are welcome. This includes ALL of the groups you mentioned above. This is what America is about!
  15. No, common sense says the world has grey areas. We cannot live in "absolutes". This is the path toward facism.
  16. Sorry, not an economist here, just trying to keep informed. But if you're referring to "supply side economics", I don't think it's working very well. I don't think it ever worked well. Please review link below: http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/200...a_test_of_.html It would stand to reason that if more people had more money to spend, more tax revenue would be created. Then the figures you quoted above would change, despite the top income earners paying a higher percentage. What about the corporate welfare? If it was reduced, our total tax bill would be less. Don't most agree that the tax rebates the country received this summer were at least good for our economy? Here's what Alan Greenspan thinks of McSame's tax plan: http://thepoliticalcarnival.blogspot.com/2...ant-afford.html He believes that spending must be reduced in order for McSame's plan to have any chance.
  17. I've seen Carwell Gardner around Buffalo on a Harley. Wasn't sure if he lives here or just passing through.
  18. Gee, dude, who pi#%ed in your cornflakes? You're using the "double standard" defense, huh? OK, then per your logic, you SHOULD be LIVID at this scandal, because they are emulating what the president did! BTW, my outrage is not phony. Ethical lapses such as this are disgusting no matter who does it. Again, these weren't coworkers, the GWB appointed government employees abused their power by "sleeping with the enemy", entities they were supposed to monitor fairly.
  19. -China! Who has the responsibility of regulating the S#*t that is coming out of China? GWB and the flunkies that he appointed to do it! The Consumer Product Safety Commission has been GUTTED! "Wow, I don't have Big Government so now my kids can chew lead while my dog dies and I get sick on rotten toothpaste"! While Billy signed off on Free Trade, didn't the GOP really like this too? YES they did, you are a winner sir! -Big Government - Can we agree to have competent government? I agree that having "big brother" government is evil as I said earlier. Let's have just enough government, but we must balance our DEARLY HELD personal freedoms with having an entity that will promote fairness (NOT SOCIALISM) and be effective (see mortgage deregulation, lack of oversight). Whatever we got now ain't workin'. -SSI payments go up annually, kind of like a cost of living. No matter who is in charge. Then, if you get foodstamps, they go down because your income goes up! -"Only one party uses scare tactics like, take away school lunch, social security , lessen medicare and medicaid and lower benefits at the V.A." You're joking, right? The GOP has been doing this for years! Reagan wanted to tax poor people's handouts from food pantries for God's sake! The most recent VA bill, who stonewalled it? Yes, Big Man, you're right! It was the GOP that didn't want this bill! In the name of "reducing government", these programs have been cut or threatened to get cut. -"Republicans do what they say unless the democratic run house and senate hold it up. You can't hold an Office on false promise i.e. Billary, do nothing in New York and act suprised she didn't get the knod for Prez." This comment is really vague as many politicians say one thing and do another, no matter what party they're in. Do you really think GOP is indoctrinated from GOD, and never make mistakes, or always have holy intentions? "They do what they say?" If so, you're a GOPdouche, and your chances of regaining clear insight are poor. -Sex in my office? Of course there is! So what, what my coworkers wish to do on their own time is their own business, just keep the door locked during lunch! What the story was referring to is Government workers, appointed by GWB, have contemptuous relationships with people from private relationships they are meant to oversee. This is an ETHICAL problem, not just involving sex. Kinda like a sexy double agent getting information/favors from a hard-up private at the consulate. Keep it real.
  20. Here's a link that describes this further: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/9/27/111952/862 Bush Sr. has been using this trust fund throughout his term, and possilby Reagan as well. I don't know what the hard figures are, but I would bet that even with this fund, the current budget is way out of whack with what it was 9 years ago.....So much for fiscal responsibility....
  21. Lib drivel? Ooohhh, "classy deflection of the facts, Big Man....I think your high on the McSame Kool-Aid. Yes, Obama will lower taxes for those that need it the most, the middle class, and give families a rebate NOW. What will McSame do? He'll plan to give the wealthiest more tax breaks. Help me understand how this will help the country now. If the Recession of 2008 isn't proof enought that "Trickle Down" economics doesn't work, I don't know what else will. The "monster" that is the government? Gee, look at it now. There is so much deregulation and lack of oversight the Department of the Interior has been rocked by a huge scandal that involved sex between government employees and the companies they are to oversee. It doesn't stop there. You have the mortgage crisis, started by poor oversight in the financial services sector. Then unregulated speculators playing with gas futures. Please. The "big bad government" scare was a campaign plank of the Reagan administration, designed to demonize the government for the advancement of his rich friends. But guess what? We're finding that we still need (and always needed) a strong enough government (and DUH, I don't mean a 'big brother govt) to make opportunities fair for all, not just the well connected. Right now, government's weak and ineffective, and the inmates are running the prison. There must be a balance here. If you really think the GOP are the lily-white saviors of our nation that they pretend to be, then I have a bridge I'd like to sell you..... BTW, Clinton left us with a surplus and a great economy, and Bush just pi##ed it away, allowing more debt to be held by the Chinese, which is really a grave security risk for our country. There is no reason to believe the Dems will weaken this country. It's another worn plank of the GOP with NO credibility at all. By your arguments, I think you're stuck in 19...19...1985.....
  22. "More of the Same" - I think the previous poster meant the GOP's reliance on meaningless drama meant for high school girls versus serious debate of the issues. The GOP have consistently relied on "moral" issues and distracting drivel to cover up for their gutting of the lower and middle class (i.e. "Guns, God, and Gays"). People will thrive under an economy under McBush? No way. The current corpocracy that is now running our country thrives with deregulation of ecomomic safeguards. McSame will barely lower taxes for the middle class, and give the wealthy even more (which are paid for by the lower and middle class). But Obama will lower the taxes for the middle class and give families a $1000 rebate immediately. Interest rates? They're coming down now after we the taxpayers bailed out Fannie and Freddie, kind of like reverse socialism. Incredible. Our Military? Everyone agrees that the Iraq war was a disaster, started for false reasons, and left the cause in Afghanistan to rot (I bet my 7 y/o could beat Bush in Stratego). The surge has NOT worked, as there is no political resolution, and will not be for some time (i.e. Bush just delayed troop draw downs anticipated for later this year). A senior commander came out yesterday to sound the alarm that we are losing Afghanistan. And what was winning supposed to be? Big Man, I don't expect to change your mind about how you view the world. I assume you are Republican and/or Conservative, laudable to be sure. I do not think that the current GOP administration and presedential ticket reflects the true nature of conservatism, namely the support of traditional values and fiscal responsibility. There are an over aboundance of hawkish corporatists that are controlling your party, and their only goals are to the shareholders of the interests they represent. "Peace Out"
  23. For the record, this is BS. Obama is NOT in favor of murdering a baby that does not die after an abortion. He voted "present" on a bill that duplicated provisions to care for a fetus in such a circumstances that was already on the books. His political enemies are using this fallacy to discredit him so people won't vote for him.
  24. Thanks for the link, CBB. Good luck to you and your wife.
  25. 1) 1970 Mustang. Bought it for $600 in 1983. It was a rust bucket and at the end had electrical problems due to the rust. Problems of one sort all the time (rebuilt carb, new gas tank, starter solenoid.....) But alot of great memories.... 2) 1977 Maverick. 1985. Had a cool paint job but the rear bumper rusted out. Boy Ford was really concerned about my health.....
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