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Everything posted by BillsFanLevy

  1. 46 hours 40 minutes LET'S HEAR IT!!!! LETS GO BUFFALO
  2. SUNY Oswego....class of '02 I'm suprised I haven't come across any alum on this thread too bad.
  3. The Karate Kid (1984) Wax on, Wax off
  4. "He runs like a Welshman, doesn't he run like a Welshman ahh you don't get it"--Stewie Griffin
  5. This is the most mistakes I've seen the Pats make this season without including the first Steelers game and Miami, so if they don't turn it around I can see the Eagles winning, and Donny boy raising the trophy for the CUSE proud!
  6. what exactly is a GMail? First I thought you meant GMac but we can talk about him on Saturday when he goes for 30! Seriously though what is it?
  7. You are crazy!!!!!!! Evans is cut out of the Price mold explosive and fast but can't cut a defense up with power like Moulds. Evans will be a great number 2, Moulds will keep him as a very productive number 2 like he did with Price. But speed isn't everything when you are sitting in double coverage all game like Moulds. You have to be strong and take the ball, like Moulds does. So while I agree Moulds has to restructure it's not like Drew where if he doesn't he's gone. He's doing to win football games because he wants to go to the playoff's and have a chance to win. So over all I love Evans but he's not a number 1 receiver.
  8. You are all jealous cause you couldn't get into the Oswego State University like i did...
  9. "I'm out, I'm not longer master of my domain"
  10. Actually it's a team rule, that Willis can't wear the visor. Cause remember when Tiki wore it he needed cause he looked at the place he was running. It's an individual team rule which is stupid if it helps him then let him wear it.
  11. Well you can do a great Syracuse food tradition cause of the link to the Cuse, and that would be the greatest hotdog of all time that's right a Hoffman hotdog. And i mean no disrespect to WNY I'll lived here for a year and Salen's aren't bad but man Hoffman's are the best! Hope I helped a little bit
  12. The offseason, and make no mistake about it, it is in fact the offseason. It has been the offseason for me since I watched my beloved Bills lose to the stupid towel chokers. Now don't get me wrong what a terrific season that i had my first set of season tickets. But I can't believe this is the outcome of that marvelous season, only to be in January and counting down until the Draft. Without any major needs slapping me for the team not being in the playoffs. Well my beautiful girlfriend would be mad at me for not pointing out the bright spot and that I would have to say my boy donny getting to the mother of all games!!! Now being from the Cuse it's great to see, but I really hope he beats the living crap out of the Pats!!! I am getting to point of Dolphin hatred for that team and i want them to fall on their faces in that game......well a guy can hope. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Pat's players and Pat's fans..oh don't come to the Ralph next year either I hate you thanks for listening i have been trying to say this for three weeks now! BILLS IN 05
  13. If you look at that link and see that the 5 top teams that have given up the fewest sacks are all in the playoffs. Makes you wonder what could be.
  14. hopefully this will help he should have been in years ago!
  15. Ladies please stop the fighting, let us not forget what a football season we just witnessed!!!
  16. I agree he doesn't deserve to be asked to take another cut, he proved to me that he still has some football left inside of him. Get paid Drew, take the money they won't cut you it's just a cloud of smoke.
  17. Maybe he has money on the game and is laughing all the way to the bank!
  18. I would pay every dollar I had right now to see the Bills win one Super Bowl! I can't imagine what would happen, I'd probably be so happy I'd piss all over myself. I may also go and jump off a cliff cause I would know life couldn't get any better. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: cowboys, redskins, and giants!!!
  19. The only downfall to that is if you don't get married she doens't have to give the ring back. If you give it on a national holiday it's a gift but if you give it on a normal day and break up you can get it back. I knew all that People's Court in college would pay off one day...
  20. It's not just the Jags that need to lose, the Ravens and the Broncos as well. Or if the Jets decided to lay down that would be good too..
  21. Ok I read the first post and that's all I could take, so I repeat anything I'm sorry. I agree with some points but what about bringing in Takeo Spikes that was a very good move, also allowing Winfield to go and not spending the money on him was also a great move. Also the tag and trade of Price was a great move...How many 100 yard games has he had in Atlanta? So if you want to blame him for the bad, make sure you praise him for the good.
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