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Everything posted by BillsFanLevy

  1. Remember 2 years ago when everyone ripped me for saying Willis is the future and my line...I'll take my props now l l l l \/
  2. ABOUT THE BEST THING SAID ON THIS SITE IN WEEKS!!!! Wish more people had this within themselves.
  3. Don't let the door hit you on the A$$ on the way out!
  4. Good i'm glad sorry excuses for fans like yourself won't be there Sunday..negativity is the last thing needed now. So I'm glad you won't be gracing us with your sorry presence, but i will be there.
  5. If you don't care why do you bother to come? Every Monday I can barely speak and no matter how bad it gets I will continue to do so. It's this type of fan that takes away the home field advantage they might as well be on the road.
  6. I have been out there every week, and will continue to do so. It's people like you that sell your tickets on ebay and then we get out numbered by opposing fans. Don't think you are any better than I am because I have had them and will have them until they are no longer in this city.
  7. He is still a very dangerous QB when given the proper time to throw the ball. I don't think he is the only part of the problem, however I do feel one more loss and it's time to bring in the kid when he is healthy.
  8. The funny thing is I have had this line on here since the day he was drafted, and people went crazy.
  9. Listen jerk, last week people were trying to be optimistic. They were trying to avoid being being like you. You still have to support your team no matter how bad it gets...by the way when was the last snap you took? I bet you could do a better job then every other player on the field. Why don't we sign you up and you go out week after week and bust your a$$ and see what you could produce. Sorry to be a jerk but some people are just worthless as in YOU.
  10. Nice shot on the second pic showing the flag in the ref's hand, it was all great who cares about the 15 yarder.....Don't let it happen again though TKO!
  11. Thanks for all the input guys, we will probably check out one of them after we get out of class tonight. We may check out Damon's just because of the name so if you have any info on it let me know, and how to get there. If you can think of anymore let me know too. GO SOX
  12. Ok my roommate and I are looking for a PRO Red Sox bar in the Buffalo area. We are grad students and only know the college bars. We are looking to go get crazy tomorrow night for game 7, any help would be great. GO SOX
  13. Yeah he is done, the last I heard he admitted to 3 hematoma's. But is trying to get reinstated because they all healed, but it will never happen. So I'm sad to say he's done boxing but I think he has a great career as a broadcaster....good luck joe
  14. LET'S GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!! Let those Pats douche bags hear you!
  15. I agree with you and I will be there with my back window saying F@ck the PATS! And i always lose my voice at a game, it's nothing new but I'm sure I'll fight at least one Pats fan. Call me crazy but I think they will win this game.
  16. First off I that line has been up there since the draft in 2003. And I do believe that Willis will be a star, maybe not here but he's going to have a great career. Now remember it takes a while to come back from that injury at least 2 years and he's not there yet. Anyways, Willis didn't come in talking trash, when he didn't accomplish anything so it's a much different situation than JP. I hope JP has all the success in the world and wins Super Bowls, but he needs to shut his mouth until he proves something!
  17. JP ducks, runs, he may go all the way....wait wait his leg snapped in half again...damn bring in the backup..where's Flutie when you need him.
  18. Sorry I haven't had time to sift through all the garbage yet.
  19. JP needs to check the attitude, because other than being drafted at 22 he hasn't accomplished anything in this league.....got to love the swagger though what a jerk
  20. Ok I say this will a respect, but if you know anything about football then you wouldn't call for him yet. If you put a rookie in you are mailing in the season period, you are playing for a draft pick. I'm not ready to give up on the season or give up on Bledsoe. It's hard I agree they should be 2-0 but that is the way it happens sometimes. I'm focused on the Pats and they need to show me something just like all of you. I'm afraid that if JP was healthy everyone would be calling for him now, that's crazy. He's not healthy nor is he ready to compete at this level. He was a two year project when drafted, but now it's cut to at least a year so give that time. Now once they have no chance in the season and JP is healthy I agree get him in and see what he can do, but not until then. Bledsoe is our horse and we need to ride him and support that fact that he is all we have....and please don't say any garbage about Shane Matthews. Sorry I'm sick of people and the media putting a bullseye on Bledsoe's back, maybe I'm wrong but I JUST DREW IT...baby and this goes to Belicrack and the PATS :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  21. I'm from Syracuse and agree with you 100%. The problem is at One Bills Drive they don't advertise enough and they don't bring the Bills into the Syracuse market. They will run a few advertisements about tickets being on sale but that's it, no community involvement. Now that I have recently moved to Buffalo it's a world of difference, but of course I'm now 15 minutes from the Ralph so there will be a difference. The need to up their exposure in Syracuse, call Ralph and tell him what I said...
  22. The Bills will win or else I have to run around my job naked
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