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Everything posted by mtdoak

  1. Bruschi is one guy I would love to have on the Bills. He's easily the Pats best player IMHO. Losing him is going to hurt their D alot. It would be like Buffalo losing Spikes. That being said, I'm hoping Bruschi recovers 100% and is back on the field in '06, even if its for the Pats.
  2. The Senaca Niagara has a good poker room. Fallsview (from what I understand), just sucks.
  3. C'mon people, its not like we're telling you the end to a movie. If ESPN was showing it on a one day delay, I would understand that. Shoot, take it on a positive spin, figure out who wins each tournament, and go to a bar when they are showing it for the first time, and pick up some cash off suckers when you bet on the final table.
  4. Buffalo has a 1/16 shot of landing crosby. 3/48 balls. To put it in a more understanding perspective, Buffalo will land crosby less often then you will win a pot drawing to an inside straight. However, they have as good of a shot as anyone.
  5. The forums at www.twoplustwo.com keeps me pretty up to date. As far as texas calulatate'em goes....if you can't calculate pot odds on the fly, time for you to learn to. I wouldn't learn to depend on that program, as you won't have it at the table.
  6. To be honest, the negotiating with the swiss club is for pure leverage. There will be no shortage of offers for the #1 pick, once its taken. That being said, Crosby, while good, is going to have a hard time to live up to the hype. I fully expect if Buffalo, Nashville, Columbus, Carolina, or any other small market team gets the pick, Crosby goes into full 'I'm not going to sign with you' mode and gets to go where he wants, ala Eli Manning. Like Spezza and Lecavilier before him, he's not going to be 'the next one'. If I get the pick, and someone offers me a package I can't refuse (i.e. Young #1 franchise D-man, multiple 1st round picks, a proven star foward with good leadership skills), I have a hard time turning it down.
  7. Just a word of warning. One of the most popular HUDs is in the process of being banned today. Poker-Edge, specifically. So, be careful what program you use.
  8. The quote david sklansky: "The hallmark of low limit players is to play too many hands and take marginal hands too far". If you guys want to learn how to beat these games, read small stakes hold'em, by sklansky and miller. Its the bible amongst most players who are crushing the 2/4 and 3/6 games at party poker.
  9. My main source of income is playing poker right now, mostly online. There is no conspiracy and its very rare to find collusion going on, espically at the big sites (Partypoker+skins, PokerStars, PrimaPoker). As far as using 'helping' programs, most serious players use poker tracker+some form of HUD (heads up display), which gives you on the fly stats on opponents. If your only playing one table, you don't need a HUD, but if your going to 4 table, its a necessity. My advice to the new player is take advantage of signup bonuses at different sites and learn to play whatever game your going to play well. Also, if you are going to get serious about the game online, you need to get some sort of rakeback deal. I make an extra 500-800 every month just in a rake rebate deal.
  10. Casinos work like this. They take a slight edge....convince people that they are getting good odds....and push it over huge sample space.
  11. Photoshop is fun. I've always wanted to overdub one of those miracle golf club infomercials with cats screaming everytime a player swings the club but the ball isn't shown.
  12. I know I'm probably one of the ONLY wallers who who plays poker for a living (at least until I get a job), but I think can give some perspective to this thread. Personally (and professionally), I would love to see a 21 year old win the main event with little or no experiece? Why? So more young players will start thinking it doesn't take much to be a good poker player. The guys you see on TV are GOOD. Lederer, Chan, and Ivey espically. The funny thing is, that these tournies aren't really how they make their money. Almost all their money is made via cash games and most tourneys are for glory and for pride (I guess the money helps a little...). I heard a rumor that Ivey, in the last 3 years, has made between 50-80 million playing poker. And he's not taking this money off chumps either, he's taking it off seasoned pros. The WSOP is a great event, and cardplayer.com is the place to follow it this year. If you are thinking of learning poker, I would give this advise: Read up, start small (many online sites offer $25 max buy in NL or .25/.50 limit games), take advantage of online sites deposit bonuses, and read up. There are so many books out there, there's no reason to risk any money without reading up first.
  13. Oglethorpe: Shut up! I have an amazing plan to betray our new friend! (He laughs.) Emory: I thought the plan was to barbecue with him. Oglethorpe: Plans are for fools! When he gets here, we melt him! And laugh on into the night.
  14. I am telling a pats friend of mine that the 1986 Red Sox were involved with Russians as well....time to let the paranoid Boston fans become a self fufilling prophecy.
  15. Please, do not put a movie like 'fast and furious' in the same sentance with the 3 movies previous.
  16. You people really don't like Movies..... In the past 10 years... Memento City of God Collateral Gladiator Black Hawk Down Saving Private Ryan Schindlers List Se7en Kill Bill Vol 1 Kill Bill Vol 2 Pulp Fiction The Game Fight Club Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Being John Malcovich Adaptation The Matrix The Aviator American Splendor Sideways The Virgin Suicides Lost in Translation Rushmore Royal Tennebaums I can keep going. Yes, there are alot of sh------- movies out there, esp in the summertime, but you need to remember that there are alot of quality American Films put out every year.
  17. No mention of Crash?? By far the best movie of the year so far (though, I have yet to see Cinderalla man). Its a gritty, realitisic look at rascism from both sides.
  18. A better place to check out is cardplayer.com They have daily updates and videos.
  19. Hmmm...last White Buffalo born in 94....perhaps the white buffalos bookend a period of medicority for Buffalo.
  20. I don't live IN the city....i live around the city. I'm also 6'2'', 250+ lbs. I think most thugs will look for easier marks.
  21. Trying to find a few things: #1. Some fellow bills fans to carpool to games with in the fall (I'm interested in at least 4 games, possibly season tix...) #2. Some good Restaurants that serve Buffalo favorites, esp. Beef on Wek (its been FOREVER) #3. Any general Detroit advice.
  22. Can i take this oppurunity to say: If you haven't seen City of God (which made this list). See it. Now.
  23. I would be pretty PO'd if i were Cedarpoint. Thats the exact same design that they used, they didn't even try to change it. They just copied it and made it a bit taller. The Top Thrill Dragster was innovative (and probably the most kickass roller coaster I've ever been on), this is pretty much a carbon coby.
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