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Everything posted by mtdoak

  1. That was an exact quote from my roomie: "They are like the Buffalo Bills of College football. They can make it to the big game, they just can't win it"
  2. Sorry, but no way Bledsoe should be the starter next season, game on the line, and he cost us it. Buffalo got LUCKY it wasn't worse than it was. Pittsburgh dropped a few passes that would have put the game away in the 3rd quarter. Bledsoe is great if the game is won by the D or by the special teams, but put Bledsoe in when the game is huge, you see what happens. Both NE games, the Baltimore game, the Pittsburgh game. If Buffalo even wins one of those games Buffalo is in the playoffs. I was cautious optimisitic about Bledsoe when the streak was going, but once again, he showed his true stuff.
  3. See, I'm not sure if I would rather see a desperate Rams team against t he NYJ or a Rams team with nothing to lose.
  4. Three guys were heading to a football game, a Bills fan, a Patriots fan, and a Colts fan. On the way there, they noticed a foot sticking out of the bush. They investigated and found a drunk, passed out woman. Out of respect for the woman, the Bills fan his cap over the left breast, the Colts fan put his cap on her right breast, and the Pats fan put his cap over her crotch. The next day the Police found the naked young woman, and two cops began to investigate. The first cop lifted up the Bills hat, the Colts hat, and the Patriots hat. The other cap says to him "Are you a pervert or something" To which the first cop replies: "No, I'm just suprised. Usually when I look under a Patriots cap I find an a-hole"
  5. The entire dayton ohio area highway department. 20 Miles of gridlock. 6 hrs to go 40 miles to the airport :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  6. Like i said earlier, if you see any Black Ford Taurus's with NYS plates on 71 N between columbus and Cleveland....its probably me.
  7. D-D-D-Damnit. The one time of the year I DON'T want snow, Ohio seems sure to snow me in. 9-16 inches before tomorrow. And I have to leave. I wouldn't mind the snow in NY, but considering that the states has no idea how to deal with snow down here coupled with the fact that people really don't know how to drive in it AND the fact that these same people are going to drive in it anyways because of the holidays makes the roads very very very dangerous. A nice 7 hr drive out of this hell hole is going to turn into a terrible 13 hr oddesy where i curse the hell out of every Ohio plate I see. I know that this will be the only snow they see all winter down here, and I am stuck driving in it with all the imbeciles and inbreds. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: OHIO
  8. Alot of defective condoms....only don't tell them they're defective. Its the gift that keeps on giving.
  9. I feel your pain. I have to drive back for Christmas too. Its gonna be a loooong drive back for me (from the dayton area). There may be a record # of curse words spoken about this state, its road crews, and every last resident and their inability to drive in the snow. If you see a black ford taurus with NYS plates and a ticked off driver, its probably me.
  10. That would work too. If there ever was a time to try it out, it would be against San Fran this week.
  11. No, someone told Brady the guys from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy were in the audience. Needless to say, he got very excited and took his mind off the game.
  12. Santa....is there anyway you could, you know, break Corey Dillon's leg? Nothing permanent. Also, could you make it so he breaks his leg while in some sexual situation with Tom Brady....(not thats there's anything wrong with that). Oh, and can you make it so it becomes public knowledge what really happened. Thanks
  13. Its a festivus miracle!! My Grievance? Simple: Its too cold not to have any snow on the ground down here in Dayton, OH. Damn you Ohio, Damn you.
  14. Ever wonder what kind of food a tradional festivus dinner is?
  15. Hey, My texan's fan buddy already guaranteed me a win this weekend over the Jacksonville Draguars. So, gooooo Texans!
  16. An appropiate cliche for this game: a CLASSIC trap game.
  17. 3rd and 1? Give Peters the ball. And a 10 yard running start. I pity the defensive linemen who get in his way.
  18. Its not rooting for the Fish....its rooting against the Pats. Time for the airing of Grievances!!! I'll start: Miami Dolphins: I find it very had to take you seriously in orange or aqua.
  19. Miami DOES something good. A housemate of mine is a die hard pats fan. Oh the fun i'm going to have.
  20. This is my favorite: We have two injuries to our starters, Buffalo has the 4th ranked pass defense....but in fact, Cincinatti is better. Alot more help internally?? What the hell does that mean. Wait, he's saying that Buffalo has a "much stronger roster". But, Buffalo is "not any better than the bengals"????? I'll give them credit against Baltimore (#6 overall D), even though they packed it in after the half. But New England secondary is banged up beyond belief, and they are the 10th ranked defense, #17 against the pass. I think that Cincy is in for a big suprise today, facing the #3 defense in the league. Most of these matchups are very obvious, but the Offensive line, Coaching staff are at least even. The DBs in Buffalo are better than Cincy's, nuff said. http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/art.../412190360/1066
  21. I second that. What a friggin game.
  22. On Defense: #1. Play the run. Stop Rudi Johnson. Play 8-men in the box if you need to. Put the pressure on Kitna to beat Buffalo through the air. #2. Rough up the Cincy Wideouts. Every passing play, make sure they pay the price. Get them rattled. #3. Try and confuse Kitna. Send alot of different packages at him, keep him guessing. On Offense #1. Run the ball. Commit to running the ball. This needs to be a ball control style game. McGahee could get 150 yards, 3+ TDs. #2. Get Evans involved. Moulds will be double teamed. Evans should be able to break at least one long one. #3. Make sure Bledsoe doesn't try to win the game on his arm alone. This is when Bledsoe gets into huge trouble.
  23. Thank God for the mute button when her video is on MTV.
  24. Would I miss the NHL if it folded? Simply put, yes. The NHL, even if it is not the most entertaining, has the highest skill level and hardest fought games of any hockey league. Even if the regular season is a little boring (too many games), it makes up for it in the playoffs. I would rather watch a NHL playoff game than any other sport (except maybe a Bills playoff game this year....I would be about pissing myself)
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