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Everything posted by JMM

  1. I was thinking exactly that watching Parsons last night. I'm sure they will have to leave Knox in to chip and even put Edward's over there at times to help as well.
  2. THIS!!! That will change everything. HAS to be our first rd pick.
  3. He ABSOLUTELY has lost a step. Davis is a ghost so he also is getting doubled constantly. But I have never seen him drop so many balls this year.
  4. Diggs doubled all day. Anyone see a guy named Davis??? Can't wait to see him leave ahd draft a true #2
  5. He just can't seem to stop that. I just wonder about him when i see that continuing all these years now...
  6. CET issues, family donating his brain. You wonder if it wasn't the first time he had fallen. Sounds like possibly early dementia had formed. Very very sad. That's way to young. Scary stuff.
  7. I am now on the record that I feel we should move on from McDermott, but I tend to agree, this is a hit piece.
  8. But...but..he said he's DANGEROUS! 🤣🤣🤣😂🤣
  9. BTW did you watch Alabama last week, against powerhouse Auburn? And the Billsy miracle they needed to win. So Bama was THISCLOSE to 2 losses and not being in the playoff. But FSU had NO chance of winning the national championship, especially with that VERY average defense that they have....🙄
  10. You DO understand that he was their 3RD stringer right? And that their BACKUP would have played, with a month of prep. But maybe you don't know that. Secondly, butt hurt? Lol I have no skin in the game, I'm not a fan of any of the teams. And I want competitive entertaining games as much as anyone. BUT I don't want that at the expense of integrity and fairness. My opinion is not an outlier by any means
  11. 1. FSU Qb is a top recruit as well, they discussed this last night. He is a true freshmen starting his first game ever. In that spot. You think Ty would have done better? Stop... 2. ACC had a better record than SEC this year. Make opinions based on actual facts next time Can u say for a FACT that FSU would not have won the National Championship? NO. And neither can anyone else. Correct? Therefore based on ALL the criteria they met they should have been given the opportunity to do so. Period.
  12. Yet they would! And that's the hypocrisy. If roles were reversed and that was Bama sitting in 4th, undefeated with their star qb down, would they dropped out of the playoff?? NOT A FARKIN CHANCE!
  13. I still believe there is ONE scenario in which he is fired. That is they lose out, in ugly fashion and the team appears to implode. Not likely. But possible. Otherwise yes I have always expected him to get another year based on what he has accomplished overall. All we can do then is hope that somehow he becomes a better game manager and more aggressive overall on his mindset. Also not likely. But possible.
  14. Ok Cuse fans what are your thoughts on the hiring of Fran Brown? I'm quite skeptical, I know he's an up and Comer but never even been a coordinator. I know he's supposedly a great recruiter, and will have the Georgia coattails, but PSU and ND hired GREAT recruiters, how's that working out for them. When I saw Dan Mullin rumored over the weekend I was excited. Maybe it will work out well.
  15. What I wonder about is what happens with Beane if Pegs decides he wants Mcd fired. Remember this was a strange process, he hired Mcd who then basically picked Beane for GM, the opposite of how it's supposed to work. They really have been a package from the start. So, will Beane stay, will he resign? Will he be asked to find the next HC if Mcd is fired? Anybody have any insight into how this might go? I'm finally done with Mcd, but Beane imo is one of the best GM in the game, and certainly our best since Polian.
  16. Been watching this team since early 70's, the script was quite obvious from the start of the third quarter. And yes I did expect that FG to be good. Totally Billsy.
  17. People more thinking with your brain, less with your hearts. HARD PASS
  18. I've always defended McDermott, for all he has done. Despite the losses. I started to have doubts last year. The doubts grew deeper this year. After he kneeled with 20 secs to go, when he played to go to OT, he finally lost me. I'm DONE. I want him fired. We will not get to the promised land with him. FIRE HIM
  19. This. First pick next year HAS to be best available WR. And there will be several. He needs more weapons
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