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Everything posted by JMM

  1. Yup Rodgers gotta be salivating trying to get back to this dumpster fire. The Jets got exactly what they deserved and so did he. Perfect fit!! Especially with him bringing Hackett. Who would think his O would struggle...🙄🙄🙄🙄
  2. But...but...he says he is " dangerous "...🤣🤣🤣
  3. You're joking, but frankly I think we are headed down that road with the QB's, it's that ridiculous.
  4. Oh they wanted him! But instead we still got to pick Elam...🤢
  5. So we were the team that resulted in Zachs last snaps as a Jet. He's undoubtedly gone after the season. Would benefit from a fresh start. But will never be a starter, might be serviceable backup with his legs and good arm strength . Agree. It's possible that the change will help the Jets rally and play hard, but Boyle looked lost yesterday, can't run and has very average arm. Jets will need a bunch of turnovers. 14 points might be enough for Fins.
  6. You could it's just not his natural position. He's not the take the top off type of wr. He excelled in college over the middle as well. He is just a better fit in the slot.
  7. Like I wrote when we made this trade I loved it, the best part was that he's a ball hawk. Saw that yesterday.
  8. Yes, BUT he is not an outside wr, he thrives in the slot. Leave him there, stuck with Davis rest of year
  9. Wilson is literally embarrassing. They can't start him after today! Can they????
  10. Mos Ohhh Josh, a BAZOOKA! THATS MY MAN! Where has he been? 22 other qb's Sauce picks that.
  11. Ok I'm no ST expert but usually the gunners are double teamed. Why wouldn't they be there?
  12. Does anyone on this board play secondary??? Available?
  13. No, he's a pure corner who is not a big hitter and not a great tackler. Frankly with those 2 serious injuries I doubt he plays again, and the Bills should make an injury settlement a priority with him and move on.
  14. Not true regarding his running. Planned runs have been part of the game plan again recently. Not crazy about that long term, if you have to rely on your qb as your best runner, you have serious issues as an O. However I'm talking about his incredible ability to move and run after being pressured. That needs to continue and not have that natural instinctive part of his game be neutered. He can still do that and slide and go out of bounds. Again that's on him to realize he needs to avoid contact. He has done a bit better with that this year.
  15. Not sure I understand your point. Dorsey was not doing a good job and was fired. Josh is also not doing a good job either. He is impatient, bails early, misses open wrs, is hesitant to run, and has made bad decisions leading to him leading the entire league in turnovers, yet again. The solution is hopefully better coordination, but if Josh is unable to clean things up and Play the way he can, very little will change.
  16. Nice watch, Kurt does a great job. And it confirms what we pretty much know, the problem with the O has been a combo of Dorsey and Josh. No doubt both have underperformed. For whatever reason it simply was not working with them together. You're not going to bench Allen, so of course the ax was going to fall on Dorsey. What's so disappointing about Josh is he seems to be regressing since the beginning of last year. And he went out of his way to say that this year he was going to be ultra focused just on football, taking his game to the next level. And to finally eliminate a lot of the turnovers. And this is the result of that?? He is impatient, making poor decisions, and simply has lost his energy and machismo. He is a supreme physical talent. HOF type of physical talent. My fear is that if he doesn't somehow work on the mental aspects of the game he won't be able to get us to the promised land. He would benefit so much from someone like Kurt or Peyton helping him.
  17. A lot of screens? Well, at least we have always excelled at those over the years...😔😔😔
  18. Frazier, a big NO. Daboll? I miss his creativity, I miss his not being afraid to get on Josh's ass. But he had lots of drawbacks as well, very pass happy at times.
  19. Is he being scapegoated?? Yes. Are their deeper problems? Yes. Did he deserve to be fired? YES. It's not always so black and white.
  20. An O coordinator is soo much more than play calling. It's getting the best out of your players, organization, confidence in your system. So much more, it was clear to me since GB game last season that Dorsey was simply in waaay over his head. It had to happen
  21. Yup, just add it to the list....😔
  22. Did anybody watch the game that way? If so can you please let us know their comments and observations? I'm particularly interested in what Peyton had to say. I know one thing, I would imagine he was doing that thing where he shakes his head with a look of frustration/disgust on his face! 😆 Thanks.
  23. I've watched the Bills over 50 years now. I understand Billsy. That was beyond Billsy. That was DISGRACEFUL. Something has to happen now. I've always been a supporter of McDermott, but they have imploded. Josh is regressing. We can reboot, Josh can still be great, but things need to change starting TOMORROW. What that means? That's the question I guess.
  24. That's a forking joke, what if Wilson ran for a first there? Cmon
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