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Everything posted by JMM

  1. Incredibly stupid post if you live in WNY and experienced what happened here a year ago.
  2. Common sense won out. Frankly I'm shocked...
  3. If there are truly going to be blizzard conditions during the scheduled time of the game they are going to have to do something. You can't put peoples lives in danger for a game. Especially when we just lost lives tragically last year. I think the most obvious solution is to move the game to Monday at 4. They moved a game to Tuesday a few years ago because of Covid, so what could the excuse be to not now??
  4. I'll just say this. If the field is snow covered the Bills better have the proper damn cleats on! I know they also got out physicaled by the Bengals last year, but I could swear it looked like the Bills were playing with roller skates on!!
  5. As a long time fan, who suffered through both the Fins and Pat's domination of us, I'm very happy and proud that it was Bills teams that directly led to their exits finally. First Kelly and Marv with Shula, and now this team with Josh. Doesn't make up for all the frustration and grief they caused us but hey its something. 😌
  6. I fully agree with this. The closest comparisons to Josh are Elway and Favre, especially Favre. A WCO and a STRONG O coach was the key to harnessing their incredible gifts and making them champions. I would love to see them bring in someone experienced, strong and some sort of WCO system for him.
  7. Yes I believe he will be named DC next year but with a LOT of input from Sean.
  8. I was there, big difference was it wasnt very windy
  9. You make a good point, our TE's could be a key, and if we can get Playoff Lenny going...Pitt has a terrific TE too of course.
  10. VERY concerned about that forecast. Would absolutely be a possible equalizer and favor PERFECTLY the style and strengths of their team.
  11. But...isn't that the whole point??? Are we supposed to play him because of what he was??? Disagree. He had not just amazing bendabilty, perhaps the best I've seen since Bruce, but also great explosion and several special moves. But that all depended on that physical ability which is not there at this point. It may come back as it did after his last knee blowout, but we can't wait at this point. He needs to be inactive from here on out, and let's give him another chance next year. We are stuck with him anyway cap wise.
  12. If he's a decoy but not drawing any extra attention from a team then he's simply not useful at this point. I had no issue with him getting a shot last night with us already in, but now we can't afford to mess with him anymore.
  13. Anybody watch him in depth? I only admit I watched him a few plays in the first half in which he looked the same, no explosiveness, no bend, got washed out. Thinking they have to sit him for playoffs if that was all game. More reps to Espenesa and Jonathan please.
  14. Early but really hoping this forecast doesn't come true. Absolutely worse case scenario, the only chance I think the Steelers would have, the weather as a equalizer. They feature a power running game and a solid run D and try to force turnovers. Perfect for that type of weather. Hopefully the home field advantage will hold.
  15. I said on draft night I think he can be special and was thrilled we picked him. He didn't disappoint.
  16. Dawkins came back in. Very worried about Douglas if serious, he really changed the whole D .
  17. Again this team simply was not ready. That's all out blitz, that's a hot read. And Josh holds it. 7th year now
  18. Tell me that is a well coached team. They were not ready to play. I thought they would be loose, they are SLOPPY and being out physicaled on D. Josh desperately needs a O coach to help him next year.
  19. Fins are the more physical team on BOTH sides. Miami. Unacceptable. Period. Better get it together
  20. D just bad tackling tonight. Unless Josh gets going we meet again in 7 days
  21. I give up on these refs. I'm so disgusted. I can't even anymore. Joke
  22. So with them in this HAS to change the mindset a bit tonight doesn't it? For BOTH teams. I mean you can't open up the whole playbook tonight with the chance we meet again in 7 days can you? Also we can't run Josh in planned plays as much can you? I know , I know we want 2 seed and home field. Understood. BUT the reality is that tonight is NOT a playoff game. And we can't afford to lose Josh to injury in a game that doesn't eliminate us at this point. It will be interesting to see how they approach it. One thing is for certain if the game starts to get out of hand either way, BOTH teams will start pulling guys. GO BILLS!!!
  23. I was RIGHT!!! Once in 2 thousand times. I sense a trend...🤣🤣 I think they will now play very relaxed and well. All pressure on the fish now. But hard to say. Both teams almost have to hold back a bit now with them possibly playing again in 7 days
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