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  1. I was there, had season tickets and yes it was a magical year. Until...well...you know...😔
  2. Yes same here, happened this pm. I needed to sign in through Google, I'm not sure what is going on either
  3. Beane is not done. Not a chance in the world. Not saying there will be a big splash trade, but this team will have another wr on the roster, most likely after the Tre money comes into play 6/1.
  4. I wonder with Flornay if they will wait, and if not drafted sign him as a priority UDFA
  5. Oh...is the draft over? Darn...🙄
  6. Guys please go read scouting reports. Please go to YouTube and look up his gauntlet drill. His short speed, his hands and tracking skills are ELITE. He's a beast. This is a GOOD pick.
  7. YES! Now I'm happy. Beane gonna cook with gas tomorrow night! Great job Beane!!
  8. Chi either takes Rome or trades out. If we don't trade with Bears then we sit for awhile or till 28
  9. Alt was a lock to Tenn, will they want to trade back now? Hmm..
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