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Sierra Foothills

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Everything posted by Sierra Foothills

  1. How about if what is being reported is semi-true? Dinner at Tempo... hell have Russ Brandon at the dinner...
  2. Isn't that on the dollar menu? Regardless, don't call him McClappy... there are a few people around here that are very sensitive about that. There are 4 former Offensive Coordinators on the staff right now... Rob Boras, Mike Shula, Aaron Kromer, and Joe Brady. There's plenty of offensive expertise in the building... Dorsey has to figure out how to blend the talents of all of these coaches. Same as with the offense, it's likely that the expertise and talent exists within the current coaching staff. It's a matter of McDermott soliciting feedback from his coaches channeling their ideas at the right times.
  3. Okay. How about... "Ive heard of him!" Well, both Bates and McGovern have played center before. Possibly an heir apparent for Morse/future starter but I don't think we need backup depth at center. Don't worry... it's early. The vultures will smell this soon enough.
  4. Has started 45 of 53 games played. https://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/E/EdwaDa01.htm Pre-Draft Scouting Report: https://www.nfl.com/prospects/david-edwards/32004544-5733-7483-3a0b-c9cc2e7a9e47
  5. Good read. Thanks for posting the link. In discussions on this forum, there's no difference between Hodgins and Hopkins for all intents and purposes.
  6. They both triggered compensation per NFL rules. Yes, and it raises the question, "Who's laughing now?"
  7. The sarcasm wasn't directed at me but there's a way you can make your point without being a d_ck bout it. I understand the general defense of Dorsey but the criticism of him is based partly on his inability to reign-in Josh as Daboll successfully did. It seems pretty clear that Daboll kept Josh on a shorter leash... to good results. Of course we all hope that Dorsey learned from and will improve on his first year.
  8. I was happy for the advent of the rookie pay scale and kind of wish the veterans had one too... based on things such as years of service, games started, multi-source grading of performance, accolades, etc. This is but a general thought but the devil is in the details, as they say. The hypothetical scale would compel the team to pay that player a short term but fully guaranteed contract. Then you wouldn't see the evaporation of the middle class of NFL players. Of course this will never happen.
  9. I've never heard he was a problem in the locker room but he's a bit of a problem on airplanes. Why would you say it's luck? The San Francisco 49ers have been awarded 7 compensatory picks from Robert Saleh (New York Jets), Mike McDaniel (Miami Dolphins) and DeMeco Ryans (Houston Texans), and general managers Martin Mayhew (Washington Commanders) and Ran Carthon (Tennessee Titans). Is that luck too or is it maybe they decided to hire qualified minority candidates when other teams weren't doing so? Isn't it more likely that KC and SF are a step or two ahead of the competition? When Frazier left I wanted the Bills to replace him with Steve Wilkes for this very reason. I'm pretty sure Wilkes (who did an excellent job as Carolina's interim Head Coach) will get another opportunity to become a Head Coach. Incidentally the Niners hired Wilkes to replace the departed DeMeco Ryans. Prepare yourself for more compensatory picks to San Francisco.
  10. I'd actually prefer Dalton Schultz to Gesicki but that's just me. I think the word is analyzoscopy... analyzopolis? Technically the period should come after the close parentheses. Agreed. I think Q Morris has a solid floor and some upside too.
  11. is still available... and I know everyone's heard of him. 🙃 I understand his sordid history will be held against him but that happened more than 4 years ago and he's played 4 complete seasons since the incident which resulted in no charges. From a size/skill/talent/age standpoint isn't he arguably just what the Bills are looking for in a running back? Highlights from the last 2 years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5h6NVjW0aU
  12. I agree with the above as the main reasons for a disappointing 2022 season. As one reason I would describe it as emotional exhaustion. The impressive winning streak to end the regular season obscured the fact that the team was not really playing well. In the playoffs you could clearly see the team had nothing left. What I think many are missing is that LABILLBACKER's explanation above applies also to the mediocre play in the final two regular season games as well as both playoff games. Though I subscribe to the emotional exhaustion explanation, there are legitimate questions as to how the loss of Brian Daboll affected the offense (stats be damned, Josh and the offense were not as good). In addition I believe the departure of Leslie Frazier is a tacit admission that McDermott's defensive scheme needs some fresh input. In my mind it is a legit question as to whether the McBeane regime which has done such an excellent job of pulling us out of the 17 year playoff drought and restored respectability to the franchise, can finish the job and take us the final steps.
  13. You're right. Neal has good not great speed but is an excellent all-around athlete. I believe he has a high RAS. Yes. I think by hook or crook Neal will be on the Bills 2023 roster. We'll know soon enough.
  14. He's certainly nothing to Poup on. Yeah he's being a bit ambiguous. It seems like he's vacillating between Derrick Henry and some other guy named Henry Derrick.
  15. Yes, but Fournette has that "I've heard of him" quality and for many people here, that's very important. BTW, not making a value judgement on Fournette... just pointing out that he has name recognition which is important to many posters here.
  16. Yes, the consensus top LB in that draft was Devin White, not Devin Bush.
  17. It could just as well have been a mutual decision too. There were many factors to consider for both sides. It might not be just one side or one reason that caused the parting of ways.
  18. Diggs is questioning whether the Bills have plateaued and can regain a championship trajectory. Those are legitimate questions and everyone hopes the team can improve internally and take the last two steps. Is Diggs comporting himself as a team leader should? He does have a tendency to turn up the heat in the room but sometimes that's what it takes. While I'd like to see him channel his frustrations in less-damaging ways, there's more than just one way to lead. And the Bills chances of winning a Super Bowl are greater with him than without him. Diggs also suffers from "wide receiver frustration" which is that special helplessness they feel when the team is not scheming them up effectively and knowing that this deficiency is reducing the team's chances of winning. In truth both the Bills and Diggs have to be just a bit better.
  19. It's hard to believe that there are not any former Dallas Cowboy players from that era who could replace and improve upon Michael Irvin. So... we've moved on from "driftwood?"
  20. I don't think that's a reason. People have done it before... that's not the reason IMO. Plenty of good story lines. That's not the reason IMO. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the reason.
  21. On top of what you mention above, another thing... actually two things, that I've had a hard time forgiving Leslie Frazier for are: The Hail Murray The jump ball Justin Jefferson "Catch of the Year in our bitter week 10 OT loss to the Vikings To me, those are glaring failures that reside squarely on the shoulders of the DC. The Bills D seems to flunk at Situational Football 101 more than is acceptable.
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