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Everything posted by BeavercreekBillsFan

  1. Jacobs can run the ball, Jimmy g can make enough throws to kill us. Throw in Spencer brown vs Crosby and there’s a potential for the loss.
  2. “How is Spencer Brown still on this team?” ”We still can’t run the ball against the raiders?!” ”Why does it seem like Jimmy G has all day back there?”
  3. Easy to say when you’re dumping it to tyreek and kelce with a good o line to get YAC and make life easy. When’s the last time josh could dump it off and you were confident they could break off a big run? I’ll wait. Josh is always throwing into airtight windows because our receivers suck and they get dropped immediately
  4. Also we can’t take advantage of light boxes and run the ball even with 2 TEs. So we lose all advantage of 12 personnel and we take another receiver off the field.
  5. True. I think if the organization hadn’t failed him and had built him an offensive line and some YAC weapons, he’d be more likely to settle down and take those easier throws. But when you’re dumping it to guys like James cook and Dawson Knox instead of guys like CMC, it’s harder to trust they’re going to help you out.
  6. Thanks this is what I was alluding to. Shanahan is the best offensive mind in the league and I’m not sure it’s that close. Reid is a great play caller but as far as designing plays, KS is at another level. People laughed when I said it’s over for the rest of the league now that he has CMC but I meant it. They haven’t lost since the trade happened (unless you can’t the game where they played without an QB). And now he’s had a whole offseason to design stuff up with CMC and these weapons. It really is hard to imagine them not winning it this year barring injury. He damn near won it with Jimmy G and Matt Ryan, and Purdy gives them something a little extra. The proof is there. If you run his plays, you’re going to win. Watch their games. Please just sit and watch. There are guys open every damn time. WIDE OPEN. With space to run too. I wish Dorsey would just steal like 3 or 4 of his plays to get someone some separation. I love josh but he doesn’t fit in the KS system where you are asked to pick the open target from like 3 wide open choices and then dump it to them and let them YAC the defense to death. The minute josh goes off script, KS would pull his hair out. Unless you simply think josh is going to change his ways all of a sudden.
  7. Can Dawkins play RT? Because he sucks as a LT. Draft best LT and move Dawkins. Get rid of Spencer brown. Fix 2 problems with 1 pick. Draft weapons after that, specifically a YAC WR2. Sick of every catch being caught and the WR immediately getting tackled.
  8. And it failed miserably. If you read all the reports, he really wanted Mac Jones then they changed their minds for some reason.
  9. The 49ers are already a juggernaut right now without josh. I mention it all the time on this board because I’m not over the CMC trade and beane not getting him. That said. Shanahan doesn’t really want a guy like Josh. Sure he’s a fun toy but he would drive KS nuts. He wants a robot back there to execute his offense, that’s not josh. Josh is best off script. KS draws up the best scripts in the league. He’s unmatched. I get your point though.
  10. I said this in the game thread Monday and I’m glad you brought it up again. People want josh to take the easy stuff and I do too but can we all stop acting like that’s going to fix everything? Josh isn’t that type of QB for better or worse. And throwing dump offs don’t work for us because we don’t have YAC guys, literally we have none and that’s an organization failure. We can’t block so we have to find quick routes, etc. Fine. But Dorsey can’t draw up big openings in space to create YAC and we don’t have weapons for that. Love Diggs but he catches the ball then always gets tackled. Gabe sucks at anything but going deep. The TEs aren’t exactly fast. I don’t trust Harry to be much. And cook, while fast, can’t shake a defender and can’t break tackles. So we’re kind of screwed against good defenses. They’re going to give us the easy stuff because even if josh takes the easy stuff, it’s going to take us forever to score since no one can take a dump off and turn it into a score like it seems like every other team seems to have. Josh knows this. He knows he has to score so unfortunately he reverts back. Add in the o line sucks and we have no run game and I can get why he’s pissed. Teams know this. They know we don’t have a CMC or a Tyreek. They’ll give us the easy stuff and then wrap up the recover quickly and frustrate josh more.
  11. I don’t disagree on the turnovers. I’m not giving McDermott credit when josh plays well or blame when he sucks. This whole thing is a disaster and it’s from the top down. McDermott, beane.. all of them aren’t good enough. This team is SOFT and always has been under McDermott. That’s his fault.
  12. Well you can get good odds at +1100 now that they lost. Niners, eagles, chiefs and cowboys are favored over them and obviously should be. I have money on the Niners to win it all as I’ve said numerous times but the champ is coming out of those 4 teams either way. Maybe the bengals might sneak in there too.
  13. Cool, keep the blinders on. Me personally I’d like to get Josh a good coach that doesn’t blow games and gets his team ready to play. Personally I’d like to get a GM that can get our QB weapons. I’d also like an O coordinator that doesn’t call draws on 2nd and 15. To each their own I guess. Enjoy the mediocrity.
  14. You crushed all of us yesterday saying we would eat crow because we dare picked the jets to win and said there were big issues with the team and needed a regime change. Maybe we were right?
  15. Love Diggs but he doesn’t do much as far as YAC. Gabe has no YAC ability for the most part.
  16. I’m not patting myself on the back here but it’s nice to see people this morning finally saying McDermott, Dorsey, and Beane need to go after I got drilled for saying it all day yesterday. I get it. You love the bills and don’t want to say negative things about them but you gotta be realistic. They’ve run their course and I kept saying the last few days that we need an injection of life. It’s too late now though. It should’ve happened after the 13 seconds debacle. Should’ve DEFINITELY happened after the Bengals game last year. Not to mention the Vikings game too. Time and time again this team comes out uninspired and not ready to play. That’s on McDermott. But like I said it’s too late. They didn’t get fired THEY GOT F’ING EXTENSIONS! We wasted Josh’s prime. They had years to build an o line and get weapons. They did neither. They need a full reboot but it’s not going to happen and we as fans will suffer as always. Not reading all 29 pages of this thread but people I’m sure are pissed josh didn’t take the easy stuff. So am I. The problem is taking the easy stuff isn’t great with this team because we have no weapons with any speed so as soon as they catch it they fall down or get tackled. How the hell do we not have any players, NOT 1, that can seem to get YAC or break a tackle?! Yeah I’m sure it’s fun dumping it off to Knox who will get tackled immediately or Cook who will fold like a lawn chair when wind hits him. Josh doesn’t excel in that quick pass scheme anyways and you compound those issues with a bad o line and no YAC guys at all that can make life easy on him. It’s a failure on all fronts. And I said a few weeks ago this whole obsession with 12 personnel sounds nice but “you are what the defense defends you as”. Meaning we can play 2 TEs but who cares when teams still match with nickel because our o line sucks and we can’t run the ball? It’s a wasted down and they can play light boxes against it and WE STILL CANT RUN IT. They should’ve fired them all but we are at least 2 years behind schedule for that now. It’s too late.
  17. I don’t know who it is but josh needs a new head coach and offensive coordinator
  18. We’re gonna blow another one to Wilson aren’t we? 3rd and long always gets us.
  19. I also don’t think josh is at his best in the quick game but not much we can do with Spencer brown and no reliable run game. You know he wants to chuck it down the field. Just wish we had some YAC guys so he could dump off and let them do the work.
  20. Cook has to get the ball on the edges. He’s not good up the middle. So exciting in space. Our o line does better pulling and blocking on the outside too.
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