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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I heard you on the radio. I wonder if there are any other British Bills fans who have actually made the trip to the Ralph. I'm impressed with your dedication. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...22entry529022
  2. Some guy with a British accent asked some question about Lionel Gates. I didn't hear what he said his name was, but I don't of any other British Bills fans who would have been at the Fieldhouse today. Nick, was it you?
  3. Larry, at this year's Jets game Football knowledge is his sixth sense.
  4. Is Lou Saban still alive? Anybody have a Ouija board?
  5. MC Chris = the voice of MC Pee Pants as well as the voice of a bunch of other characters on Adult Swim, such as some guy on SeaLab (I don't watch that one). He's a short Irish guy with a really high pitched voice. http://www.mcchris.com/ My favorite song is "Fett's Vette", you can download it from his site.
  6. I saw this guy perform at Broadway Joe's about a year ago. Talk about a nerd fest.
  7. Did you hear yesterday's post game interview? Also, did you really just say that you've been playing Cornerback for the last 20 years? In what league? What's your 40 time?
  8. This logic doesn't win championships. JoeSixPack clearly is taking it out on Clements with a lot of post game emotion. SDS, you are trying to say that even though he made some mistakes, we should still keep him because he's a hell of an athlete. I agree, NC is a great athlete and a great football player. But he lacks heart. He has demonstrated this on several occasions, this year and years prior. No matter how good he is physically, he will always be a liability mentally. When selecting players to put on your championship team, this factor should be a binary decision maker. Those with heart are eligible to be on your team, those lacking heart should not be on your team. Nate Clements will be forever categorized with players like Terrell Owens, Randy Moss, Chad Johnson, etc. These players, like Nate, are regarded as the best at their positions. They are considered All-Pros, they will go to countless Pro Bowls, but I guarantee that Nate Clements WILL NEVER win a Super Bowl. Why you ask, because he has no heart. A championship caliber GM will realize that a CHAMPIONSHIP team must be built around players who are not only talented, but who also have intelligence and integrity. Players like TO, Moss, and Nate Clements will shout to the rooftops that they are the best at their position, but the best GMs realize that these players ultimately will screw you in the end with their lack of heart. So when SDS says, who should we replace Nate with, I say WHO CARES! It doesn't matter how good he is physically, he will never help you win a championship because he has no heart and no desire. On the final drive he looked like he could give a sh-- that his team just blew a 21 point lead. He was playing without heart. Not to mention that the all pro corner dropped a sure interception that would have been a sure TD in the first half. A player with half the talent would be just as good, because at least a guy like Greer, King, or Baker plays with heart.
  9. You guys are fighting like an old married couple.
  10. JP played well. I really think it is coaching and poor selection of personnel. Terrible playcalling with the lead. The "stars" playing like amateurs. That is a coaching problem. If a team cannot get fired up for a game like this I blame a lot on coaching. Defensive coaching. Offensive playcalling. Lack of heart.
  11. cut Nate Clements right now he has no heart
  12. Anybody notice how they keep showing Tyke Tolbert (our Wide Receivers coach) whenever the defense does bad. They are mistaking him for Jerry Gray, who is up in the booth and not on the sidelines. What a bunch of morons!
  13. Bills 35 Fins 10 Thurman has 200 all purpose yards, 2 TDs. Marino throws 3 ints and is sacked 7 times.
  14. I thought the episode was really good because it hardly had any Ana-Lucia. Whoever cut the missing part of the film obviously did it to lure the Swan hatch people over to their zone of craziness. I'm glad that they're moving on with the story and it looks next week they are going to bring back the monster.
  15. why not squeeze both of them into one big jersey and have them pretend to be one guy?
  16. Hampton Inn on Delaware is a brand new building, less than five years old. It's also easy to get to and right on the corner of Chippewa St. where all the most popular bars in Buffalo are. Where are you coming from?
  17. Cannot compute "2nd favorite team". I'll fix it for you.
  18. My intentions in starting this thread were not to discredit NC's potential or talent as an athlete, they were to point out the fact that a player who claims to be the best should play like the best. If they are obnoxiously cocky and cannot back up their talk, I don't want them on the Bills. Of course the entire defense played terribly today, and of course it wasn't always NC's fault when he was toasted, but if he truly is the best at his position, these exceptions should rarely be made. This seems to be a problem with the entire defense. All talk, little action. Whatever happened to "speak softly and carry a big stick?" I don't want the mantra of the Bills to be, "speak loudly, play like you've never had a stick in your hand, and it's always the fault of my terrible teammates".
  19. I thought the point of having a shutdown corner is to have a guy who can cover one-on-one during blitzes?
  20. I am admitting that he is above average, but not worth the money he wants.
  21. He's above average, but the best at his position, hardly. I have a vivid memory of him saying that he deserves the salary of the best cornerback in the league during training camp. He has done nothing to earn his self-proclaimed title. My evidence includes: 1 - Not knocking the ball down last year during week 1 against Jacksonville on the last play of the game 2 - Getting burned by subpar receivers, for example today against Parker and the geezer McCardell 3 - Having the audacity to say that he is the best at his position, and then performing below average So far the defense has completely collapsed, but NC hasn't done anything to show me he is worthy of the money he wants. Don't re-sign him.
  22. I had to turn it off when they started yelling, "Drink it, drink it, drink it!"
  23. Did anyone notice at the begining of the episode during the commotion on the beach post crash that there was a hexagonal path drawn in the beach by someone's footprints? I could be pushing it a bit but I thought I saw a hexagon as it zoomed out and gave us an overall shot of the beach and the people running around in a panic.
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