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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I was always partial to Clapton's work on "While my Guitar Gently Weeps".
  2. It's not his sister, it's his ex-wife. I don't know if that solo is really that interesting aside from the fact that he is using a slide. The solo doesn't really differentiate that much from the main riff of the song. Best guitarist I think is a stretch, but he certainly does write catchy songs.
  3. I would like to ask any of you computer experts out there why the text of certain websites that usually have regular font are showing up italicized? I'm using XP professional, and this occurs using both IE and Firefox. It just started happening recently, and I know it's not the website because if I use a different computer the text is not italicized.
  4. Clements makes a lot of big plays, but I think if he wants to regard himself as the best corner in the league he needs to learn to stop making costly mistakes. For every big play he makes, he makes one bonehead play. Just off the top of my head, he couldn't stop a wounded Randy Moss, Deion Branch, didn't knock the ball down on 4th and long last year in week 1 against the Jags, and has muffed a few punts this year. He is still a great player, but the best CB in the league, no way. He needs to learn to shut up and put his money where his mouth is, kind of like McGahee.
  5. For a bunch of guys who spend the majority of their lives communicating with other dudes on an internet message board, you're awfully picky!
  6. Has anyone else at the Buffalo News noticed how all the posters on TBD are pretty much writing the same things?
  7. Actually I thought it was because he came in with Cheech Marin, but Cheech was actually Jim McNally.
  8. At about 10:40 pm Mike Mularkey walked in to the Buffalo Chop House and headed straight to the restroom. Five minutes later, he exited the restroom and immediately exited the restaurant. He didn't even have a drink at the bar. Why the heck wasn't he at home gameplanning?
  9. Someone mentioned it earlier, but I'd like to add to it. I am becoming extremely annoyed with A-L. Not her character, but the acting by Michele Rodriguez. It's terrible. She is overacting in a big way. Every scene she has where she tries to act tough just reminds me of the previews of some of her other "tough chick" roles like from the movie S.W.A.T. For all the other characters I think the casting has been excellent, but IMO Rodriguez was a terrible choice. There's no subtly in her acting. I don't think it's the writing either. I get the point that she is supposed to be tough, but it's overdone the way her face contorts and her voice raises every time she is trying to assert herself.
  10. I always was partial to the Stonecutters episode.
  11. Actually I did watch that debate. Helfer said he would sell the Marine Drive Apartments, which are currently owned by the city and are public housing. He wanted to sell them to a private party so that they could be put on the tax roll, thus generating revenue for the city. Einach claimed that this couldn't be done, I think because then all those people wouldn't have anywhere to live. Was Einach able to actually prove that this can't be done legally, and are you able to prove that this can't be done, thus supporting Einach's claim? According to Helfer's website, this is a legal and feasible plan. http://www.kevinhelfer.com/news_item.2005-08-18.0896527625 It is true that I don't reside in Buffalo, but I am concerned about this election because Buffalo is the pulsating heart of our entire region. I spend time in Buffalo entertaining myself, and wouldn't mind staying here after I finish grad school. I want a guy who is actually going to make the unpopular decisions needed to spur business and commerce and not cater to the unions and status quo. By saying Helfer would be another mayor controlled by special interests you seem to be comparing him to Masiello, which I think is a misrepresentation. I understand you support Einach, and during the debates she seemed quite intelligent and capable, but in my opinion she lacked the ability to portray herself as a leader. She is more of an activist, not a leader. Anyway, she has no chance of winning anyway. As far as thinking that Brown would be the "lesser of two evils", well I really think you are wrong there. If anyone is chained to the wishes of his financial supporters, it's Brown. Three out of the four bills passed by Brown while in the state senate were to change the name of streets. During the debates he never answered the questions and constantly spoke in generalities. Rtconner, it really seems to me that the ONLY reason you want Einach to win is because she is anti-casino. Do you realize that the casino is going to be built regardless who the mayor will be? It's a done deal. That being said, what else is Einach going to do for us if she is mayor besides stop a casino that's already coming?
  12. What are you running for now? Hoping for a Presidential recall?
  13. So I guess you finally learned how to spell her last name.
  14. How the heck did you forget the theme for SHAFT????
  15. I've never been there, but if you're referring to Rick's Tally Ho then it's probably not your best choice. Tally Ho is in the USA and if you want true Canadian Ballet performances then you need to actually go to Canada where the girls are completely naked. In New York State the girls can't get completely nude. Sundowners is in Canada and is supposed to be good if you like nude women grinding on your lap, but I've never been there either.
  16. You just witnessed why Kelly Holcomb has been a backup quarterback for his entire career.
  17. BIALLLS! Our ball baby. Let's turn it into 6.
  18. Based on the interaction he has with the other plane survivors I would speculate that he was on 815. My memory is foggy, but I seem to recall that the prop plane with the drugs on it had been there for at least 5 to 10 years. I doubt that he was on the drug plane, but I guess I won't completely rule it out.
  19. I have to agree with you on that one. I think it's a phenomenon that happens when you hang around a bunch of people who don't speak your language. I work with a lot of Chinese people and after working with them for a while I can say that I understand their conversations. You don't know what they are saying word for word, but you can gather what the conversation is about based on the tone of their voice, context of the situation, being able to pick out a few choice words, etc. Subconsiously you just learn a language if you are immersed in it, like how we learn to communicate as children, only slower. Jin has been around people speaking nothing but English for almost 50 days now, so I think it's reasonable to expect him to understand the gist of what people are trying to say to him. And how do we know that Echo is Nigerian?
  20. Are you fellas referring to this chain of events? http://photos1.blogger.com/img/94/1130/1024/IMG_6334.jpg http://photos1.blogger.com/img/94/1130/1024/IMG_6335.jpg http://photos3.blogger.com/img/94/1130/1024/IMG_6336.jpg http://photos3.blogger.com/img/94/1130/1024/IMG_6337.jpg
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