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Everything posted by JoeFerguson

  1. I forgot to mention that Larry's day was made even better when he saw Dylan McFarland at the Orchard Park location of Duff's after the game.
  2. I am here to provide first hand information regarding Mr. Larry's brief run in with the law. First, I need to let everyone in on the kind of day he was having. To start, he left his favorite "Ford" baseball cap in the pew at church. The 4:15 start really threw off his home game routine, which disoriented him and caused his hat loss. Never a big fan of alcoholic beverages, but always a huge fan of caffeinated/carbonated beverages, Larry makes it a practice to sneak a 16 ounce bottle of Pepsi into the game. Today his plans to sneak such a bottle in were thwarted by the increased security. One of Mr. Larry's idols has always been Henry David Thoreau, so he believes sneaking bottles in is merely an act of civil disobedience. He disagrees with the rule that you cannot bring in a soft drink, and therefore feels it is his right to bring in said drink. When the security guard found the bottle in the sleeve of his jacket, he told him to remove it. To this, Larry responded, "That's bullsh*t." He started to remove the bottle from his jacket, but he was still walking forward. The security guard interpretted this as an attempt to escape and keep the bottle. Another security guard came over to assist in the apprehension. Larry then removed the 16 ounce bottle of Gatorade and went into the Ralph. He ordered a regular Pepsi to replace the confiscated Gatorade, but one of his fellow Bills fans knocked it over before he even had a chance to enjoy it. Larry was not able to enjoy a liquid refreshment until well in to the third quarter. Thankfully, his day ended on a high note, when he found out that he won the work football pool for the second week in a row.
  3. I heard that Charlie and Elijah Wood are an item.
  4. The same thing happened to me one time, only I wasn't in a meeting I was in the midst of fifty person tour at the Mammouth Caves in Kentucky. We were walking through the really narrow part known as "Fat Man's Misery" when a few stinky ones started to inch out of me. Then all of a sudden this guy behind me said, "Someone is ripping 'em in here!" I immediately started laughing. He knew it was me but I think he thought it was pretty funny. I probably could have held it, but I really thought that farting in such a closed quarters with so many people around was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Carpe Diem! http://photos1.blogger.com/img/94/1130/1024/IMG_5010.jpg
  5. It looked like there was water in the background so I am guessing Sydney. Also, I think somebody already mentioned this, but do you think that the guy in the mental hospital that told Hurley about the numbers was one of the people in the hatch pressing the button every 108 minutes? And the whole thing with Jin speaking English doesn't make sense to me. I would have to think it was either from a dream sequence or he is a clone or something. How could his wife speak English and not tell him and simultaneously how could he speak English and not tell her. There were so many times when he seemed completely baffled by what everyone was saying, which caused a lot of the confusion between him and Sawyer as well as him and Michael. So I'm guessing reality Jin doesn't speak English but dream sequence Jin does.
  6. I still contend that we have the last laugh because he still has herpes. I'll take a Bills loss over a lifetime of suffering.
  7. Wow. I think that's kind of a stretch. I don't think it has anything to do with politics. It's more about class, which in my opinion transcends political affiliation.
  8. Finally somebody that is making some sense in this thread. First of all, I am not condoning the use of obscenities, racial slurs, and any other UN-PC sayings at Bills games or anywhere else in public. When I go to the games, I cheer for the Bills and boo the other team but that's about the extent of it. I don't get drunk and pass out in the aisles, but at the same time I do not become surprised when I see my neighbors do so. If you are taking your child to a sporting event or any other type of activity that involves thousands of people of all different types of social/economic backgrounds then you should expect anything to happen. If a man passes out and pukes on himself, explain to your child that the man drank too much alcohol and he is endangering his life and looking like an idiot. This is a great way to teach your child what not to do. If somebody is shouting obscenities next to the child, explain to the child what those obscenities mean and why they shouldn't use those same words. If you don't want your child to be exposed to any sort of bad influences, then I would suggest that you raise this child as a home-schooled bubble boy until he/she is 18, at which point you can release him to the world and see how well he does.
  9. One thing that I would just like to add which I think is commonly neglected when instructing people on how to get to and from the Ralph is that you don't have to take the expressways. I never take the expressways (90, 219, etc.) when going or coming from the Ralph and I usually get there in about 30 minutes from Amherst, regardless of the time of day. Lately we've been taking Harlem Road (240) all the way down to OP, which intersects with Genesee (road the airport is on) but you could also take Union Road (277).
  10. Those kids should know what an STD is so they do not become one of the 1 in 5 Americans that have one.
  11. I was debating this fact during the entire game. I found a certain bit of satisfaction knowing that he has an STD while he was running all over our football team. I was thinking the same thing, "So what, just because he has herpes doesn't mean we're going to win the game." I was trying to rationalize why I shouldn't make fun of him because he has herpes. That I shouldn't make fun of him because he not only acquired a disease that was 100 percent preventable but also had unprotected sex with a woman knowing that he could quite possibly infect her with herpes. As I was pondering this, I started looking around the stadium at all the naive young kids who were wearing the jersey of a guy who has herpes. That is their role model. The person they aspire to be like. In the grand scheme of things, the Bills loss was minor. Mike Vick's ability to play football won't last forever, but he will always have herpes. And people will always for some reason idolize him. In my opinion, that's why the Ron Mexico thing will never get old.
  12. I actually saw JP at the Incubus concert at UB last fall. He was with Dylan McFarland. Brandon Boyd is definitely clouding his football ability.
  13. I was at the game today and I stayed until the final gun. Only once in my 25 years on this earth have I left a sporting event early. Some panty waste of a guy I knew forced me and my friends to leave a Sabres game with seconds left on the clock because he had to call his girlfriend. We missed a great fight featuring Rob Ray. I haven't talked to that guy since. I believe it is completely foolish to spend $50 for a ticket and then leave before the game is over. Even if it's a blowout, you're bound to see some sort of entertaining thing happen. Maybe the Bills will come back, maybe some drunk guys will get in a fight, maybe somebody will run out on the field, maybe a girl will take her top off. Who knows what excitement might happen. If you are more concerned with beating traffic then I say stay home because you're wasting your money. Don't give me any BS about how you are a diehard fan even if you leave early. Diehards stay with their team no matter what happens.
  14. This girl is popular over on Fark.com. She's from France. http://www.i-am-bored.com/bored_link.cfm?link_id=12612 http://jfkaps.free.fr/accueil_MTheuriau.htm
  15. I always thought "What's going on" was considered to be his best studio album according to critics. I like it.
  16. the bottle says cr-4-8 15 16-23 42 FOR INJECTION _____ MULTIPLE DOSE
  17. Is anyone actually voting in the local (Buffalo) primaries today? I like Helfer, but I live in Amherst so can't vote for Buffalo mayor.
  18. Nobody circles the wagons of a hurricane like CajunBillsBacker. Good to have you back.
  19. If I am not mistaken, the local chain John & Mary's has a sandwich called the "A-bomb", but everybody else calls them subs.
  20. Can you print your boarding pass for the connecting flight as well? I couldn't the last time I flew with them.
  21. In my experience there have been too many amateurs on Southwest. People that get in my way and are oblivious to the world around them. People who think nothing of spending twenty minutes in the aisle making sure their jacket is neatly folded and stowed in their overhead compartment while the rest of the passenger wait behind them to board.
  22. I know. I'm talking about getting upgraded from a C to an A.
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