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Everything posted by Einstein

  1. Not many on earth would agree that Beane has been average at adding talent outside of the QB position? I dont agree. What other players did you cite? Subtractions?
  2. You cited one of the worst WR's in recent Bills memory and had a losing record, and a CB who missed a third of the season.
  3. Replace with "quick". Off the top of my head.
  4. There is a name for this. Its called 'homerism'. That's literally the point of the exercise. To evaluate rosters sans the QB.
  5. He didn't slip. That was always a poor excuse. He hopped (for some reason), and then ran right into Jeffrey Simmons arm. He met a wall. Did the Bills lose to them twice in a row? You too.
  6. I mentioned this trade... Did you not read the post? Plus, EJ missed a third of the season and had a grand total of 1 INT. Bills went 4-6 after trading for Benjamin. He had 17 total receptions. None of which helped the 2017 playoff run.
  7. Smart choice not answering that.
  8. Easy. For one, the Titans. Even WITH Allen, they've beaten the Bills roster twice in a row. Another is the Rams. Who practically have a Pro-Bowl team for a roster. The Buccaneers are another, and the Browns are close (their QB held them back more than helped them). This is a (likely unintentional) strawman. You've misunderstood my point. My point is not that Beane would not have tried for another franchise QB or even chosen another franchise QB, my point is that outside OF the franchise QB (whomever name that may be), his work as talent evaluator has been average. Out of curiosity, do you realize how often you write this? Just curious if its a tick or something. .
  9. Here are the noteworthy 2017 additions/negations made after Beane was made GM. - Signed Baccari Rambo (cut a month later) - Signed Anquan Boldin (retired 2 weeks later) - Traded Watkins and Ragland (helped in the Allen trade but did nothing for the 2017 playoffs)
  10. That's what I was doing. The reality is that 1 pick (Allen) has saved Beane's career. .
  11. No they're not. And your refusal to confront them tells me that you're unsure how they are inaccurate either. Yes it is accurate. And your refusal to confront them tells me that you're not unsure how they are inaccurate either. It is not simply how I analyze. Its how the entire scientific community does. I am old enough and wise enough to know that pre-season prognostications and rankings mean something between "jack" and "crap". .
  12. What would you say the Bills top 2 position groups are?
  13. With Allen? Only 1. Absent Allen, close to a decenary. Beane came after the 2017 draft and free agency period. He is only responsible for 4 years.
  14. No problem, I'll attempt to help you understand. The point of any evaluation or rating is to assess the full works of whatever you are reviewing. So... if you purchase an automobile and the engine works great, that is a positive. The engine is a heavily weighted component and is needed for the vehicle to function. But, what if the A/C/heat doesnt work? And the brakes fail from time to time? And the seats wiggle when you take turns? Will the car still receive a good rating from you, simply because the engine is good? Well, I would hope not. In the National Football League, the Quarterback is a heavily weighted position. A great QB can mask many roster deficiencies. In other words, a QB can keep the team running, just like an engine can. But without a prover HVAC system, and brakes, and secure seats, your ride will not be very comfortable. This is not an uncommon exercise - in Science or Analytics or a myriad of other topics, it is common to isolate a heavily weighted variable and review the remaining dataset. I'm genuinely surprised how few understand this. Perhaps it a low-level IQ test of the posters on this forum. People have done this exercise with the Warriors. The Warriors also drafted Klay Thompson and Draymond Green and signed Kevin Durant. So taking away Curry, you still have extremely talented and elite players that show the Warriors do indeed draft and sign well, absent their engine (Curry). People have done this exercise with the Patriots too. The Patriots also drafted and signed Rob Gronkowski, Wes Welker, Randy Moss, Devin McCourty, Julian Edelman, Patrick Chung, etc. So taking away Brady, you still have players that show the Patrots have GM'ed well at times absent their engine (Brady). The Packers are a good example of the flip side of the coin. With Rodgers, one of the greatest QB's in NFL history, the Packers should have several Super Bowl rings (or at least appearances). But the Packers have lived off the laurels of drafting Aaron Rodgers. If you visit their forum, you will see that their fans have long complained about their previous (and even current) GM over this very issue. When you isolate the heavily weighted variable known as Aaron Rodgers, you find that their draft picks and signings have been sparse of elite players. There are a few, like Adams, but not enough. I dont agree that he is masterful. I think he is average to above average, but he hit on the most important position and that gives you longevity in the NFL. I don't think you quite understand my comment. The point of this exercise is not to remove Allen from Beane's accomplishments. It is to isolate Allen for a moment so you can properly evaluate the rest of the roster without the Allen affect clouding your mind. Which it clearly has. .
  15. I realize that you’re modus operandi is sarcasm but surely you understand the purpose of isolating a heavily weighted variable (such as QB), to determine whether the variables outside of the heavily weighted are of quality. Or maybe you don’t…. .
  16. what exact sentence or sentences in my post do you most disagree with?
  17. He has been “made” by his Allen choice, which you can never take away. But for the purpose of this thought study, imagine that he did not pick Allen. Imagine he had picked Rosen. Where would our fans rank him then? Likely quite low. Shows how 1 pick can make or break a career.
  18. I am the complete opposite. I genuinely enjoy the fact that Florio is not on the NFL’s payroll (proverbially or otherwise). I also think his law experience greatly enhances his reporting as it gives readers insight into contract negotiations and CBA negotiations and so forth, that no other reporter has. He also seems to refuse to play the quid-pro-quo agent leak game and calls it out when he sees it. Florio is the best reporter in all of sports, in my opinion.
  19. Where I am, NP’s must have a bachelors degree, pass nclex, get their RN, then get their masters degree, then have 500 hours of supervision and pass the national boards. On top of that, if the NP wants to work in a cardiologist office (like the example above), then they would need an additional certification for cardiology that carries an requirement of 2000 additional hours, then take another test, then join the American Board of Cardiovascular medicine. Some of the smartest people I know are NP’s and i’d trust them over some doctors at any moment. No specialized training? As said above, to be a cardiology NP you need 2,000+ hours of specialized cardiology training.
  20. We don’t think any less of Allen because of how poorly the 13 seconds were managed…
  21. Another funny (in my opinion) video from the account:
  22. Just watched this again on YouTube and had a good laugh. Its uncanny how similar some of the plays are.
  23. Happy it’s back in Rochester. Disappointed that it’s so few practices. I remember when there were 20+ practices at Fredonia available to the public.
  24. That is not even remotely true. Besides, i’m not talking about “liking” someone. I’m talking the nonsense like “she’s part of our family” and “I love her”. Uh, that’s weird.
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