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Everything posted by ArdmoreRyno

  1. Thanks BB. She was paralyzed 7 years ago... and managed to fight off countless medical battles along the way. She was a lot like Christopher Reeves in regards to condition. You only have so many years once that injury happens, which she lived a lot longer than most.
  2. A sh*t load of people do two jobs. Who TF cares? My BIL also has another business outside his practice... he doesn't need to do it, but he does. I don't need to work at the school, I happen to enjoy doing it. I could make more just straight up counseling, but I like what I do. I'm happy. That's the goal. Being happy. I'm able to put two girls through college (one is about to graduate from a prestigious music conservatory and the other is going into year two at Ole Miss).... neither of them will have any student debt when they get out. I do well enough to afford that... all the while being happy with my work.
  3. Dude, you're just a POS as*hole. You don't know me. Because we disagree politically doesn't make you bad at your job, nor does it with me. I've had countless families and former clients refer people to me. There is a reason I can't take any more patients.
  4. I don't? My father and BIL are both doctors, my mother was a RN. I work directly with 2-3 doctors aside from my own family in regards to mental health. It's part of my job... we consult with MD's and DO's weekly. They consult with us (LPC's). Covid was not the reason my mom died.
  5. My mother had been a quadriplegic for nearly 7 years. When you're in that state, you lose pretty much all use of your muscles over time. She couldn't even cough by the time she passed away. She had caught covid from a caretaker... in which she pretty much fought off. 3 weeks later, she passed away. They put "Covid-19" as the cause of death... which it definitely wasn't why she died. She died because she was a quad. I heard someone would die in an accident... and if they tested positive for covid, that was listed as the cause of death. Total BS. You continue to post the same thing over and over and over again.
  6. I just put down parties, instead of ideologies. Would have a huge list if I just did it that way... but I'm with ya. I'm actually probably more conservative/libertarian than GOP.
  7. I'm curious which way most of the people on this board "lean". I find it interesting that at most sporting events I've watched that the POTUS show up at.... Democrats are boo'ed and Republicans are cheered. Was wondering if that's something unique to us 'sports fans'.
  8. Won my office bracket (out of 15 total people who played). It was, by far, the worst one we've had in 13 years. Only 3 of us had any Final Four team (I had UCONN reaching the finals). Those odds are pretty out there... that out of 15 people, only THREE got any Final Four team right. No one had them winning it all.
  9. I agree with you 100% and there are measures in place where that will happen. Right now, we have no idea what "emotional disorder" the person had. Hopefully, that will come out at some point. But for some reason, we don't always get the full info (like Vegas).
  10. There are different circumstances that would keep someone from buying a firearm in regards to mental illness. What I'm saying, which you want to twist it and make it more than it is.... is that I am explaining to you: Just because you're seeing a shrink, that doesn't mean that person has some serious diagnosis that would keep them from owning a firearm. When I got divorced, I was put on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. I was a mess. I saw a psychiatrist for that. People go to those specialists/doctors for a ton of different reasons. Do you not get what I'm trying to explain? Or do you just want to keep making personal jabs at me? If someone has a mental disorder that makes them a threat? By all means... yes... make it to where that person can't get their hands on a firearm.
  11. That doesn't matter... at all. A lot of people see a shrink for various reasons. Doesn't mean they are on benzo's or anything else major. Seeing a LPC, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc. for a disorder shouldn't prevent you from having a constitutional right. Again, most states have laws in place to where if someone is a threat to themselves or someone else... then they are prevented at that point... until they show they are competent to own a firearm.
  12. Just wondering... did you watch the video from Nashville of the loony-tran? It spent a good minute shooting through the front entry way and trying to fit inside the shot out doors. It would have been dead if there was a SRO in the front office. Even if that SRO had a .22LR You don't need AR's, body armor (even though most SRO's/LEO wear them during their duty hours) or helmets. Nurses with combat training? LOL... you're just being silly at this point.
  13. Why does every school need two SROs? How much are you going to pay them? Are you saying there is a price for our kids safety? $75,000,000,000 to Ukraine If we just hire ONE SRO at each school (we will have just one at our HS that has 800 students)... and if that guys number if correct, that would be what? $5 billion a year? That's 15 years of salaries to protect our kids. Why don't you want that @BillStime?
  14. He has no answers other than "ban guns" which will never happen due to a plethora of reasons. That's his only answer. Many of us throw out ideas, but he only goes back to "ban guns" and "no one needs an AR-15". Blah, blah, blah.
  15. No they won't. They'll just move on to what IS ACTUALLY USED in "mass shootings".... handguns. Most shootings are carried out with HANDGUNS. Not rifles. This is so moronic. There is no evidence that anyone at the school was carrying a firearm. The tweets and your reference are about someone on the 911 call claiming "We do have a school person, or two ... I'm not sure ... who would be packing, whose job it is for security." There is no proof, other than that sentence on a 911 call, that any teacher or staff had any firearm... and if they did, they would likely be trained to barricade the door and be 'ready' if someone comes into the room. That's when they would likely use their firearm. Not actively get involved with a CQC shootout with the loon. The ones who lost their lives, they were out in the hall. The rest of the students were locked in their rooms. The 'active shooter training' they did actually saved lives at that school in Nashville. Again, I'm 100% for armed staff who are willing and ready (who are also WELL trained by LEO) and especially for front office staff to be armed. Kid would not have made it into the school if one was.
  16. You realize, the ban really did nothing in regards to changing the lethality of an AR platform rifle? Nothing at all. It changes the aesthetics of the rifle, that's it.
  17. Here’s the thing… I don’t give a ***** if you believe me or not. Have a great evening!
  18. I'll do one even better... out of the worst "mass shootings" since 1949: 13 were carried out by semi-automatic rifles (rifles including the Austin bell tower shooter's M1) 17 were carried out by handguns So, ban the AR-15 You're not traumatized?
  19. Orlando, Islamic terrorist also used a handgun. Va Tech, worst school shooting in American history, used two handguns (9mm and .22LR), you know this. We've gone over it a million times. And the 1994 "assault weapon ban" didn't do anything to change any effectiveness of the AR platform. Having a "birdcage" muzzle vs no muzzle changes NOTHING.
  20. Oh wow, personal attack again. Weird, I've never done that to you. I took a position at the High School I work for after a friend passed away (who was doing this job) and they needed to fill the void. I started last year and enjoyed it so much, I signed another contract. As a mental health counselor, I am basically an independent contractor and have to pay for my own health insurance. Working at the school I get AMAZING health benefits. So I have the best of both worlds and I'm happy. BTW: A lot of people who work in education work two jobs. I do it because I want to, not because I have to.
  21. I'll fit that in with two jobs (I see my patients between 3:30 and 7 p.m. after I finish at the high school), driving 40 mins to and from work and spending time with my fiancée. It's actually not a bad idea if I want to work on my Ph.D. someday.
  22. Which is? I interact with HUNDREDS of kids a day at a high school. I've asked TONS of kids that question... especially after something like what happened in Nashville. Those questions are mainly focused around how we can make our school safer. What's interesting, only teachers/staff feel "unsafe" at times. Again, never a student in regards to a school shooter possibly happening. They simply don't worry. Maybe it our culture in Oklahoma? We aren't afraid of tornadoes either, despite the fact we are in the middle of Tornado Alley.
  23. Just read the whole article. Maybe the link you posted, that version doesn't have the "AR-15" included... maybe I just can't see it. Could you point out to where it says these schools were on lockdown due to the AR-15? Thanks for any help Funny, I don't care what you believe 👍
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