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Everything posted by stevestojan

  1. I honestly think we can count on the offense for zero more points today.
  2. Of course the Ravens are stomping the Phins. Of course they are.
  3. So Brady can’t see that Josh is WAY off today?
  4. It’s going to be one of those days where everything else goes right in the league, isn’t it?
  5. Sadly, until then I was feeling better about our chances of making a big play on defense. At this rate, NE should have the ball back with 8 minutes left.
  6. Even though he was down there, can we afford Douglas?
  7. I think the offense could use either of them more. Somehow.
  8. Crazy? I’m sweating now. Good for you for being mentally healthy enough to see the fact that we’re actually leading. 😂
  9. It really matters zero if our offense can’t wake up.
  10. I have this weird idea. We should try the run game. Sure the pats defense is great against the run. But even then, they give up 85 a game. Right now, 85 yards would be a huge upgrade over what’s going on with the pass game.
  11. Im proudly the old man at the game that would pop the ***** out of that.
  12. Imagine Miami, SF, Baltimore, etc with three possessions with THAT field position and only having 13.
  13. Defense can only save our asses for so long. Pathetic offense.
  14. Since the o-line decided to sleep in today, maybe some called Josh runs?
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