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Everything posted by DapperCam

  1. There is no way we win out and miss. 3/4 of Houston, Indy, Cleveland and Pittsburgh would have to go 4-1. Cleveland and Pittsburgh are a lot more likely to go 1-4 than 4-1.
  2. Assuming we will hold no tie breakers and the Bills finish 10-7 (allowing one more loss). We need 4 out of the following 6 records (or worse) to happen. Browns to go 2-3 Steelers to go 2-3 Colts to go 2-3 Texans to go 2-3 Broncos to go 3-2 Bengals to go 4-2 Here they are in the order I think they are most likely Bengals will lose at least 2 more games with Burrow out all year. Broncos will lose 2 more games (split with the Chargers and lose to the Lions). Steelers will lose 3 more games (at Colts, at Seahawks, at Ravens). Browns will lose 3 more games (Jacksonville, at Texans, and then one more loss between Bears, Jets and Bengals). Colts will lose 3 more games (Raiders, at Falcons, Texans) Texans will lose 3 more games (2x Titans, at Colts) Obviously there is some overlap in these scenarios because teams play each other. If the Bills can get to 10-7 I think the most likely playoff teams will be Colts, Texans and Bills (with the Browns having a decent chance of knocking out the Bills if they can manage to only get 2 more losses the rest of the way).
  3. Commanders are 100% checked out. They sold off their best defenders at the trade deadline and everybody knows the new owner is going to clean house at the end of the year. They may not win another game.
  4. Time to send him to the glue factory.
  5. Davis had a TD where it was a laser away from his body and he plucked it out of the air with his hands. Can’t remember which game, but it was difficult. Shakir’s catch and run obviously. Opposing WRs have made 5 more impressive catches for TDs than our most impressive catch in any situation. Definitely a down year for that group.
  6. I think last year being off had to do somewhat with Dorsey. He has no feel for the game, and even when the offense put up points things felt out of sorts. I also think the weight of expectations has made things less “fun”. 2020-2021 I think people were just happy to be contenders and get their first taste of success. Players seemed loose and having a good time.
  7. What do you think he can say from his side that will make things more favorable? Unless the reported details have been fabricated, I think he's screwed. The police were there immediately after the incident and collected evidence. His only chance is the girlfriend refusing to cooperate and using his high priced lawyers and influence to get some sort of plea bargain.
  8. It's really hard to win a case without a cooperating victim. Usually DAs like to win, and only take on cases they are pretty sure they will win.
  9. She probably didn’t realize $17m dollars were on the line when she made the call. I’m glad she did though.
  10. Hopefully this at least gets him off the field for the rest of the season. Maybe he can get put on the commissioner’s exempt list. He has been actively hurting us out there.
  11. We have 4 defensive lineman signed for next year, and possibly only 2 starters depending on how Von Miller recovers from his injury. Miller, Oliver, Rousseau, and Jonathan. We are very thin there, and will not have the cap to do much there. Could be our first round pick.
  12. Most Billsy is losing to the Dolphins in a win-and-in game. Probably losing in a dumb way too.
  13. Trying not to have too much recency bias. I went with the most painful losses instead of the ones I thought were caused by bad coaching. 1. Houston playoff game 2. 13 seconds game 3. Vikings endzone fumble game 4. Eagles 60 yard FG in the rain game HM: Hail Murray ^ All painful losses from different season, nice!
  14. His window for MVP is now incredibly narrow but not impossible. Bills would have to win out and make the playoffs with him finishing the year with the lead in total TDs and passing yards. He would have the favorable narrative of carrying the team on his back to the playoffs (which would be true). It might not be enough still, but it is a fairly weak MVP year and being good at the end of the year is better than the beginning of the year for being fresh in voters minds.
  15. Bills are going to go DB, DT or EDGE in the first this year I bet. Take a look at the depth chart for next year and who is still signed.
  16. I tend to think McDermott runs the football side of things including some personnel duties that might usually go to the GM and Beane handles contracts, finances, the cap and some other GM duties (putting out feelers for trades, managing the scouts). McDermott hired Beane which is kind of bizarre, and both seem to be peers in the org chart reporting directly to Pegula. I agree that Kim’s health issues have caused problems in how they expected to run things. I think Pegula found McDermott through some sort of third party consulting firm. It’s honestly kind of a mess if things aren’t going peachy. Who has the authority to fire who? Do McDermott and Beane go as a pair? Considering his personal circumstances does Terry just punt the decision and give everybody another year? Another wrinkle is the need to sell expensive PSLs for the new stadium over the next year. If the team continues to slide a change might have to happen to encourage sales. We have no cap space for a splashy UFA, so maybe a splashy HC instead? Harbaugh?
  17. Who missed multiple wide open receivers? I don’t remember that.
  18. Refs will never admit fault. They will never do anything to undermine their authority or the notion that they are infallible. The number of times I've seen a referee/official/umpire admit fault across all professional sports in my life can be counted on two hands.
  19. Their roster is terrible. Not sure what any HC is supposed to do with that.
  20. Steelers lose to Ravens, and Seahawks. They finish 11-6. They grab a wild card spot. Colts lose to the Raiders, Steelers and the Texans. They finish 9-8. Browns lose to the Jags, Rams and Texans. They finish 10-7 (I think they will actually lose more than this). Texans lose to the Broncos. They finish 11-6. They snag a wild card spot. Broncos lose to the Lions and split with the Chargers. They finish 10-7. — Bills get the third wild card in this scenario at 11-6, and there aren’t any major upsets. At 10-7 we miss on tie breakers to the Browns and Broncos think, but I think the Browns are going to finish worse than 10-7 and the Broncos could easily drop another game (like vs Texans).
  21. The Bills will not miss the playoffs if they go 11-6. That is just unnecessarily pessimistic. - I wouldn’t be surprised if the Browns don’t win another game. - Houston is very inconsistent and eeking out wins/losses on final drives. - The Colts and Steelers are playing over their heads right now. Nobody would be surprised if one of them starts stacking losses even with soft schedules. 11-6 will make it no doubt. It doesn’t matter though, because there is no way we win out.
  22. He knew it was done when they only got a FG. He's seen this movie before. He's had front row seats actually.
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