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Everything posted by UKBillFan

  1. Some are wondering whether to root for the Pats to support our WC position as we lost yesterday.
  2. Even without the tip it looked like Murray was throwing into coverage there.
  3. “Currently, as a defender in this league, you have to play the ball.” Unless you’re a defender for the Bucs. 😁
  4. More like a phrase from someone who needed to go out so typed quickly and muddled up my words! 😁 Think I said nine from four instead of nine AND four too.
  5. We're capable of having a late run but we haven't often hit that standard this season.
  6. Just to add, there have been some bad calls against us this season but do I think they affected the outcome of the games? No; I think every other game this season has been lost, at it's base, on play calling or execution. To an extent you could argue that was the case yesterday, being 24-3 down at the half and that horrific 4 & 3 punt. BUT, after such a stunning fightback in the second half, to have calls go against us in such a way is difficult to accept - it's the first defeat this season where I say the officials are at least partially responsible for the outcome.
  7. You missed the horrible one out of that list - Jags. Beat two from those four and, as you say, we're nine from four. We should have beaten the Jags. We should have beaten Tampa. Titans was slot on a slip and Patriots on bad drops. In a way it's promising that we have not been playing near our best but could easily be 11-1. But we're not, because we need to be nearer our best to get over the line. Can we get back to the AFCCG? If we have too many quarters like the first two yesterday, no chance. If we have more like the second half (though we were heavily reliant on Josh) then we do have a chance. To repeat what I said on the game thread - it's the the hope that gets you.
  8. I read 'flags against you' as a quick way of saying a lack of flags for us. They're against us because they're not being thrown in this case. It's getting to the point - and I think it's the same with soccer in England, to be honest - where officials need to own their decisions and explain what they saw on controversial plays after the game. Having open communication between the officials and the fans would, I think, help officials appreciate the frustrations of the former and fans to accept errors if the officials just come out and admit them afterwards.
  9. PatsFanNH mentioned every flag went against us, to be fair. The blatant PIs count towards them.
  10. Even with Josh fit and healthy I still think we go 3 and 1 at best. Believe Belichick has our number and have doubts we’re strong enough to overcome that at the moment.
  11. The Steelers defeat seemed flat, the Jags embarrassing, the Colts humiliating and the Pats infuriating. The Titans and Bucs defeats seem more emotional because we played out of our skins in parts and couldn’t quite get it over the line.
  12. If I’m thinking of the right play, if Diggs had focused on playing the game and not shouting at the defender he would have probably caught the ball anyway. Josh gets some criticism for thinking he’ll get a free play when he didn’t but this time it was down to Diggs taking a similar approach.
  13. The Tennessee loss was followed by a bye and then the Jags game. It’s fine, we’ll recover, beat the Jags and then take advantage of a nice schedule before running into the Pats. Except it didn’t work out like that. I think the Jags defeat hit us hard and, up to half time tonight, was something we never completely recovered from. In the second half I felt we were back, it felt like 2020, but we have to build on it now. We cannot afford to regress again.
  14. Yes, don’t blame you on that. If the first half Bills turn up in Foxboro it’ll be a long evening; if the second half Bills appear it’ll be a game. I think Belichick will coach and play call better than Arians though.
  15. Apologies if I’m wrong but I thought I saw you on the game thread expressing doubts when someone said the Bills could win in Foxboro! To be honest, I don’t know what Bills side will turn up and that could decide it. It pains me to say it but the Pats have one of the best coaching units in the league. Switch Belichick and co with McDermott and friends or put Josh in a Pats uniform (sorry for the mental image, all) and there are the SuperBowl favourites.
  16. Logical - against Tennessee our defence was constantly being shredded so we might as well try and win on offense in normal time. Tonight, the defense seemingly had the Bucs number so was less of a gamble. Of course, we had the dubious call on offense, plus a couple of poor plays, and then Edmunds…
  17. Have to disagree on the refs not being a difference in the game. The first missed PI would have had us 1st and Goal, I think at the 1 or close to it.
  18. I said in the game thread - we could afford to lose to the Bucs; we could not afford to lose Josh.
  19. Josh was fantastic in the second half today - basically showing everyone what is ceiling is and more. The horrible issue is… we haven’t won a close one so far this year. Every close game has been a loss. Seasons cannot be sustained on that; if we’re on offense at the two minute warning we have to make it count. Yes, there were mitigating circumstances today but we still couldn’t get over the line.
  20. Honestly? I have no idea. What’s the point of following something where fairness no longer applies?
  21. Think we're getting there with a 10-7 record; we can afford a defeat at Foxboro though we're good enough to win it. Apologies, Sky must have had it wrong, as the official site have us at 7. https://www.nfl.com/standings/playoff-picture
  22. If it had been a stupid play call which cost us, and I suppose you coul argue with the 4 and 3 punt it was to an extent, then that's one thing but the calls were ridiculous. No PI for us but as soon as Evans wrapped up Wallace they couldn't wait to get the flags out. All we want is fairness and an even-handed approach. Get that and we would have had a great chance of winning today.
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