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Everything posted by UKBillFan

  1. Just kicking ourselves - we should be at least 8-3 (Jags) if not 9-2 (Steelers). Take the narrow Titans defeat into equation it'd be 10-1.
  2. Er, wouldn't he have been better off going down just before the line? The Colts have 20 seconds to try something now.
  3. Don't we want Tampa to win the game? From a play off point of view, surely having the Colts on 6-6 is better than 7-5? Why aren't the Titans running the ball? If they passed it this much against us we would have probably won.
  4. We'd have to bring our Arrowhead performance out for the rest of the season if we want to go 5-1.
  5. Even without Tre, on paper we still have a decent roster and should be able to have one eye on going deep into the season. However, we have to face facts, we have very clear issues with the team which has not been addressed despite numerous 'warning' signs and that was WITH Tre in the team. You can hope yesterday's match outlined some progress on offence but it was against a beaten up Saints. Am I being pessimistic or realistic? Maybe a bit of both. Tre's injury for me doesn't change much in my mind - we were and are not, for what ever reason, ready for a deep run into the post season. Get well soon, Tre.
  6. Right, being in the UK I better get to bed. Happy Thanksgiving everyone - enjoy the rest of your evening!
  7. Considering this must be hurting Brees, with his history, he's been a fantastic co-commentator. NBC really need to make the most of him.
  8. Don't we want Mitch to throw? I guess we're running down the clock but...
  9. Breida completely deserves that. The poster on the pre-match thread predicted Josh would throw his first red zone interception and four TD's. Not quite in that order but...!
  10. One of these days we'll suddenly spring a play and surprise everyone.
  11. 4th and INCHES. We did trust the offense to get us inches???
  12. True - though I'd say they're better than Jacksonville.
  13. We lost to the Jags and every other division leader has had at least one mad result at some point - let's just be pleased with the win.
  14. Would be interesting to know how neutrals and Saints fans feel about it? It's easier to like a lack of flags when winning. I think I'd try and be fair by saying it's been a much better game for the lack of calls even if 24-0 down but I'm not so sure if I would be!
  15. Exactly. They're allowed to headbutt Josh but just make sure it doesn't happen the other way round.
  16. Games are far better when crews just let the players play. Though it'd be nice if Josh could have protection on low blows.
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