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Joe Ferguson

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson

  1. I don't feel better with 10-3 becauase we could be EASILY been 11-2.
  2. Bills had 10 days to prepare and we see this dog turd of a game? BIlls might lose to the Bengals or Dophins. No way we get the #1 seed while KC has bye week games the rest of the year.
  3. As soon as they show a graph that Jets is dead last in red zone scoring. They scored a TD.
  4. 3rd and long...you know it will be an automatic 1st.
  5. Ball is wet and slippery. Dorsey says, "***** it Josh just throw it 60 times today."
  6. You gotta love Broussard defending Josh Allen and the Bills against these two idiots.
  7. We should'nt worry about our DL. All the money was spent on defense and nothing on the offense.
  8. Hear me out. We should have a best of 3 series game for each AFC & NFC championship games and best of 5 series game in Super Bowl.
  9. AJ Klein needs to step up in place of Von Miller.
  10. Bills defense better not blink because of this setback
  11. Bills signed Von Miller so he can "gEt To MahOmes...derrr". Did the Bengals needed a Von Miller when they beat the Chiefs last week and last year's AFCCG?
  12. Over $100 million flushed down the toilet. Could have spent on a high pick WR and 3 or 4 offehsive linemen.
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