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Everything posted by TBBills

  1. I wouldn't mind seeing Patrick DiMarco name up there or hopefully the guy gets cut... He is a waste of space.
  2. https://people.com/health/child-covid-19-cases-hospitalizations-spike-in-florida-as-schools-prepare-for-mandated-reopening/ Good old republican run state.
  3. Trump did it to himself... He wants total control of the country and his crazy mind will stop at nothing to do it.
  4. It shows people won't distance themselves no matter how much money is involved be it prostitutes or meeting up for drugs.
  5. ***** than I can speak in absolutes even if I am wrong am with no care of the consequences... Damn it seems fun to be republican.
  6. I can bet you one of these guys was with a prostitute. Well the Marlins are a garbage of a baseball team so they either lose those games for forfeit... It doesn't matter.
  7. Wrong again. Maybe I should just become republican so I can spout off false information and attack other people.
  8. Hahahaha offended Andy. I love when people take things to the extreme.
  9. Not bold just funny to watch people hypocritical. Imagine is making money meant much. Clinton are rich and are garbage people, Trump rich and is a crazy PoS who is destroying this country making people fight each other instead of working on the country itself. Yea money means so much to a person's character. A bold play would be listening to any extremist on this forum section.
  10. See here we go some person says something than people like this guy make it a majority. It's funny to see but troubling. You know I noticed your avatar looks like ANTIFA. Saying you even watch CNN or MSNBC is funny b/c either you do watch it and you are one of those people, or you lied which is more believable. I am glad you are putting me on ignore b/c you do not offer anything to this place and obviously just troll PPP. Trolls cant take it so they run away.
  11. It sucks when a few bad people are considered majority.
  12. I doubt he will be a starter ever again. He was average as a QB when he was in the league it's why teams kept getting rid of him even when they won.
  13. The guy they arrested looks more like a drug addict than ANTIFA but I guess they are the same. Can someone tell me if the guy himself said he was ANTIFA? It would be good to know. imagine saying only one side does this and not realizing you just did an absolute but b.c you are republican you don't think you did. It is sad but that response just proved you are just as guilty to say one side does it is wrong. Trump is the king of absolutes and that is what makes you guys think it is ok.
  14. Not really worried about it with how good Beane is at drafting defense.
  15. We agree, but the way we both went about it was different. You lied about things to make it seem better too those who would rather believe you than actually investigate themselves.
  16. As long as we take precautions I think schools can be reopened. TBH I don't see this virus going away and who knows if it will be worse in the winter like the flu. We need to get back to normal with schools and working b.c it will just continue to destroy this economy. We just need to do it differently now than in the past where it was about the kids new clothes for his first day. But to sit there and lie about kids dieing from the virus and to say it can't be transmitted to an adult from a child is wrong.
  17. No you aren't b.c I never said that. Here we go making up more *****. When they can't argue they take outrageous ***** and pretend like it's the majority saying it... I love watching this guy destroy himself by just responding to me.
  18. Fix a failure by denying it exists hahaha that is perfect Trump.
  19. So with all the false information being thrown around we need to clear things up. The virus doesn't care if you are a kid you can still pass the virus on both ways. People under 18 have died to Covid no matter what uninformed people say. I doubt anyone takes that guy seriously in this forum though.
  20. Don't even know why people try with some of you b.c even when you are 100% wrong you refuse to acknowledge it. It's ok b.c I was able to quote your idiocy. See you stopped trying and just went to attacking b.c you knew you are wrong. I love the part where you said "0 cases of children under 18 passing it on to adult" I mean if that isn't the dumbest thing said about Covid I don't know what it.
  21. He did you need to read it again... Or you refuse to lol either way you are wrong like it seems you always are. People like you aren't needed in forums b.c you just try to say false things to stir up problems.
  22. So not only were you wrong about people under 18 dieing from Covid you are also wrong about kids not transferring it to adults. Remember only post what you know and you won't be shown to be a fraud.
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