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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. Companies should be able to set their own rules. That said, Facebook, Twitter, and Google are so engrained into our daily lives that this kind of politicized censorship cannot be tolerated. Ignore my rattle and I’ll give you the fangs and the venom. Don’t tread on me.
  2. Maybe, but Norman can’t be a long term plan based on the position and his age. Just my opinion.
  3. We need a revamped line and a legit starting corner opposite Tre.
  4. "Anybody working the polls this year?" ....ONLY YOUR MOTHER, TREBEK!
  5. Trump lies about his crowd sizes, never policy. On the campaign trail I’ve heard Biden say ‘we’re going to take away AR-15s’ and then deny a short time later. Liberals won’t state their policy and when they do they’ll change their policy based on the venue. Trump is steady Eddy on his policy. So get the hell outa here with that nonsense my friend.
  6. I don’t know nothing about him but I’m willing to embrace any defender we bring in with open arms. Extremely disappointed in Oliver, and Edmunds. They’re just serviceable. If we can only pay Edmunds or Milano, I’m paying Milano.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/lizzo-celebrates-6-months-vegan-142700788.html You see that? Damn you liberals! Y’all are the ones pushing this grotesque nonsense on all of us. That picture is a crime against humanity. What the hell is wrong with you savages?! Shame!
  8. If we’re good don’t stress. Good teams get it together as the game goes on.
  9. Cast my ballot of Donny this morning! Trump Train! We gon do this again!!! In closing and in my best Ric Flair, WOOOOOO!
  10. Dog eating is one of my standards for the modern definition of barbarian. Do you eat dogs? If the answer is yes, you're a barbarian. Were you raised on the Andy Griffith Show? If the answer is no, you're a barbarian. It's all quite simple.
  11. Bro you f’real? Donny has been all over them dog-eating commies.
  12. Who cares about the opinions of communists?
  13. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/trump-level-cruelty-infects-population-202541793.html im infected...with “cruelty.”
  14. He should suffer a walk of atonement. Shame! Shame! Shame!
  15. The people who think Whitmer is a good politician also call Trump “authoritarian.” Isn’t that rich.
  16. Also, I’d like to point out that Biden sucks. I’m drunk. That’s as good as I got at the moment. Pretty good, I think. That took me so long to write.
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