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Everything posted by Dragoon

  1. I hate Joe. Joe is an idiot. But it could be argued that America was friendly with Hitler for a while.
  2. He’s an amazing speaker but even he doesn’t have enough charisma to sell Joe Biden. Oh, Obama...I never knew the lasting damage he’d do to the Democratic Party when he won. Of course the damage wasn’t his fault....the damage to the party was done with their inaccurate conclusions as to why Obama won. Obama KNEW he needed votes from white working class men. He got those votes...or enough of them. He got them by talking policy, and not social justice nonsense. After he won, the Dems made the wrong conclusions. ‘America is done with white rule! America wants to be gayer! America wants grown men using the same bathrooms as little girls! America wants socialism!’ Those were the lessons the Democrats learned from his victory, and man did they botch it. Barry would tell them too — he’d tell them not to be so divisive but they couldn’t help themselves. Barry, and I’ll get killed for this by my conservative colleagues....but Barry was a moderate publicly. That’s why he won.
  3. you miss my point. I was pointing out the irony in the destination due to your reason for going. It wasn’t a point, just a musing.
  4. You made me laugh a couple posts back when you talked about militaries not being used against their own people and then you mentioned moving to Spain....a place where that literally happened not too long ago. I support the 2nd amendment. As an Iraq veteran I assure you, small arms and homemade explosives can be hell to the military. Trust me. Ah....sure.
  5. 1. I stated the military could never be unleashed on the American people because of the rank and file, not the brass. I used to be a non commissioned officer in the Army — if I was ever told to do anything overbearing to US citizens I’d refuse and I know the enlisted soldier. The enlisted soldier would never. 2. I do not concede I eliminated the need for a well armed populace. The fact a well armed populace exists has been critical in keeping our government from becoming too authoritarian.
  6. Bro, the US military would NEVER unleash itself on the American people.
  7. Ive been noticing this tactic lately by the left. They’ll call you a snowflake or whiner when you’ve done neither. It’s just taunting. They try to instigate people they’re arguing with to break the forum code of conduct with an infractionless insult like ‘snowflake,’ and they’re baiting you to send enough venom back so they can get a moderator to silence you. Think nothing of the comment.
  8. An armed citizenry is the final check to the governments power. An armed citizenry is essential to the defense of the nation. I live in the burbs. While I’m not necessarily a “boogaloo boy,” I have the setup. Ammo, weapons, rations. I’m not very likely to try to take down the government, but what I got all that stuff for is an armed neighborhood watch. Should a crisis render the authorities unable to respond because they’re resources are strained and can’t keep up...that’s more of what I envision than an overthrowing of the government.
  9. Not sure they’d trade in division for a 2nd.
  10. Quick question....”para-military white supremacist.” Be careful there. I am no racist. It would be unfair for people to call me as such. However, I own all the guns liberals hate, I’ve got a Kevlar and all the body armor. I’ve no issue with taking my rifle to a protest. I think it’s unfair that every time white dudes with guns are upset they’re labeled “white supremacists”. Not fair is it?
  11. Yes, that was a trolling. But also a gesture of my benevolence. See, I’m just tryna give you TDS people the outrage you’re all seeking and want. Trump is a higher authority than the constitution and the almighty himself!
  12. President Trump is a hero. I’m confident that in 50 years he’ll be remembered as fondly as Teddy.
  13. Now ya see, even he was doing better in Trump’s America. The shot on the left is Obama’s America, and on the right is Trump’s. Hopefully Hunters cell mate likes nice teeth.
  14. Trump is gonna be a dog off the chain after his 2nd presidential victory. God bless Donald Trump.
  15. Nobody respects you enough for you to be the source of hurt feelings.
  16. Joe Biden plans to end Trumps quid-pro-quo band. Joe doesn’t have a lot of time left on earth and he’s gonna milk it for every nickel he can.
  17. I like the stats that I compute. I like transparent stats where they explain what went into them. It's really simple. Not hard.
  18. That's a real passive-aggressive way of asking a question. So lets not let your attempt to be a jerk go unnoticed. I don't mind stats. I like them. However, it's important to know the ingredients of the stats. I find, often, that political stats are politically motivated.
  19. I wanna party with you! Yes! Andre Robert’s or Lee Smith FTW!!!
  20. Ive noticed him several times. More than I have Harrison all season.
  21. Yo, how much trouble is Robbie in for kicking Miguel down a couple flights of stairs? Mr Miyagi would be sooooo pissed.
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