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Everything posted by Tanoros

  1. I know! I can’t remember the number, but some poster shared it a few weeks back. Beasley had somewhere around 30+ first down receptions. The guy is a chain mover and there’s value in that. It will be interesting to see what happens, but knowing Beane, he will get some value out of a trade.
  2. But it wasn’t just our schedule, the Bills were the number 1 defense by DVOA which takes into account how that team (the ones on our schedule) did against ALL of their other games. Which means, we did better against the bad teams than others. I’m not saying the Bills defense can’t get better, but just trying to put the narrative that we played a soft schedule in perspective. Soft though it may be, we did better than others who played the same soft teams.
  3. This is draft is one of the deepest drafts in years, whereas last years draft was one of the least deep drafts in years. Even then, Hamlin didn’t look bad as a rookie. So many completely undervalue late round picks. Plenty of starters and/or good players come from the later rounds, and in deep draft like this one, there should be more than in most years. As other posters have pointed out, punters across the board aren’t much different from the worst to the best in the NFL, and rotational/special teams players will have many more snaps then the punter over the course of a season. I trust Beane whatever he does, but I’d be absolutely stunned if he took a punter in the 4th, much less trading up into the 3rd. That’s just insane, especially when we need contributors on rookie deals with Josh’s contract ballooning next season.
  4. Matt Milano and Taron Johnson are both 4th/5th round picks and they are legitimate starters. Sure they both had to develop for a time, but we NEED to draft starters/future starters who will be on rookie contracts with Josh’s higher pay coming next season. Can we use an upgrade at punter? Sure, but punter wasn’t the reason we lost to KC, and most everyone feels if 13 seconds went different we may have won it all. I’m sure we can get an upgrade at punter either in FA or draft, even if it isn’t Arazia. To answer your question, 5th at the absolute earliest, but I’d prefer the 6th round.
  5. But if the Bills pick him up, it’s a good sign he will fit the culture.
  6. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/nfl-overtime-playoff-games-history/v2ac7w5vi1xr1ufwe68uu37d8 The win percentage I said should have been 80%, I didn’t look it up for reference. So the coin toss winner is 10-2 in OT since the 2010 change with 7 of the 10 wins coming from first possession (touchdowns). I didn’t realize the 10-2 was just winning and not walk off touchdowns. Either way, 10-2 still isn’t the isn’t great odds, and it shows the current format could be improved, even with a smaller sample size in the playoffs. I think ties are fine for the regular season. It means less stat padding and less chance for injury. In the playoffs a team HAS to win, so there needs to be a format gives them both a chance and both sides of the team a chance to be in the field. With that said, there would be a certain entertainment value to a shootout style format and I’m sure I’d learn to enjoy it. However, I think something more akin to the other 4 quarters of play would be more realistic, and better reflect the game.
  7. We all know that, the point is, 90% of the time in the playoffs the team who wins the coin toss goes down and scores a TD. So the current format isn’t working.
  8. Continue where from where the fourth quarter ends isn’t bad, but not if a TD wins the game. In some ways, I suppose it’s better to know what’s going to happen rather than relying on a random coin toss. Team B could go for the win, instead of a FG. Risky sure, but you know team A gets the ball to start OT
  9. This would be good enough. The advantage of using 4th downs can be nullified due to team A having the chance to win on their first possession of sudden death.
  10. I think your idea with a slight modification would be my preferred OT. That modification being, if first team in OT scores a TD, they have to go for the XP. The second team, assuming they score the TD, has to go for 2. This way the second team having the advantage of using 4th down is slightly nullified in having to go for 2. Also, if the game goes to sudden death, the first team having the ball in OT has the advantage. Now assuming the first team missed the XP, the second team can then try for an XP instead of going for 2. Consider this though. Team A gets the ball with very little time, say less than 20 seconds and the game is tied. They wouldn’t need to be aggressive, they could just move the ball casually knowing they will get the ball in OT. This wouldn’t be so bad, unless that team can win with a TD in OT. However, I do like your idea of removing the coin flip. Even if OT was just a whole period that was played out.
  11. Since this change (in post season) the team who has won the toss has won 90% of the games. This is the main issue with the drive for change. A coin toss is seemingly deciding the outcomes of games between very good teams.
  12. I like your idea IF OT is timed and not as it currently is. Because this would remove the coin toss factor in OT. This is not a bad idea at all. Each team has an advantage in some way, but also a disadvantage.
  13. Consider this. The game is tied, Team A is driving towards the end of the game, BUT not in scoring range yet. Do they get the ball on the same yard line when the 4th Q ends? If so, they wouldn’t have much reason to push the ball downfield and take risks when they have more time coming.
  14. The thing to consider in this scenario is the second team would have the advantage of using 4th downs. Still better than what we have now, but it would be better to get the ball second if this were the case. It seems like having a timed OT period would the the best way to go. At least for the first OT period.
  15. In the post season the coin toss winner in OT has won nearly 90% of the time. Every game is different, but the Bills/Chiefs game was to the point both offenses were scoring at will (the defenses were gassed), and the league is moving more offensive heavy, so the chances are we will see this type of scenario more often in upcoming years. We don’t want to see the result of a post season game decided by chance and the more the outcome can be taken out of the hands of chance, the better. Having a timed OT makes the most sense. This way we ensure both sides of both teams see the field. Perhaps a second OT could be sudden death, and the team that ends the first period of OT on defense, gets the ball to start in the second period. This would allow the team on offense to either go for the win before the end of the first OT period or trust their D. Either way, chance isn’t a factor.
  16. You misread what he said then. He was saying we have missed a home run threat from the rb position for years. Which is true, I can’t think of one home run threat at the rb position during the McDermott era unless you count a guy like Brieda. The point is, having a home run threat at the rb position would be a nice get. As far as defense, I’m sure we will see a cb and de in this draft (I would guess higher than lower for both). Most likely we get a nice run stuffing dt too, and don’t rule out a lb to learn behind Edmonds. That’s still only 4 picks and we have more than that. So there will be offense too, part of the draft is building for the future and not next season only. Extreme positions on things are rarely correct, usually the correct answer is somewhere in the middle.
  17. Ok, that makes sense. I clicked the chain link looking icon and posted the URL in that. I outsmarted myself. I hadn’t seen or heard about Christian Watson until earlier today, and yes looks amazing too. I’d love to pick up a wr in this draft and the more I look at the group the better I feel about getting a wr post first round. There are so many talented guys w/ speed!
  18. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J4uPrlPq8UA (Wan’Dale Robinson) While watching his highlights he just looks like a guy who would fit the Bills offense. Kind of in the McKenzie role but he seems to have more to offer in upside. This is one of the non first round wr that I’m most excited about. How do I post the video like this?
  19. Looks like the savings partially depends on when he is released. I’m certainly not a cap expert, I said 1.5 because that’s the number I keep seeing. https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/should-bills-release-star-lotulelei-with-two-years-remaining-on-his-contract/article_27ccc034-90ed-11ec-9c78-4f50d4778d43.html if this source is correct, we save 3.5 if cutting him after June 1. Star situation is interesting to monitor. His contract is too much for us value, but he played pretty good before Covid last year, but not so much after. I wonder how the Bills staff feels about it all?
  20. Did you see the stat in this thread that Lamar has ran nearly 200 more times than Josh? Additionally, being the person making the hits generally means less likely to be injured. Josh is bigger, and delivers blows (to be fair, he takes his shots too), Lamar not so much.
  21. Edmonds salary is already on the books and not going anywhere unless we trade him. Additionally, since we are in our Super Bowl window, we need to look to upgrade our team, and losing Edmonds just to fill in with a rookie is more of a wash than upgrading depth or even making an upgrade at starter. I wouldn’t be surprised if we took a ILB somewhere early in the drat, we need LBer depth and it’s a good time to try and draft Edmonds replacement. However, we keep Edmonds for the year and move on after.
  22. But the money is accounted for already this year. There isn’t much we can do, unless by some rare chance we find a trade partner, but I don’t think that’s very likely. The chances are we have him for one more year, and then move on. I’ll trust the Bills FO, but I do hope we move on in the end.
  23. Conversely, if they Bills played a different scheme (something like the Bengals) with the same players, could they have been more effective? It’s hard to be much worse in that game. What route would you go to replace Edmonds this offseason? Do you have any specific players in mind? We picked up his option and the chanced of a trade are pretty slim, not to mention replacing him with an upgrade or same level of play.
  24. That’s WAY to simplistic way of looking at things. Was Edmonds the reason our defense was torched? There was 10 others guys out there and we were missing our best defender. Our defense may not have deserved to be number 1, but either way, they WERE a very good defense. Allen and the offense lead the way for us, but the defense matters and Edmonds has an important role, even if he could be better. obviously Edmonds isn’t a star, but he also isn’t bad. The Bills are in the middle of a Super Bowl window, they won’t move on from Edmonds unless they have someone to take his spot, which they don’t have. Weaker MLB play won’t help win a Super Bowl, and there is no guarantee we find a better replacement. As an example, who would recommend we replace Edmonds with? Anyone who hopes to see the Bills move on from Edmonds before this season will not be happy. The most likely scenario is the Bills draft a LBer to learn the ropes this season, and then the Bills offer Edmonds a contract worthy of his production. If he takes it, fine. If not, they have someone to step in who knows the defense. 2020 minus the injuries? The defense was better this year. we save a little over 1.5 million moving on from Star, I don’t see us doing that this year unless we get a sure fire replacement (that would most likely be the draft). If we cut star, whoever we bring in to replace him most likely costs more than what we save.
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