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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Technically speaking this is sort of correct...wouldn't he probably still be alive today if he wasn't drugged out committing some crime that day?
  2. https://nypost.com/2021/04/13/daunte-wright-was-facing-attempted-robbery-case-when-killed-by-cop/ Daunte Wright had an open warrant related to an armed robbery case against him when he was shot dead Sunday by a cop who claimed she thought she was firing her Taser, court records show. Wright, 20, and another man had been charged with first-degree attempted aggravated robbery in December 2019 for allegedly trying to steal $820 from a woman at gunpoint, according to Hennepin County District Court documents. The pair had crashed at the victim’s home in the city of Osseo after attending a party there –then demanded money the next morning while flashing a gun, authorities said in court papers. “Give me the f–king money — I’m not playing around,” Wright told the woman, according to prosecutors. Not as serious as turn signal infractions or burned out taillights
  3. Actual, and self admittedly, Nazis. <snip> Third, the Nazis perfected the art of indoctrinating the citizenry through propaganda and “fake news.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of propaganda, is credited with saying: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” and “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which government can play.” <snip>
  4. Before I go full postal starting a new 'can we talk about' thread, the elephant in the room should be addressed. Maybe, and I'm just throwing stuff out there, maybe people should stop committing crimes and stop resisting arrest or fleeing when confronted by the police?
  5. Title should be changed to "Biden confronts Ice cream cone"
  6. Give him a break, he prolly never got to statistics 101...more than likely statistics is considered racist by now anyhow.
  7. Huh...it's like Rashida, Tibs and Billstime are the same person.
  8. https://summit.news/2021/04/13/google-shadow-bans-searches-for-riots-today-following-violent-unrest-in-minnesota/ Google Shadow Bans Searches For “Riots Today” Following Violent Unrest in Minnesota Second, the Nazi Party was fixated on censorship and eliminating any cultural institution, publication or speech that did not fully support them. In other words, their version of today’s “cancel culture.” The Nazis were notorious for book-burning rituals in order to intimidate and send the message that they would shut down anyone and anything that did not align with their ideology. Once in control of the national levers of powers, they did so with impunity. The American left is figuratively burning books as it uses social media mobs as the vehicle to send the message that they will shut down anyone or anything that does not align with their ideology.
  9. .....a violent uprising against an authority or government.
  10. The Conservative Clergy of Color, a group of Black ministers and pastors, announced Monday it published a full-page ad in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution to address the “lies” being told by President Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams (D) about the Georgia Election Integrity Act of 2021. The advertisement, which features a photo of both of the prominent Democrats, specifically calls out Biden and Abrams for their messaging about the new law, describing their agenda as “devastating” to minority-owned small businesses in Atlanta, amid Major League Baseball’s decision to pull out of the city due to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s signing the election integrity bill into law. The advertisement features two columns, one of “lies” and one of “truth,” with the truth column dispelling Biden and Abrams’ claims: LIE: The new law restricts early voting. TRUTH: The law expands early voting hours and additional weekend voting opportunities, including Sundays. LIE: Voter ID requirements are racially discriminatory. TRUTH: IDs are necessary for numerous everyday activities, and the law even lets voters use documents like utility bills instead of state-issued IDs. LIE: Restrictions on distributing food and water to voters are intended to make voting more uncomfortable for minority voters. TRUTH: The law only prohibits using free food and beverages as a form of electioneering. LIE: The new law eliminates absentee ballot drop boxes. TRUTH: Drop boxes never existed before the pandemic. The new law creates rules to keep them—and the ballots inside—secure. LIE: The new law allows “takeovers” of local election administration. TRUTH: The law protects voters when local officials fail to prevent excessive lines or struggle to process absentee ballots. “There’s nothing ‘racist’ about the Election Integrity Act, and it’s certainly not ‘Jim Crow 2.0,'” the ad stated. “Your lies are now devastating minority small businesses in Atlanta following the MLB’s decision to move its All-Star Game to Denver, resulting in a loss of $100 million in business. Enough is enough.” https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/04/12/black-pastors-expose-lies-biden-abrams-about-georgia-election-bill/
  11. Essentially they are adult bullies. Punch a bully in the face once they go away.
  12. Detroit absentee ballot instructions conflict with witness testimony about irregularities <snip> The instructions, obtained by Just the News through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, were crystal clear concerning signature matching and ballot dating: Verification of signatures on absentee ballots was mandatory, and ballots were to be stamped with the date on which they are received. Detroit election worker Jessy Jacob, a longtime city employee, testified in November that she was instructed by supervisors to ignore signatures on absentee ballots and to fraudulently backdate late-arriving absentee ballots to make them appear to be valid. <snip> effin GOP
  13. https://justthenews.com/government/white-house/bidens-american-jobs-plan-could-cost-taxpayers-about-666000-job-created Biden's American Jobs Plan could cost taxpayers about $666,000 per job created The Washington Post gave Biden "two Pinocchios" for claiming the American Jobs Plan, his infrastructure and jobs proposal, will create 19 million jobs.
  14. I would vote for anyone that wasn't an American hating leftist freak.
  15. Wrong. Far leftists bullies and corrupt swampies have caused the mess we are in today.
  16. I could care less about Trump, its leftist losers like yourself I despise.
  17. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-biden-campaign-fundraising-link-gov-website White House blames 'error' after Biden campaign fundraising page linked on .gov website Biden campaign page linked from .gov site solicits donations in a way generally considered improper to be connected to official gov't site Oh teehee web error get back to Trump is the scamming webmaster kk sheeple
  18. Only the electric chair would truly satiate these monsters rage. Leftists are exactly what they proclaim to hate.
  19. lolololololol...Donny is my favorite troll ever.
  20. The prosecution in the trial of former Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd has begun referring to the victim’s “neck area” rather than his “neck” after the defense pointed out that Chauvin’s knee was not on his neck throughout the entire encounter, as the media previously reported.
  21. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/5-people-dead-including-2-children-in-south-carolina-mass-shooting/ar-BB1fqazW?li=BBnb7Kz Suspect in mass shooting that killed 5 played in the NFL This one doesn't count, the victims were a family of 5, white and privileged, I'm sure tibs will shrug and intimate they were racist.
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