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Everything posted by newcam2012

  1. Then based on your logic the Bills should have never fired Fraizer. His defenses were statistically one of the best for years. Would like to get your input here.
  2. The Chargers are a pretty good example when comparing to the Bills. Lots of similarities. A major issue with the Chargers has been poor coaching. They also have the stigma that they can't get it done. They always seem to find a way to lose in the big game. They choked away a huge lead to the Jags. Think the Bills vs the Texans playoff game for a reference. Think 13 seconds too. The QB situation on both teams is not the issue. That's a pretty bad example. In short, both organizations have lost opportunities, have franchise QBs, have coaches that choke away playoff games, haven't consistently fallen short despite high expectations, and have reputation that they can't get it done. So maybe we are in agreement?
  3. Opinions will likely change in a year or two depending on the success or lack of. I understand your point of view. It's logical even though I dissent. Everything is really conjecture. We really have no idea if McD will improve or digress. Certainly the last two to three years of playoff coaching has not been his best. Dare I say with respect wasted opportunities. How many more can the franchise survive in the hopes of so called improvement. Sometimes in life you cut your ties before it's too late. That could reap dividends or be a big mistake.
  4. I disagree on a lot of what you said. No need to elaborate as what I've said is on the record. Nothing new to add. I do get where you are coming from though. It's definitely a fair thought process.
  5. https://twsn.net/2023/06/the-buffalo-bills-will-not-win-the-afc-east-in-2023 Who is this writer? Certainly, makes some good points but leaves out several too. I still think the Bills have to be considered favorites in the division.
  6. We are about to find out how good McD is. That's not a bad thing. What is hard to explain is why did he allow Fraizer to run such a defense? It sounds like a McD defense is fairly different than Fraizer's. Usually a defensive minded coach will put his implant of the DCs defense and vice versa. Have to believe that McD was happy with Fraizer's D. He was here for several years and was always backed up by McD. I think it's fair to say Fraizer's defenses disappointed in the playoffs. Yet, he remained with the team for years with similar disappointing results. Ultimately, someone realized Fraizer and his D scheme couldn't get it done. Did McD try to alter Fraizer's D? Improve it or tweet it? If not why not? I'm excited to see McD run a defense. Expectations seem pretty high. Just maybe a Bills led D can make a few critical stops in the playoffs to advance further.
  7. He consistently wins in the regular season. Almost any decent coach with Allen at the helm can get the team to the playoffs. That's exactly what McD has done. Nice regular season records. That just isn't enough. Wouldn't you agree? If you are satisfied and or content with that then one won't be advocating for change. The rest of my post is mute. The playoffs are a whole different animal. McD has proven to be average to below average. The numbers don't lie. His record is 4-5. Even an optimist can't think that's good. More specifically, look at the last 3 playoff seasons. Outcoached and outclassed by KC in the playoffs. Granted KC was better but McD and his game plan was inferior. 13 seconds is what it is. Not gonna beat a dead horse. Miami and Cinci last year has also been discussed at nausism. It all adds up to underachieving. Don't think coaching didn't contribute to this. That definelty includes McD! Even go back to the loss at the Texans for a reference if you will. Not good! Perhaps, that was a preview of what was to come. It all adds up mediocrity at best. Blown opportunities. McD has simple not been up to the task. Year after year after year the Bills have fallen short when it counts. That's pretty much undeniable and under the McD reign. The counter argument is McD is young, gaining experience, other coaches failed early in their coaching careers. I get that but there's still no guarantee McD will be any more successful in the future. My eyes have seen enough. Years of playoff incompetence has to fall on the coaching staff. I know many will not agree. I have lost confidence in McD come playoff time. He routinely gets out coached and out schemed. Enough!!! I'd rather take my shot with an up and coming offense minded coach like Ben Johnson. I think he will absolutely get the best out of Allen and the Bills weapons. Something Dorsey failed to do last year. This year will are all holding our breath. For me, this is McD last year to prove has up to the task. I doubt he is and I'll be pounding the table for change.
  8. I would welcome Ben Johnson in a heart beat! Exactly what the Bills need. Diggs wouldn't be complaining that's for sure.
  9. I wish the seat was warm for two years. I don't believe that's reality. McD seat was ice cold for two years and is only getting slightly warm now. That seat won't get hot for another 2 or 3 years after more likely playoff failures.
  10. He's failed in the playoffs. He's done very well in the regular season. People are mostly happy with McD and his results. Most are willing to give him more time to thrive in the playoffs. The next few seasons should tell us a lot about McD.
  11. Tom Landry, Paul Brown, Brian Billick, George Seifert, Gruden, Mike Shannahan, and Hank Stram.
  12. Bold statement saying the Bills pass rush could be one of the best come seasons end. I don't see it. The LB group is absolutely worse. No matter who starts at MLB all the guys are young and not NFL starting material. I think the Bills will be fine at CB. McD had gotten the best out of that group for awhile. Tre needs to be a good version of Tre. The young guys need to continue to grow. Plus, Hyde and Poyer are really good still. The offense has a chance to be elite. I'd go further and say they should be elite barring serious injuries. Allen is that good. The Bills have to use the whole field, utilize all their weapons, mix up the run and pass, be unpredictable by using motions and RPOs, limit turnovers, and execute in the red zone. I absolutely think they are capable of being almost unstoppable. I think the season's success depends mostly on the offense. We've seen a shift in the Bills mindset sort of speak. First time in a longtime Beane and the Bills management have concentrated so much on the offense. I really like it. Go down swinging with Allen and Co..
  13. I have ambivalent feelings about this season. There are several positives, negatives, and unknowns. The offense on paper seems to be improved. We know the additions so no need to elaborate. Defensively is a big question mark for me come playoff time. I believe they will be fine in the regular season. McD should be an upgrade to Fraizer. Injuries, age, and the return of guys coming off injury will be key. Von, Hyde, and Tre. Coaching is a huge concern for me. I don't know if Dorsey can run an intricate offense. I don't know if he will utilize the various weapons on the team. McD has been pretty poor come playoff time. I have little confidence he can lead the time to a SB. He's been out coached in the playoffs for several years now. He has a lot on his plate now that he's calling the D. The AFC division appears to be loaded and the Bills schedule on paper is difficult. I can see the Bills going 8-9 and missing the playoffs to 11-5 and making a SB appearence.
  14. How are they better built to win in the playoffs? On paper, the Chiefs and Bengals appears to be better. Both of those teams are huge obstacles.
  15. I don't know enough about how the dynamics of the Eagles coaching staff. Ultimately, the coach is responsible for the team's play. The DC does deserve scrunity too. I'd say both to answer your question.
  16. I agree with everything except "doesn't matter the coach." Coach McD had a big hand in the Bills not making a SB appearence the last 2 year's.
  17. I've seen enough of clappy. He did well to build a winner. Credit goes to him and Beane. It's time to let McD go and rebuild another team. The last two years of playoff failure is inexcusable. He will likely go down as the biggest choke artist in playoff history (13 seconds). It will haunt Bills fans for decades. Just like wide right and Tenn miracle.
  18. I highly doubt that scenario. True, we don't know the story.
  19. It's speculation but boy what a great post. Fantastic insight here. It's quite plausible too. I can't blame Allen for the media attention, commercials, and dating sexy Hollywood glame. However, in the back of my mind I was thinking maybe it could be a slight distraction. Then I think about Allen and his will to win, the way he plays, his words, and his leadership. I don't see much that gives me concern with regards to Allen being distracted or unfocused. Of course, I don't have an ringside seat like Diggs. Nevertheless, the post was quite inquisitive and thought generating.
  20. Home run! You called it spot on. I am not afraid to give you props. Others disdain for you will prevent them from being honest. It would severely hurt them to acknowledge you were right. Great call!
  21. I think it's more rhan winning. That's why I think problems will continue to brew. Diggs wants the ball and I kind of think winning might be somewhat secondary. He wants to be targeted and the focal point of the offense. I tend to think he won't be happy even if the Bills are winning. In Minn they were winning but he was upset that Theilen and others were being targeted. If I'm wrong please correct me.
  22. Not convincing whatsoever. I'm not pulling my negativity out of the blue. Diggs by all accounts is emotional and I think its safe to say reacts childlike. We have a narrative in Minn. that played out. Sure it's possible things in Buffalo can be different. The history of Diggs coupled with his selfishness and maturity level make it more probable trouble will continue to brew. That's the way I see it. Feel free to disagree.
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