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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. They may have had a higher grade on Worthy, but not first round grade. Traded back, and he’s gone. KC didn’t tell them who they were going for lol
  2. Forget it Jake, it’s TBD. everyone knows if I did a mock draft 3 days ago and only walked away with Coleman in the second, everyone here would absolutely hate it.
  3. We’ll be competitive because Allen surrounded by dog**** is worth 10 wins.
  4. We don’t know this at all actually. We can say they had Coleman higher than McConkey and Mitchell only.
  5. Lol I was so big on the coaching job McD did last year, I thought he earned his extension in full. I have argued for years he’s a top 10 coach in the NFL. Go back to the playing in sand.
  6. I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. if beane drafts a “boundary” WR.
  7. Can I get a “you were right FC, these boys don’t learn?”
  8. This is really embarrassing. Contribute to the discussion or go back to your binkie.
  9. So juvenile. Sit this one out while the adults speak lmao
  10. Correct. I have been screaming draft a WR since 2021. It was obvious except for the Carolina boys.
  11. They didn’t even have a plan for DAVIS, who everyone knew was gonna be gone. I don’t even think they negotiated with him much. They had no plan for Poyer/Hyde either, unless you count Rapp the bandaid they only brought in after Micah’s head was falling off. They have done a terrible job keeping the talent pipeline flowing, except maybe at LB and CB.
  12. I will agree to a point that Diggs’ exit probably accelerated how bad the lack of succession plan was. But the Bills have sucked at their succession plans for the 2020 stars since.. well… 2020. Beane drafts a decent WR last year or two years ago and we are feeling much more comfortable with Coleman/Samuel/Shakir filling out the rest of the room.
  13. Lmao Kincaid is gonna be a HoF top 3 TE all time? Oookay
  14. Kincaid is a TE. Why would we draft a WR high when Diggs was 29 and Gabe Davis had one foot out the door? Is that a serious question? Why did the Cowboys draft an LT in the first when they had Tyron Smith?
  15. Beane could’ve drafted WR’s since 2018 and hasn’t. Then he wouldn’t have had to extend Diggs desperately in 2022. Something that gave Diggs tremendous leverage in 2022 and 2023. He did neglect the WR room for multiple seasons, and is still neglecting it and Josh is going to pay for it when his career ends at 31 like Cam Newton.
  16. To @Logic’s point. what is the biggest need on the Bills roster today? WR. what was it 3 days ago? WR. That’s unacceptable.
  17. I didn’t say rooting. But I do think it may increase his SB championship odds.
  18. I’m approaching the opinion that the best thing for Josh Allen’s career is to tweak an ankle, miss the season and let Beane and McD get exposed and fired when they win 2 games and reset with a high draft pick and new organization.
  19. This is a joke right? The old guard aged themselves off the roster. Hyde and Poyer were old two years ago. Beane couldn’t secure a succession plan through the draft, necessitating a 2nd rounder at S to walk in and START. Beane gave Diggs the massive contract 2 years before his deal was up. He signed Von Miller. He literally CREATED the cap problems. Sure, Morse was getting older and that was a tough decision, but IOL is worse without him. Again, BECAUSE of Beane. He accomplished trying to fix the roster he ***** up lmao
  20. And we have neither of those things. And they didn’t lose the Super Bowl to the Giants because they traded a 4th for Randy Moss. And, in summation, your point is really bad
  21. If we roll into week 1 with this WR group, I’m breaking out the Fire Beane Billboard. He doesn’t have to give me a thing otherwise.
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