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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Kyler Murray is looking very good today. His escapability is insane.
  2. I think you have to give one to Rousseau and Epenesa. They had a killer game and looked excellent. Levi looked good before he went out. Taiwan Jones had a great special teams day. The offense, eh... Diggs? Maybe Moss? Nobody had a great day but a bunch of guys had solid days.
  3. A lot of personalities thought he deserved COTY until the last Bills game last season. He's been talked about highly since he took the Dolphins coaching job by media and fans alike.
  4. I think he's definitely overrated and he's running off the vapors of having a semi successful season with a team that looked like "the tank" personified. Since then he's looked very middle of the road.
  5. Well I don't know if I can say enough good things about this defense, especially the pass rush. They showed up and dominated today. Allen has looked rough but when you can beat a division rival 35-0 with your QB having a lot of ups and downs I think it's a good sign. Not overly concerned about Allen yet, but the interior O-Line still looks like junk.
  6. I'm more pumped for this game now than I was for the opener I think, if only because the stakes feel so high that they win now that they've already dropped one.
  7. I'm gonna go with 24-17 Bills, with Miami getting a garbage time TD.
  8. This is the downside of drafting so many project but super high upside players. Brown is not ready to start and depth behind that is even worse. If Dawkins doesn't bounce back and fast we're looking at a serious problem for this season.
  9. You have to have the bad to appreciate the good.
  10. That was a terrible call by the refs to take back the WASH first down. He was obviously untouched.
  11. I haven't really seen much from either team so far. I know Washington was kind of a dark horse darling at the beginning of the season but the defense doesn't look too scary yet against a Giants squad that's not exactly talented.
  12. I know you've already been told this a number of times in this thread, but not having a test option does not lead to "justifiable questioning" of why have a vaccination only policy, despite what you think. The fact of the matter is that vaccination is the number one way to curb the spread of any infectious virus. This is not up for debate.
  13. I literally addressed all of that in my original post that you called a scapegoat argument.
  14. What should we have done to mask the offensive line on Sunday that we didn't do? You seem really confident that you have the answer here. EDIT: And I want to point out that they weren't "meh". They were awful. This was the worst game for the O-Line since Allen's rookie year.
  15. I don't know how we can even really evaluate the playcalling when the offensive line play was so incredibly bad. It was one of the worst showings of an O-Line I've ever seen, and I don't think that's an exaggeration. I will agree that the personnel choice play to play was suspect. We should have probably been bringing in an extra blocker or RB/TE blockers, but with all the execution issues (even the WRs were dropping passes that were hitting them in the hands, didn't see that much last year) I don't feel confident proclaiming that it was definitely the issue.
  16. I don't know for sure, but I'd assume they're private vendors who pay a fee to use the stadium space right?
  17. You are vastly overestimating the number of unvaccinated people in WNY and the ability to organize into a cohesive block.
  18. This game has me nervous now. Logically, I think the Bills are going to come out swinging and crush the Dolphins. Emotionally, I don't think I'm prepared to even ponder the idea that they lose this game.
  19. According to the release, you're fine with just your vaccination card so long as you physically have it. A photo will not work.
  20. I don't know what you're talking about or why you're replying to me with this. I think you're trying to get in a "gotcha" with this but I'm going to go ahead and answer your question. Yes, you can be infected even if you're vaccinated, this is true of almost all vaccines. That being said, the effects of being infected after being vaccinated are generally much less severe and your viral load is generally significantly reduced. I'm not trying to argue on the coronavirus or the efficacy of the vaccine like you are. All I've stated in this thread is that there are consequences to your actions, and if you choose to be unvaccinated, then I hope you enjoy the Bills games at home instead of being in the stadium, as that's the consequence of your decision.
  21. Clearly we're going to go in circles about this, but I completely disagree with this being "a cudgel by politicians to increase vaccinations via punitive measures". This isn't punitive. You're not being punished as you're not entitled to attend a football game. It's as ridiculous as saying that because you're required to wear pants to the stadium it's a punitive measure against nudists.
  22. I don't have any opinion about it. I don't work for Erie county or the Bills, I'm reacting to the reality of situation. The reality is that you need to be vaccinated now to attend Bills games. Nobody is forcing anyone to get vaccinated, no one is required to go to a Bills game. If you choose not to be vaccinated, the consequence of your action is that you can't attend a Bills game. Choices have consequences, if you can't live with the consequences, then make a different choice. The county isn't strong arming you, nobody is being forced, and the victim complex frankly is kind of insulting. I know I already said that but I feel like it needs to be emphasized. If anything, I think the county is being too lenient letting individuals who have had a single shot into the game until Oct. 31st, but that's the compromise they need to make with those who are indignant about regulations. I believe everyone who can reasonably be vaccinated should be, full stop. The people complaining about this clearly don't. Instead of whining and acting like a victim, own your decision. You are making a sacrifice based on your strongly held beliefs right? Own it.
  23. It works too, and I support it. Everyone has a choice, but choices have consequences, period.
  24. There's a lot of hot hot takes in this thread, looks like your personal choices have consequences, one of which is not being able to going to a Bills game in person. This is a team and business complying with local regulations. Direct your (unjustified) anger to the county, it's absurd to be mad at the Bills here.
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