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Everything posted by JDubya76

  1. I did, you read it, I re-read it after you quoted me, you read it again in this reply. I say that
  2. Mr. Underwhelming will beat us at the buzzer if we can’t generate a pass rush, Jesus.
  3. We’ve burned 45 seconds off the clock, what are they even thinking l? Are they thinking, is there a plan?
  4. And if we kicked a field goal we’d still be up by 7. Stupid
  5. The rainbow to Thielen. How do we continue to leave these guys so open.
  6. 2nd and 2 and we call 3 throws. Not one GD handoff after gaining 8 on first. My lord
  7. I just don’t understand the decision making with this frustrating ass team
  8. Not with the possibility of sugar high Josh making an appearance. He needs someone to keep him balanced, maybe in a few years. Could you imagine him running around at the end of the Miami game, totally gassed and calling all of the offensive plays? I don’t see it yet.
  9. Hopefully someday we can scheme him into space and see. Some day
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