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Everything posted by BuffaloBills1998

  1. We don’t know what’s going to happen, but unfortunately it’s looking like it’s going the direction of not having a season. I mean if there’s not going to be college football this season i don’t see how there’s gonna be any NFL this season. Unfortunately we don’t make the call it’s the higher ups in the NFL that will be making the call
  2. There was no where for him to go. Plus since he’s a ego maniac I think he only took the Jets job to try and get back at Miami for letting him go. Honestly Gase is Richard Kotite 2.0
  3. I’m thinking if Darnold has another bad year and if the Jets keep Gase, that Gase would request that he and Douglas can draft their own QB. I think those reports are true about Gase not wanting Darnold and that he didn’t like him when he was still in Miami
  4. I have now lost respect for him unfortunately
  5. I think contractually they have to keep him around because if I’m correct they’re still paying for Bowles and Ryan. I could be wrong on Ryan but I know they’re still paying off Bowles, that’s why they didn’t fire Gase last year. That would be 3 HCS on their payroll while 2 of them aren’t on the team anymore
  6. And what did the jets do in the playoffs?? That’s right they choked. I think that goes to show that Peyton Manning is not a good evaluator of talent. Like what In the hell did he see in Adam Gase that made him think that he was HC material lol
  7. I think this confirms nobody on the team or league for that matter wants to play for Gase. Only the New Jersey Jets LOL
  8. But see that’s the thing with Herbert he’s an athlete trying to play QB. He’s a guy who needs to rely on his mobility because he’s not very good as a pocket passer. That’s where Tua beats him, Tua is a pure pocket passer and has a strong arm and is accurate. Tua’s only concern is if he can stay healthy in the NFL which I think he can
  9. I liked Fergy. He wasn’t perfect but he was a gamer and a tough competitor who did everything he could to win. I think if he got a SB in Buffalo he probably would’ve gotten in the HOF. I mean Joe Namath is in the HOF and he’s one of the worst QBS to ever win a super bowl, can we really say now if Joe Namath was a franchise QB?
  10. Herbert is going to be a bust. His mechanics are poor his accuracy isn’t very good. The one thing he can do is move with his legs. He went through 3 different OC’S who tried to help simplify the playbook for him because he had a problem reading defenses. Charger fans are going to find out that he wasn’t worth the number 6 overall pick, hell the chargers GM even admitted they wanted Tua and settled for Herbert because the other QBS after them are huge question marks.
  11. It baffles me that they gave him that contract and that they extended him too boot
  12. Tua has been noted as being the best prospect since Brees. Saban loved him and told the Dolphins they would be fools if they passed up on him. Tua is a once and a generational type of player, QBs like him don’t come around very often. Stidham ( while I might sound over critical) is a poor mans Matt Cassel. I think BB knows his offense is screwed without Brady and I’m sure if he had the chance to take Tua over Stidham he would do it without thinking twice
  13. He’s a hell of a better prospect than Justin Herbert LOL. That guy is Brock Osweiler 2.0
  14. But if we add Cook we can Legitimately say our running back room would be elite and would be an extra weapon for Josh to throw to
  15. Would you trade for Dalvin cook? He is friends with Diggs and even commented how much it hurt to see the Vikings trade Diggs to here. Maybe Diggs can try to recruit cook?
  16. The problem with leinhart is that he was a party animal and never really studied and also had a weak arm and was sent to the worst team he could’ve been drafted by. Vince young was a mental nutcase and Tebow again lacked arm strength and his inability to read defenses cost him.
  17. https://www.thephinsider.com/platform/amp/2020/6/12/21288719/nbcs-chris-simms-jarrett-stidham-is-more-talented-than-tua-miami-dolphins-new-england-patriots Is Chris Simms this stupid? I like that he’s all for Allen but this is just ridiculous. Stidham was mediocre at best in college and hasn’t really proven to be anything much more in the NFL. He’s another Matt Cassel from what I’ve see from him
  18. I’ll be the first to admit I thought we had something in him after his game against the Jags. I’ll never forget the 94-97 yard bomb he threw to Owens. I legitimately thought he could be the QB we’ve been looking for. Then after he signed his extension the real him came out. I started seeing more of the flaws including not only his noodle for an arm but the fact that he struggled reading defenses. But then there were games he would have that would make me a believer again and then he would crash back to reality. probably a horrible way to put it. But he played like a 80s slasher movie. Like you think what your seeing is new at first but then you realize it’s same old same old I used to say if he had an arm like Jeff George he’d probably be a hall of famer
  19. OJ’s legacy is destroyed. Most people will never remember what a great and important RB he was during his generation and that is HIS fault and no one else’s. But you can’t take away with what he did on the football field because of the choices he made during his post football career. If we take OJ down then the Giants should take LT down because of his prolific drug use and the fact that he had sex with a minor.
  20. He’s been out of football since 16 his last 3 years in the league he had a losing record. And once again the Pats have no Money to sign him and Kap won’t take the vet minimum to play again
  21. I think your being too generous to Carr. He’s horrible and belongs in the list with Winston and Mariota. He hasn’t led his team to the playoffs in the 5 years he’s been on that raiders team
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