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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. It's almost as if there is an unwritten rule book that they are told to follow.
  2. Tiger Meat sounds like a winner. I have to tell you, I recently watched the "Hannibal" TV series from 2014-16, and the meals that guy made looked amazing.
  3. But CNN says the Biden story is a tinfoil hat thingy, like the moon landing. Oh wait, CNN still believes in that one.
  4. It's generally called long pork, so I guess in this case babies would be called short pork? So we all know ChickFilA (or whatever it's called post Mandela) would never serve it, but do we agree that the most liberal chain that it would probably end up at first would be Starbucks?
  5. It's easy for Kyle to say these things whist his team is winning. Lay an egg, or lose to KC twice in the next couple of years (once is not enough for this franchise, they have lots of rings to fall back on), and the vultures would pick his carcass clean.
  6. CNN is amazing. They can turn any news story into a Trump story. I would really like to know what happened with the Bills loss to the Texans - there was something the Trumpster did to tip the scales, I just need CNN to tell me...
  7. That is the definition of virtue signaling.
  8. Call me when your chosen one BETA guy can get within the same zip code as Lindsey. Your BETA guy couldn't even beat out Lying Ted. Talk about pathetic. Is that you back there?
  9. He is spot on with all the "no oil & gas" people. As they lecture him while wearing polyester (synthetic polyester is made using a chemical reaction involving lots of petroleum), holding an iphone (lots of oil & gas used in that one), and espouse wonderful ideals about unicorn sh i tting power plants.
  10. I liked what I saw out of Sweeney vs the Jets. I'd like to see what he can do long term.
  11. That would be the dream. I'll probably eat way too much cheese & crackers. Look out digestive system, we're sailing the seas of cheese!
  12. New to the politics game, eh? This is a POLITICAL trial, not a legal one. The people in power can set whatever rules they want. Get control of both houses next time, and then you can impeach every president henceforth. It'll be great.
  13. We need to kill this dead in it's tracks: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/buffalo-oasis-scientists-say-warmer-earth-could-make-colder-cities-n1113711
  14. Those 3 haven't been cancelled, yet. Although MLK came close with the laughing rape spectator sport that the FBI documented.
  15. Yes that, and also don't stand behind her head for long, you'll get mowed down when she commits suicide.
  16. This is a POLITICAL trial, as framed by the constitution. Not a judicial, court of law trial.
  17. I think the problem is he takes one of 6 WR spots. Delete one of the TE/FB spots and carry 7 WRs and nobody would complain about Roberts.
  18. WIth the announcement last week of a new scientific unit of measure (residents of Japan be damned), here are a couple more so you can REALLY understand how bad those cow farts are: https://4hiroshimas.com/#Science Detonating four Hiroshima atomic bombs per second (I thought it was 5????) Experiencing two Hurricane Sandys per second Enduring four 6.0 Richter scale earthquakes per second Being struck by 500,000 lightning bolts per second Exploding more than eight Big Ben towers, with every inch packed full of dynamite, per second If I'm lucky, that lightning one will get me before Al Gore's wrath does.
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