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Typical TBD Guy

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Everything posted by Typical TBD Guy

  1. I was praying that it would be a very quick death for him, but I don't think it was. He was still alive for that entire minute...you could hear him still wheezing from what was left of his windpipe. I'm only providing a link for some of those who feel like they owe it to Mr. Armstrong's life to see what we're truly dealing with in this war on terror, but if you couldn't handle the Nick Berg video, definitely don't check this one out. I handled the Berg video OK I guess, but this was even too much for me. WARNING
  2. On Dick's lesbo daughter: Speaking as a libertarian Republican, this is my biggest problem with Cheney, a man for whom I otherwise have total respect. Mary's his own flesh and blood. So she likes to munch on a little carpet now and then...whose business is that but only Mary and the carpet bearer? On Cheney's votes and weapons defense systems: Good point. Can any conservatives here explain his reasons for voting against these systems? On Cheney's votes and MLK holiday, meals on wheels, etc: Come on now. No one cared about this Mickey Mouse stevestojan in the 2000 election, and after 9/11 and the start of WWIII, no one will care about this stevestojan in 2004 either. On the connection between Saddam and 9/11: You have been staring at the political sun for way too long now. This "controversy" has been debunked countless times since the final days of the 9/11 commission, by both conservative and liberal media outlets alike. On Halliburton: Consult previous sentence.
  3. In terms of the gameplan, I think Mularkey and his staff are doing just fine. The plays this season that have failed miserably did so because (as others here have already mentioned) the players are making their own boneheaded mistakes. And I don't think Mularkey should be blamed either for the lack of discipline on this team. This same lack of discipline existed during GW's regime with most of the same core "veteran" players. If the Bills don't show dramatic improvement in the next couple months, I will still be reluctant to place the blame on MM and Co. and all too eager to direct it towards TD, the man who assembled this cast of inherent choke artists. But to answer BNIH's original question, yes I think the honeymoon is over - fair or unfair - because our impatient Buffalo media and impatient fan base (and rightfully so, I might add, after 4 and going on 5 straight seasons of no playoffs - a true mark of futility in this salary cap era) never really allowed him one in the first place.
  4. I actually thought Edwards did OK considering the expectations I had for him going against Cheney (or for anyone going against Cheney for that matter). Thing is, this debate did very little to help or hurt either presidential candidate. It will all come down to Friday night's debate. If Bush bombs again, Kerry will likely - barring any unforeseen events in the next three weeks - sneak away with the electoral vote on Nov 2.
  5. Good work there with the male-bashing. And how would you confront the sociopathic megalomaniacs of the world? Shower them with chocolate candies? Introduce the latest fall fashion apparel to lift those fascist spirits? Discuss their anger issues and inner feelings of inferiority on the Dr. Phil show? Or how about just let them do whatever they want with the populations they control? Give me a fuggin break.
  6. Well not quite the traditional TV marathon, but they're showing every Sopranos episode - in order - at 9pm every weekday night. They're up to episode 7 tonight of the 65 episode series. Hopefully this is great news for all you Sops fans out there who don't have the DVD's and who can't stomach "Joey" as your Sops fix.
  7. I agree, stevestojan. Without Teague we are really screwed. But not because of the absence of his play, since we were just as screwed when Teague was playing. The problem is that now TD, MM, and Co. have yet another excuse to justify playing Drew over JP when our record ends up anywhere between 0-10 and 1-9.
  8. Jennings will be here next year. No one will pay him the money he wants. He's a mediocre LT who tends to get injured a lot. Not even the Falcons are going to overpay for his services. First Peerless, then Jennings? Yeah right! And why don't they send us their 1st rounder again while they're at it? You know, just for tradition's sake? And when did this stupid Jennings to Atlanta rumor start? Was it during that local Atlanta radio show last year where Jonas, the invited guest, was just playing around and being nice to the Atlanta folk? I don't think he really wants to go there. He's also repatedly stated that he would like to stay in Buffalo.
  9. Never mind...The Living Dead is #70. Also, Seven had a few classic scenes that should have made the top 100.
  10. My #1 would have been that list's #34. My #1 overall movie is easily The Shining. House of 1,000 Corpses and The Living Dead are two very awful movies that didn't make this guy's list but nevertheless still had some memorable scenes for me.
  11. Nice summary, FFS (or rather nice novel!). I, too, voted for option 3. I only disagreed with your second to last paragraph where you state that even a better QB would be similarly as unproductive with our Bills. I'd say that at least two-thirds of the starting NFL QB's would give us noticeably more offensive production with the same Bills offense. Brady, Pennington, McNair, Peyton Manning, Favre, McNabb, Culpepper, Hasselbeck, Green right off the top of my head...even the semi-washed up vets like Kitna, Warner, Gannon, Plummer, Brunell...hell some of the newbies like Harrington, Leftwich, Bulger, Roethlisberger, Carr, etc could do more with what we currently have.
  12. How great would this scenario be: The date is, say, November 1, 2050. All of the 2004 Miami Dolphins gather in Jay Fiedler's living room to anticipate the Mexico City Cardinals being the final team of the 2050 season to win a game. The Cards finally win, and the celebration commences with the enormous stash that Wannstedt purchased from Ricky Williams III off the nearest street corner.
  13. Good point. Buffalo's futility for most of the past 10 years is due to the pursuit of the flashy, big-name, big-arm QB at the expense of the OL. This problem transcends TD to Butler, which makes me wonder if Ralph Wilson is the real source to point the blame. Maybe Wilson has been meddling with the GM's too much by trying to market the team better with name players more so than with W's in the standings. But trying to fill seats and keep the Bills in Buffalo...I can't blame Wilson too much for that.
  14. Are you asking me or jarthur? Because you should already know my answer to your question
  15. SS: I'm pissed at Wire, and Prioleau should take his place now until Milloy returns. FS: I'm pissed at Reese, but we're stuck with him; Prioleau at FS is no better, neither is Wire, Baker has been awful in all 3 games of his short NFL career, and Vincent is still needed at CB for this season. I don't know, maybe when Vincent returns from injury we could move McGee temporarily to FS. It's risky, but I really like McGee's potential as a ballhawk - something that Reese is not. OL: The OL is a complete mess, but moving Williams to LG or anyone anywhere else at this point is very risky. Might as well have them continue working on the positions they had in the preseason. Continuity on the OL is our offense's only chance, assuming we still have one. RB: I'm pissed at Henry, but we have little choice but to stick with him for now. I'm also pissed at Shelton, and McGahee - while not yet 100% - should nevertheless take Shelton's place immediately. That would at least make our offense more unpredictable even if the unpredictability still makes us predictably crappy. 2-back set with Henry and McGahee...couldn't make us any less productive, right? 10 friggin points per game... QB: I'm pissed at Bledsoe, but we have no choice but to start him for now. When Losman is healthy and the season is a mathematical wash, then we can bring up this option.
  16. Yeah I noticed that. Why didn't Bellysick blitz in the first half? Did he have THAT little respect for our offense that he assumed he could generate a legit pass rush without one? Or maybe he was hesitant to leave an unknown Evans one on one deep, with Moulds also running the medium-to-deep routes? Who knows. All I know is that the way to beat our offense is blitz, blitz, and blitz some more...all day until we prove we can stop it or at least counter with some big plays.
  17. I'll assume this is sarcasm... I wasn't saying Losman (or Matthews) is the answer to our team's problems this season. The 2004 season is over with no matter who QB's this train wreck. All I'm saying is that this offseason, when Mr. Wilson reviews all that is wrong with this team (and I know - there's a lot besides Drew), getting rid of Drew better be high up on that list despite how "impressive" Drew has been directing our 10 points/game offensive juggernaut. I would entertain the idea of Bledsoe staying beyond 2004 strictly as a backup at a dramatically reduced salary...but that's all.
  18. Too funny, stevestojan! I noticed that you have a little posse of your own, constantly reminding you how stupid you are. Paco is one of them. Who else? I have a couple myself. BuffaloBob will be posting here any minute now to let me know for the umpteenth time how little I know about football... OK in all seriousness, can we all stop with the personal insults? If you really can't stand someone's posts, then just use the ignore feature on them. By the way, if you just clicked on the latest thread page and didn't read all the earlier drivel, here's pretty much all you need to know from the people who are against Bledsoe: miklib's link from another thread Make of it what you will. Maybe Drew is to blame. Maybe he's not. Doesn't really matter to me anymore what the common fan believes. All that matters I suppose is what Ralph and TD think about Drew.
  19. Lighten up, man. I though it was a funny story, and I'm sure most others here did too. It's not like he went over to Mrs. Schobel and grabbed her breasts or something.
  20. Maybe I seem to be giving Henry one because he's still young and I still feel like he can learn to be an adequate pass blocker. Henry has made progress since his rookie year (specifically in not fumbling and in catching the ball out of the backfield), while Bledsoe has slowly gotten worse over the past 5-6 years. Henry also costs us a lot less and isn't as important to an offense as the QB. OK I don't know if I completely buy what I just typed since I definitely don't feel Henry deserves a free pass....you seem to be doing an excellent job of criticizing Henry on your own. Do you really need my help in making your point any clearer? I've said all I probably needed to say about Drew; you all know how I stand on this subject. So in the meantime I will try to stop with the anti-Drew negativity and just let the season play out.
  21. Because people here are still expressing satisfaction with Drew's play in the past 3 games. I, of course, disagree with this satisfaction. And as long as there are the grounds for discourse, I will debate. That's what people often do on these sports-related internet message boards. I would just as easily jump in on the Coy Wire criticism, but what is there to discuss? No one here has been defending Coy Wire's play, have they? Josh Reed? I have supported him his entire NFL career up until 3 weeks ago. No one else I know of here on TBD is currently defending Josh's play, either. Travis Henry? Once again, we all agree that he has been a major liability in the passing game, right? His running game I suppose is more up for debate, but then there's the matter of the OL's role in that. The OL? Well I have certainly criticized the OL, but admittedly not as much as Drew for one reason only: I'm not exactly sure yet which players among the starting 5 are to blame. So far I'd say it's the entire interior OL along with the pass protection from Mike Williams...but the cohesiveness/familiarity factor in an OL's play makes this unit harder to grade on a more individual level. By mid season, stay tuned.... The coaching? I'm holding out for the same reason as the OL. They deserve more time, and there is something suspicious when the 2004 team is having pretty much the identical problems as the 2003 team did with Greggo and Killdrive. TD? Well of course all the blame goes to this guy, but firing or demoting him during the season won't accomplish anything on the field, will it? I'd rather not get to this topic until the offseason officially begins. And back to bashing Drew? Well he's had a long window of opportunity already, and yet still people are bending over backwards to justify his putrid productivity. I certainly acknowledge the progress he's made this season in generally getting rid of the ball quicker. Other than that, however, it's basically the same old Drew since week 3 last year and onward. I'm tired of losing, but I'm even more tired of checking TBD to read all these posts about how we're "supposed" to be a low-scoring offense now and how 10 average points from a salary-cap hogging, rocket-armed QB is just fine as long as he doesn't throw more than a couple interceptions or cough up a couple fumbles per game anymore. Give me a break. If Bledsoe's jersey read "Johnson," none of the Bledsoe Apologists would be apologizing for our QB for the same offensive production. Don't believe me? Post Rob Johnson's stats and Drew's side by side, and read the denigrating remarks towards Rob (and rightfully so) while Bledsoe gets the free pass...because it's happened here before. And to further divert the attention from the eery statistical similarities, the BA's will proceed with their standard inflammatory name-calling. Peace.
  22. This is the worst statement I have ever read on this message board. Please tell me the rest of you don't think like this? Would the rest of you rather have no team in Buffalo than a stevestojantty team?
  23. Read KOKBills' post right above yours and see why maybe you're wrong and maybe Drew is the problem.
  24. That is a highly debatable statement since we are still winless. HAS he made enough plays? Listen, I completely understand where you're coming from. I really do. The blind Bledsoe bashing is certainly moronic and painful to read. However, I don't think anyone on this message baord is moronic if they feel that Drew - despite his improved overall play this season from the end of last season - is still a problem spot for our team. Yes he's improved his game some, but he still has had his blatant Drew moments and the offense's stats for this season don't lie either (our overall point total, yards gained, red zone efficiency, 3rd down efficiency...all atrocious). Let me ask you this: if there was any other QB on any other NFL team whose offense had been as unproductive as Drew's over a similar course of 27 previous games, would this QB still be starting? Are TD and the Bledsoe Apologists protecting Drew only because of the name and the huge investment we have in him (aside from the obvious fact that he's a Bills QB and we are naturally reluctant to criticize any of our own?)
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