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Everything posted by Thriftygamer83

  1. No I didn’t, and am just ticked off. Kim laid off hospitality staff when tickets started going for discounts, along with room suites, and meal vouchers. I don’t support moving it at all nor laying off workers. Now, they hired a Reno consulting firm? On top of a franchise exit consultant earlier in the season; that’s just plain cold.
  2. Considering the Pegula’s hired a sports franchise exit consultant futures not looking good.
  3. We forced turnovers it’s on McClappy I’d leave him around some of the IRA mobsters in Boston.
  4. We need a real Coach and not these idiot morons that Kimmy brings in like little lost puppies. If you are fired by Reid and fired by Rivera than you suck. We found someone who does not belong in the NFL again.
  5. These are the process guys the intellectually inferior model McDermott brought in. And, stays loyal too I guess it’s asking to much to have someone like a Harbaugh’s chewing players out. But, wait he’s getting run over because the idiot is still running Rex’s defensive line pass drop backs. Yeah, any other coach with real aggressiveness would have them winning pacifist Sean is a pacifis.
  6. It’s time McDermott has to go and ownership is going to give Beane a long leash on who he interviews for the soon to be vacant head coaching job. Defense is up and down McClappy has given up for draft capital as he spineless little worm he is.
  7. At least Rex beat a Brady-less team at Gillette and McDermott is intellectually incapable of stopping the run and a declining Brady. Any other prominent Coach like Harbaugh’s would have won. I forgot with “process” intellectualism it’s moral victories.
  8. Harbaugh’s knows how to Coach both offensively and defensively and motivate his players. It showed in week one during the blowout. McDermott was never prepared to be a head coach.
  9. Gee who knew if we hadn’t of signed two steroid babies in Star or Murphy we might have used that room to find capable offensive linemen. If this is the evaluation that McDermott brings hard pass for next season on giving him any leeway with wanting any “proces” players.
  10. Never was prepared during the blowouts either, seeing this hurts. We have to much talent next year to risk embarrassment in drafting.
  11. And, another cop out by Kimmy to remain completely aloof and insensitive towards fans. Win now mode just meant they didn’t care about winning now. It meant that they were perfectly content until the bottom fell out. Honestly having worked in loss prevention analysis in retail and doing cold reads of internal fraud they cannot keep their franchises together to much longer with severally discounted tickets, merchandise, and concessions with vouchers and hospitality vouchers as well.
  12. Sean McDermott wants that draft capital so badly he’ll tank out. As Beane runs assessments and sabermetrics of Coaches that he could find that could tailor this team to its strengths.
  13. Sean McDermott is not a head coach or even a defensive coordinator at this point. We can say Lynn would probabaly be much more competitive with Allen. Or even Harbaugh’s as much as folks derided then but Sean is as scared as Jauron or Canned Chan Gailey at Gillette.
  14. Sean McDermott could not stop a run game he knew was coming. Let’s put it in perspective the man is weak, isn’t going to last long next season, and heaps on how his “process” works. I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Beane has to make that call as he did with Peterman. If he says he has absolute confidence in Sean it’s a kiss of death.
  15. Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukah (December 2nd-10th) to all! And, to all a good night!
  16. Anthony Lynn has a hall of famer with McDermott and Beane it is what it is. A full blown down to the studs rebuild. All of the draft capital means making it a staging area for the next era in Buffalo making an impact. As for Tyrod I can understand with concussion issues why Beane and McDermott got worried they didn’t want him going out on a note of CTE.
  17. Never forget Whaley and Nix told TJ Graham not to study the playbook, destroying his confidence in himself, and then when he is put in admitted he was basically not allowed to study or learn the offense as he would just be a backup until the next year. If we had drafted Wilson after Whaley “scouted” him Buffalo would have ruined him. Whaley will ruin the XFL considering how much of a hole with salary cap issues he left Buffalo with. Buddy Nix and Doug Whaley needed to go they were terribly ineffective at drafting and assessing talent. Without Linda Wilson; Buddy Nix was just riding coat tails. Nix and Whaley were full of ineffective evaluation and assessment of players. It pretty much defined their careers and put them into where they are now. Doug might look like a good executive on paper; but he’s horribly mismanaged salary cap options and hamstrung the Bills until next year. Nix might look like a good “advisor” but his shining light in the NFL was only because he rode the coat tails of Linda Brogdan (Wilson) before her death of cancer. Beane and McDermott are now righting the ship and have something that Whaley and Nix lacked the intellectualism of drafting; a franchise Quarterback.
  18. On my Google feed which is interestingly full of sports and gaming a funny thing came up. The Bills game Sunday versus *The New England (Cheatriots) Patriots* and *Billy (Mamecade) Mitchell*. It would be a fitting end in all of this, if when it is all played out, and the Feds with RICO charges in hand against Old Man Kraft and his Vegas connections came a calling.
  19. Anyone else happy we have Anderson building up Allen with Culley and Barkley? It’s a different team defensively and offensively with the enthusiasm which Allen brings. I still say this is where we play spoilers.
  20. Dude you are not really a Patriots fan. You just live in New Hanpshire and are scared to be a Bills fan. I live in Maine and lots of folks here are not just Pats fans. We got folks who remember when their were only two to root for Bills and Giants who have stayed loyal to their respective fan bases. Come on take the plunge BillsFanNH.
  21. Yup, Belicheat is such a great manager I love Cheatriots trolls you guys have no spine to even stand up. Where is Wynn again how did that work out for Brady’s protection? Why do New England fans register on here to troll us? If that’s a rise for their lives it sounds rather sad and pathetic. Just saying I don’t troll New England boards all day.
  22. Juan Castillo really thought his line was working when injuries happened last year along the front. Free agency will eat up what we have in cap spending even if we have massive amounts. You have enough draft capital to fill crucial and critical linemen roles. They have to start there along with finding blocking for Murphy and Ford.
  23. Wonder if it went down something like this? My brother-in-law refuses to talk football with me. So, ticked off they did not trade up for Josh Allen. I say this game goes for a New England loss; said it before and I’ll say it again. Bills 28 New England 0 Always love how New England fans troll on boards. It’s basically like defending cheating and not wanting to admit they are trolling.
  24. https://sports.yahoo.com/aussie-star-holmes-englands-wade-seek-rugby-nfl-214933889--nfl.html Can see this as a very good thing still do not know why the NFL shut down its developmental European league. Got some defensive ends, tackles, and linebackers in there as well.
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